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Prof. Chris Guure

Associate Professor

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Education and Qualification



Harvard University (Fellowship)                      Jan, 2019 -  December 2019 

University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia              May, 2016 – October, 2018

University Putra Malaysia. Malaysia              Sep, 2011 – June, 2013 

University of Cape Coast, Ghana                    Sep, 2003 – May, 2007



Epidemiology and Biostatistics                             PhD   

Reliability Analysis (Major; Biostatistics)            MSc

Mathematics                                                            Bachelor

Data Management and Software Application    Cert

Working Experience

Senior Lecturer: University of Ghana                                                          01/2020 – Present 

Lecturer: University of Ghana (Ghana)                                                        02/2019 – 12/2019 

Assistant Lecturer: University of Ghana    (Ghana)                                      01/2014 – 01/2019 

Casual Academic Staff: University of Adelaide (Australia)                           06/2015 – 12/2015 

Research/Teaching Assistant: Putra University (Malaysia)                            09/2012 – 02/2013

Invited Guest Presenter/Panel discussant: Chan School of 

Public Health, Harvard  University                                                                 04/2019 

Invited Guest Lecturer: Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College     02/2019

Invited Guest Lecturer: African Centre of Excellence in Data Science 

University of Rwanda                                                                                       01/2019 


  1. Chris Guure, Samuel Dery, Seth Afagbedzi, Waimar Tun, Sharon Stucker Weir, Silas Quaye, Augustine Ankomah and Kwasi Torpey. National and subnational size estimation of female sex workers in Ghana 2020: Comparing 3-source capture-recapture with other approaches. PLoS ONE (Accepted)


  1. Adikwor Ewoenam Puplampu, Seth Afagbedzi, Samuel Dery, Dzifa Adimle Puplampu and Chris Guure, Determinants of higher-risk sexual behavior in some selected African countries. Scientifica (Accepted)


  1. Josephine Nti, Seth Afagbedzi, Frances Baaba da-Costa Vroom, Noor Akma Ibrahim and Chris Guure, (2021). Variations and Determinants of Anaemia among Reproductive Age Women in Five sub-Saharan African Countries. BioMed Research International. doi: 10.1155/2021/9957160


  1. Kaluba, L., Goma, F., Chris Guure, Munsaka, S., Mutale, W., Heimburger, D. C., ... & Koethe, J. R. (2021). Immune activation and arterial stiffness in lean adults with HIV on antiretroviral therapy. Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine, 22(1), 9.


  1. Sacks, E., Mehrtash, H., Bohren, M., Balde, M. D., Vogel, J. P., Adu-Bonsaffoh, K., Chris Guure….& Tunçalp, Ö. (2021). The first 2 h after birth: prevalence and factors associated with neonatal care practices from a multicountry, facility-based, observational study. The Lancet Global Health, 9(1), e72-e80. 


  1. Alotaibi, Refah Mohammed, Hoda Ragab Rezk and Chris Guure. (2020). Bayesian frailty modelling of correlated survival data with application to under-five mortality. BMC Public Health–


  1. Chris Guure, Stephen Owusu, Samuel Dery, Frances Baaba da-Costa Vroom and Seth Afagbedzi. (2020). Comprehensive Knowledge of HIV and AIDS among Ghanaian Adults from 1998-2014: A Multilevel Logistic Regression Model Approach – Scientifica - 


  1. Alotaibi, Refah Mohammed, and Chris Guure (2020). "Bayesian and Frequentist Analytical Approaches Using Log-Normal and Gamma Frailty Parametric Models for Breast Cancer Mortality." Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine. 


  1. Bohren, Meghan A Bohren, Hedieh Mehrtash, Bukola Fawole, Thae Maung Maung, Mamadou Dioulde Balde, Ernest Maya, Soe Soe Thwin, Adeniyi K Aderoba, Joshua P Vogel, Theresa Azonima Irinyenikan, A Olusoji Adeyanju, Nwe Oo Mon, Kwame Adu-Bonsaffoh, Sihem Landoulsi, Chris Guure, Richard Adanu, Boubacar Alpha Diallo, A Metin Gülmezoglu, Anne-Marie Soumah, Alpha Oumar Sall, Özge Tunçalp,  (2019). How women are treated during facility-based childbirth in four countries: a cross-sectional study with labour observations and community-based surveys. The Lancet, 394(10210), 1750-1763. 


  1. Kwaku Asah-Opoku, Donne Kofi Ameme, Alfred Yawson, Chris Guure, David Ernest Mireku Aduama, Kareem Mumuni, Ali Samba, Ernest Tei Maya: Adherence to the recommended timing of focused antenatal care in the Accra Metropolitan Area, Ghana. The Pan African Medical Journal. 2019; 33:123. doi:10.11604/pamj.2019.33.123.15535 


  1. Chris Guure, Ernest Tei Maya, Samuel Dery, Baaba da-Costa Vrom, Refah M. Alotaibi, Hoda Ragab Rezk and Alfred Yawson: Factors influencing unmet need for family planning among Ghanaian married/union women: a multinomial mixed effects logistic regression modelling approach. Archives of Public Health; 12/2019; 77(11): 


  1. Refah Mohammed Alotaibi, Hoda Ragab Rezk, Consul Iworikumo Juliana, and Chris Guure: Breast cancer mortality in Saudi Arabia: Modelling observed and unobserved factors. PLoS ONE 10/2018; 13(10). DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0206148 


  1. Philomina Akadity Aviisah, Samuel Dery, Benedicta Kafui Atsu, Alfred Yawson, Refah M. Alotaibi, Hoda Ragab Rezk, Chris Guure: Modern contraceptive use among women of reproductive age in Ghana: Analysis of the 2003-2014 Ghana Demographic and Health Surveys. BMC Women's Health 08/2018; 18(141):1-10., DOI:10.1186/s12905-018-0634-9 


  1. Ernest T. Maya, Chris Guure, Richard M.K. Adanu, Bismark Sarfo, Michael Ntumy, Evelyn Y. Bonney, Daria Lizneva, Walidah Walker, Ricardo Azziz: Why we need epidemiologic studies of polycystic ovary syndrome in Africa. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 08/2018; 143(2)., DOI:10.1002/ijgo.12642 


  1. Chris Guure, Noor Akma Ibrahim, Mohd Bakri Adam, Salmiah Md Said: Joint modelling of longitudinal 3MS scores and the risk of mortality among cognitively impaired individuals. PLoS ONE 08/2017; 12(8): e0182873., DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0182873 


  1. Benedicta K. Atsu, Chris Guure, Amos K. Laar: Determinants of overweight with concurrent stunting among Ghanaian children. BMC Pediatrics 07/2017; 17(1):177., DOI:10.1186/s12887-017-0928-3 


  1. Chris Guure, Noor A Ibrahim, Mohd B Adam, Salmiah Md Said: Impact of Physical Activity on Cognitive Decline, Dementia and Its Subtypes: MetaAnalysis of Prospective Studies. Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology 12/2016; 2017(9)., DOI:10.1155/2017/9016924 


  1. Emenyonu Sandra Chiaka, Mohd Bakri Adam, Isthrinayagy Krishnarajah, Shamarina Shohaimi, Chris Guure: Bayesian Logistic Regression Model on Risk Factors of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Mathematical Theory and Modeling. Vol.5, No.1, 2015 


  1. Christopher S Boatbil, Chris Guure, Azerikatoa D Ayoung: Impact of Belief Systems on the Management of Child Malnutrition: The Case of Talensis of Northern Ghana. DOI:10.5296/jfs.v3i1.60 


  1. Chris Guure, Samuel Bosomprah: Bayesian Perspective on Random Censored Survival Data. International Scholarly Research Notices 10/2014; Volume 2014(Article ID 430357)., DOI:10.1155/2014/430357 


  1. Chris Guure, Noor Akma Ibrahim: Approximate Bayesian Estimates of Weibull Parameters with Lindley's Method. Sains Malaysiana 09/2014; 43(9):1433-1437. 


  1. Chris Guure, Noor Akma Ibrahim, Samuel Bosomprah: Parametric inference of non-informative censored time-to-event data. ScienceAsia 06/2014; 40(3):257-262., DOI:10.2306/scienceasia1513-1874.2014.40.257 


  1. Chris Guure, Noor Akma, Mohd Bakri Adam, Al Omari, Mohammed Ahmed, Samuel Bosomprah: Bayesian Parameter and Reliability Estimate of Weibull Failure Time Distribution. The Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Society Series 2 06/2014; 37(3):611-632. 


  1. Chris Guure, Noor Akma Ibrahim, Duah Dwomoh, Samuel Bosomprah: Bayesian statistical inference of the loglogistic model with interval-censored lifetime data. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 01/2014; 85(8)., DOI:10.1080/00949655.2014.881813 


  1. Christopher Sormiteyema Boatbil, Chris Guure: Implication of cultural factors in spatial patterns of stunting among the three main Frafra groups in Upper East Region of Ghana. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition 01/2014; 3(2):37-43. 


  1. Chris Guure, Noor Akma Ibrahim: Generalized Bayesian non-informative prior estimation of Weibull parameter with interval censoring. ScienceAsia 11/2013; 39(1):75-79., DOI:10.2306/scienceasia1513-1874.2013.39S.075 


  1. Chris Guure, Samuel Bosomprah: Bayesian and Non-Bayesian Inference for Survival Data Using Generalised Exponential Distribution. Journal of Probability and Statistics 09/2013; 2013(2013):7., DOI:10.1155/2013/364705 


  1. Chris Guure, Noor Akma Ibrahim, Mohd Bakri Adam: Bayesian Inference of the Weibull Model Based on Interval-Censored Survival Data. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 01/2013; 2013(11):849520., DOI:10.1155/2013/849520 


  1. Chris Guure, Noor Akma: Bayesian Analysis of the Survival Function and Failure Rate of Weibull Distribution with Censored Data. Mathematical Problems in Engineering 10/2012; 18(33–36)., DOI:10.1155/2012/329489 


  1. Chris Guure, Noor Akma, A. M. Al Omari, Mohammed Ahmed: Bayesian Estimation of Two-Parameter Weibull Distribution Using Extension of Jeffreys' Prior Information with Three Loss Functions. Mathematical Problems in Engineering 06/2012; 13(2)., DOI:10.1155/2012/589640

Ongoing Projects

Title Role on the ProjectDuration of the Project Funder 
  1. Improving adherence to postpartum family planning guidance in Ghana: a hybrid type 2 implementation and effectiveness study
Co-Investigator/ Biostatistician/ Data Manager 12 MonthsWHO and UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA 
  1. A prospective cohort study investigating maternal, pregnancy and neonatal outcomes for women and neonates infected with SARS-CoV-2 in Ghana: Adaptation of World Health Organization Protocol
Co-Investigator/ Biostatistician/ Data Manager12 MonthsWHO 
  1. Research Training on Harnessing Data Science for Global Health Priorities in Africa
Co-Investigator64 MonthsNIH 
  1. Training of Epidemiologists in Disease Outbreaks and Epidemic Response in sub-Saharan Africa
Co-Investigator30 MonthsEDCTP 
  1. Assessing the impact of perinatal death of families in Ghana
Co-Principal Investigator/ Biostatistician14 MonthsUNICEF 
  1. Rapid Population Size Estimate and Drug Treatment Services among People Who Use Drugs (PWUDs) and People Who Inject Drugs (PWIDs) In Ghana
Co-Principal Investigator/ Biostatistician6 MonthsGLOBAL FUND/ WHO 
  1. Validation of implementation outcomes measures among postpartum family planning in Ghana
Co-Principal Investigator/ Biostatistician5 MonthsWHO 
  1. Baseline Assessment of Medical Oxygen Availability in Health Facilities in Ghana
Co-Principal Investigator/ Biostatistician3 MonthsWHO 
  1. Determining the epidemiology of Retinoblastoma in Ghana as a first step to developing a national cancer registry
Co-Investigator/ Biostatistician/ Data Manager24 MonthsNIH 

Completed Projects

TitleRole on the ProjectDuration of the Project Funder
  1. The Impact of Covid-19 on the Poor and Vulnerable in Ghana within the Context of HIV, TB and Malaria Services in Ghana
Co-Investigator/ Biostatistician/ Data Manager4 MonthsGLOBAL FUND/ WAPCAS
  1. Mapping and Size Estimation and Integrated Bio-Behavioural Surveillance Survey among Female Sex Workers in Ghana
Co-Investigator/ Biostatistician/ Data Manager12 MonthsGLOBAL FUND
  1. How Women are treated during Facility-Based Childbirth
Co-Investigator/ Biostatistician/ Data Manager:12 MonthsWHO
  1. Bridging Gaps, Innovate for Malaria (B4M) - community scorecard assessments - 2018
Principal Investigator3 MonthsAlliance for Reproductive Health Rights
  1. Bridging Gaps, Innovate for Malaria (B4M) - community scorecard assessments - 2019
Principal Investigator3 MonthsAlliance for Reproductive Health Rights
  1. Bridging Gaps, Innovate for Malaria (B4M) - community scorecard assessments - 2020
Principal Investigator3 MonthsAlliance for Reproductive Health Rights
  1. Bridging Gaps, Innovate for Malaria, a baseline study - 2017
Principal Investigator4 MonthsAlliance for Reproductive Health Rights
  1. Bridging Gaps, Innovate for Malaria, a baseline study - 2020
Principal Investigator4 MonthsAlliance for Reproductive Health Rights
  1. Bayesian frailty modelling of Correlated Survival Data with Application to Under-Five Mortality
Co- Investigator12 MonthsDeanship of Scientific Research at Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University