Head of Department's Welcome Message
You are welcome to the Department of Health Policy, Planning and Management [HPPM], one of the six departments of the School of Public Health. The main objective of this department is to contribute to strengthening national capacities in Health Systems to improve on the management and leadership for Public health interventions, bearing in mind that the key to the success of healthcare delivery in national and International settings requires training related to health policy and systems. This could be achieved if the health manager is equipped with the concepts of health systems, and his ability to manage the available resources effectively and efficiently to improve health care delivery through better understanding and management of resources [human, financial, raw materials, technological and information], health care services and stewardship. So, the focus of the Department is on: Health Policy, Planning & Management.
The strategies adopted to achieve our objectives include: continuous quality improvement of module development and review, teaching and learning, health systems research, collaboration with local and international organizations, projects, consultancies and exploring new areas for research and capacity building.
As a student, aside from the core MPH courses that you will receive in the first semester, you are required to cover other courses in other departments in the first and second semesters to assist you in practising public health effectively in real life. These core courses will be explained to you in School of Public Health handbook. The MPH Programme also emphasizes Research work and dissertation of 12 credits.
We will draw on diverse but complementary competencies to compete effectively in the globalized world. We will strive to create a teaching and learning environment that fosters dedication, cooperation and reward for hard work, initiative and creativity. In all our activities, we will uphold the highest level of professional ethics, openness, fairness and honesty.