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Undergraduate Admissions


The Bachelor of Public Health (BPH) program, currently the only undergraduate programme in the School, commenced in 2010 in response to the need for adequately trained mid-level technical and leadership capacity for the Ghanaian health sector. The BPH programme is designed to offer opportunities for these mid-level health professionals, originally with diplomas or certificates, to upgrade themselves. It also serves as opportunity for continuing professional development. The programme has been designed with the following specialisations (tracks):

  1. Disease Control
  2. Environmental Health
  3. Health Information
  4. Health Promotion
  5. Nutrition 


Entry Requirement

Admissions eligibility shall be as follows: 

Candidates with Diploma in health or related sciences who satisfy the requirements for admission shall enter at Level 200 (the second year of the 4-year bachelor’s degree programme. Candidates are admitted to Level 200. 

Entry Requirements: 
Candidates with Diplomas awarded by University of Ghana, Institutions recognised by or affiliated to the University of Ghana and Institutions under the Ministry of Health shall require an FGPA of 3.2 or better/equivalent and shall attend a selection interview. 
Diplomas awarded by institutions other than those indicated in the above may be considered eligible on recommendation by a special committee to be appointed by the Dean. The committee shall assess the candidate’s transcripts and the course content of the diploma to determine the suitability of his/her previous training and make recommendations accordingly, to the Dean.  Shortlisted candidates shall be required to sit an entrance examination and attend a selection interview.

3 years full-time for Level 200 entrants


The school holds the following short courses every year.

  1. Malaria Monitoring and Evaluation
  2. HIV/AIDS Monitoring and Evaluation
  3. Improving Public Health Intervention in Management
  4. Epidemiology and Health Systems Management for District Health Managers (For Sierra Leoneans)  



Click here to view the deadline for application.