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Prof. Moses Aikins

Associate Professor

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Education and Qualification

Jan. 2016        Certificate Course in Doctoral Supervision, African Doctoral Academy, Stellenbosch University, South Africa.


Feb. 1996        Diploma of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (Public Health & Policy) (DLSHTM): London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, UK.


April 1995       PhD (Health Economics & Policy): London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, UK.


Sept. 1988      MA (Manpower Studies): London Management Centre, The Polytechnic of Central London, London, UK.


Sept. 1983      Graduate Diploma (Population Studies): Regional Institute for Population Studies (RIPS), University of Ghana, Legon. Ghana.


Sept. 1981      BSc (Hons) Psychology & Biochemistry: University of Ghana, Legon,    Ghana.

Working Experience

June 2007 to date           School of Public Health, College of Health Sciences, University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana.

Jan 2003 to May 2007  JSA Consultants Ltd., Accra, Ghana.

Sept. 2000- Dec. 2002     World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland.

Feb. 1997-Sept. 2000   JSA Consultants Ltd. 

April.1996-Jan. 1997       National Population Council, Accra.

Mar. 1990-Mar. 1995     Medical Research Council Laboratories, Banjul, The Gambia.

June 1984-Feb. 1990      Ministry of Finance & Economic Planning, Accra, Ghana. 


  1. Aikins, M.K; Pickering, H; Alonso, P.L; D'Alessandro, U; Lindsay, S.W; Todd, J & Greenwood, B.M. (1993). Perceptions of the causes of malaria and of its treatment and prevention in the study area. In A Malaria Control Trial using Insecticide-Treated Bed Nets and Targeted Chemoprophylaxis in a Rural Area of The Gambia, West Africa. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 87 (Suppl.2): 25-30. 


  1. Picard, J; Aikins, M; Alonso, P.L; Armstrong Schellenberg, J.R.M; Greenwood, B.M and Mills, A. (1993).  Cost effectiveness of bed net impregnation alone or combined with chemoprophylaxis in preventing mortality and morbidity from malaria in Gambian children. In A Malaria Control Trial using Insecticide-Treated Bed Nets and Targeted Chemoprophylaxis in a Rural Area of The Gambia, West Africa. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 87 ( Suppl.2): 53-57.


  1. Aikins, M.K; Pickering, H & Greenwood, B.M. (1994). Attitudes to malaria, traditional practices and bednets (mosquito nets) as vector control measures: a comparative study in five West Africa countries. Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 97: 81-86.


  1. D'Alessandro, U; Aikins, M.K; Langerock, P; Bennett, S & Greenwood, B.M (1994). Nationwide Survey of bednet use in rural Gambia. Bulletin of the World Health Organization. 72(3): 391-394.


  1. Mills, A; Fox-Rushby, J; Aikins, M; D'Alessandro, U; Cham, K & Greenwood, B.M (1994). Financing mechanism for village activities in The Gambia and their implications for financing insecticide for bednet impregnation. Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 97: 325-332.


  1. Muller, O; Quinones, M; Cham, K; Aikins, M & Greenwood, B (1994). Detecting permethrin on treated bed nets. The Lancet. 344, 1699-1700.


  1. D'Alessandro, U; Olaleye, B.O; McGuire, W; Langerock, P;  Bennett, S; Aikins, M.K; Thomson, M.C; Cham, M.K; Cham, B.A & Greenwood, B.M (1995). Mortality and morbidity from malaria in Gambian children after introduction of an impregnated bednet programme. The Lancet. 345, 479-483.


  1. Gyapong, J.O; Gyapong, M; Evans, D.B; Aikins, M. K; & Adjei, S (1996). The Economic Burden of Lymphatic Filariasis In Northern Ghana. Annals of Tropical Medicine & Parasitology. 90 (1): 39-48.


  1. Thomson, M; Connor, S; Bennett, S: D'Alessandro, U; Milligan, P; Aikins, M; Langerock, P; Jawara, M; & Greenwood, B.M (1996). Geographical perspectives on bednet use and malaria transmission in The Gambia, West Africa. Social Science and Medicine. 43 (1): 101-112.


  1. Cham, M.K; Olaleye, B; D'Alessandro, U; Aikins, M; Cham, B; Maine, N; Williams, L.A; Mills, A and Greenwood, B.M. (1997). The Impact of charging for insecticide on the Gambian National Impregnated Bednet Programme. Health Policy and Planning. 12(3): 240-247.


  1. Aikins M.K; Fox-Rushby, J; D'Alessandro, U; Langerock, P; Cham, K; New, L; Bennett, S; Greenwood, B & Mills, A (1998). The Gambian National Impregnated Bednet Programme: costs, consequences and net cost-effectiveness. Social Science and Medicine. 46 (2): 181-191.


  1. Edejer T. T, Aikins M, Black R, Wolfson L, Hutubessy, R & Evans D .B (2005) Cost Effectiveness analysis of strategies for Child Health in Developing Countries. British Medical Journal. 331; 1177 DOI:10.1136/bmj.38652.550278.7C. 


  1. Baltussen, R; Stolk, E; Chisholm, D and Aikins, M (2006). Towards a composite league table for priority setting: an application in Ghana. Health Economics.   DOI: 10.1002/hec.1092.


  1. Witter S, Kusi A and Aikins M (2007). Working practices and Incomes of health workers: Evidence from an evaluation of a delivery fee exemption scheme in Ghana.   Human Resources for Health. 5:2 DOI: 10.1186/1478-4491-5-2.


  1. Goldman AS, Guisinger VH, Aikins M, Lourdes M,  Amarillo E, Belizario VY, Garshong B, Gyapong J, Kabali C, Kamal HA, Sanjat Kanjilal S, Kyelem D, Lizardo J, Malecela M, Mubyazi G, Nitie`ma PA, Ramzy RMR, Streit TG, Wallace A, Brady MA, Rheingans R, Ottesen EA, Anne C. Haddix (2007). National Mass Drug Administration Costs for Lymphatic Filariasis Elimination. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases. (1): e67.


  1. Akazili, J; Aikins, M & Binka, FN (2007).  Malaria treatment in northern Ghana: What is the treatment cost per case to households? Afr. J. Health Sci. 14: 70-79.


  1. Jehu-Appiah C, Baltussen R, Acquah C, Aikins M, d’Almeida SA, Bosu WK, Koolman X, Lauer J, Osei D and Adjei S (2008). Balancing Equity and Efficiency in Health Priorities in Ghana: The Use of Multicriteria Decision Analysis.  Value in Health. 11 (7): 1081 – 1087.


  1. Akazili, J;  Adjuik, M; Chatio, S; Kanyomse, E; Hodgson, A; Aikins, M & Gyapong, J (2008). What Are The Technical And Allocative Efficiencies Of Public Health Centres In Ghana? Ghana Medical Journal. 42 (4): 149-55.


  1. McIntyre, D; Garshong, B; Mtei, G; Meheus, F; Thiede, M; Akazili, J; Ally, M; Aikins, M; Mulligan, J; and Goudge J (2008). "Beyond fragmentation and towards universal coverage: Insights from Ghana, South Africa and Tanzania". Bulletin of the World Health Organisation. 86: 871 - 876.


  1. Nonvignon J, Aikins MKS, Chinbuah MA, Abbey M, Gyapong M, Garshong BNA, Fia, S and Gyapong J (2010).  Treatment Choices for fevers in children under-five years in a rural Ghanaian district.  Malaria Journal. 9:188,


  1. Aikins M; Armah G; Akazili, J And Hodgson A (2010). Hospital Health Care Cost Of Diarrhoeal Disease In Northern Ghana. Journal of Infectious Diseases. 202 (S1): S126 – S130.


  1. Yevutsey SK and Aikins M (2010).  Financial viability of District Mutual Health Insurance Schemes of Lawra and Sissala East Districts, Upper East Region, Ghana.  Ghana Medical Journal. 44 (4): 130 – 137.


  1. Norman ID, Aikins M and Binka FN (2011). Ethics and Electronic Health Information Technology: Challenges for Evidence-Based Medicine and the Physician–Patient Relationship.  Ghana Medical Journal. 45 (3): 115-124.


  1. Mettle FO, Nortey ENN, Aikins M and Ennin, C (2011).  Catastrophic Spending on Education in Ghana: An Analysis of the Ghana Living Standards Survey (Fourth Round).Research Journal of Mathematics and Statistics. 3(4):123-129.


  1. Kudebong M, Wurapa F, Nonvignon J, Norman, I, Awoonor-Williams JK and Aikins M (2011). Economic Burden of Motorcycle Accidents in Northern Ghana.  Ghana Medical Journal. 45 (4): 135-142.


  1. Norman ID, Aikins M and Binka FN (2011). The Medico-Legal Prerequisite For Initiating Quarantine And Isolation Practices In Public Health Emergency Management In Hospitals In Ghana.  Ghana Medical Journal. 45 (4): 167-173.


  1. Akazili J, Garshong B, Aikins M, Gyapong J and McIntyre D (2012).  Progressivity of health care financing and incidence of service benefits in Ghana. Health Policy and Planning 27: i13 –  i22. doi:10.1093/heapol/czs004.


  1. Nonvignon J, Chinbuah MA, Gyapong M, Abbey M, Awini E, Gyapong JO and Aikins M (2012). Is home management of fevers a cost-effective way of reducing under-five mortality in Africa?: The case of a rural Ghanaian District. Tropical Medicine & International Health. doi:10.1111/j.1365-3156.2012.03018.x.


  1. Norman ID, Aikins M and Binka FN (2011). Violence, Harassment and Health in Tertiary Institutions of Ghana.  Ghana International Journal of Mental Health. 3 (1): 14 - 39.


  1. Norman ID, Aikins M, Binka F (2012). Earthquake hoax in Ghana: exploration of the Cry Wolf hypothesis. Journal of Public Health in Africa.  3: e14: 52 – 58.


  1. Norman ID, Aikins M and Binka FN (2012).   Hospital All-Risk Emergency Preparedness.  Ghana Medical Journal. 46 (1): 34 - 42. 


  1. Kyei-Nimakoh M, Arhin D and Aikins M (2012).  Socio-Economic Differentials in Health Care Seeking Behaviour And Out-Of-Pocket Expenditure For OPD Services in Madina Township.  Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare. 2 (4): ISSN 2224-3208 (Paper) ISSN 2225-093X (Online).


  1. Norman ID, Aikins M, Binka F (2012). Faith-Based Organizations: Sexual Harassment and Health in Accra-Tema Metropolis. Sexuality & Culture. DOI 10.1007/s12119-012-9141-6.


  1. Zelle SG, Nyarko KM, Bosu WK, Aikins M, Niëns LM, Lauer JA, Sepulveda CR, Hontelez JAC and Baltussen R (2012). Costs, effects and cost-effectiveness of breast cancer control in Ghana. Tropical Medicine & International Health. 17 (8): 1031 – 1043.


  1. Norman ID, Aikins M, Binka F, Banyubala, DN & Edwin, AK (2012). The Constitutional Mandate for Judge-Made-Law and Judicial Activism: A case study of the matter of Elizabeth Vaah v. Lister Hospital and Fertility Centre.  The Open Ethics Journal. 6: 1 – 7.


  1. Chinbuah MA, Kager PA, Abbey M, Gyapong M, Awini E, Nonvignon J, Adjuik M, Aikins M, Pagnoni F and Gyapong JO (2012).  Impact of community management of fever (using antimalarial with or without antibiotic) on mortality in children under five: A cluster randomized controlled trial in Southern Ghana. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 87 (Suppl 5): 11 – 20.


  1. Norman ID, Aikins M and Binka FN (2012). Traditional and contrapower sexual harassment in public universities and professional training institutes of Ghana.  International J. of Academic Research. 4 (2): 85-95.


  1. Teviu EAA, Aikins M, Abdulai TI, Sackey S, Boni P, Afari E, and Wurapa F (2012).   Improving Medical Records Filing In A Municipal Hospital In Ghana.  Ghana Medical Journal. 46 (3):  136 -141.


  1. Sodzi-Tettey S, Aikins M, Awoonor-Williams JK & Agyepong IA (2012). Challenges in Provider Payment under the Ghana National Health Insurance Scheme: A case study of claims management in two districts.  Ghana Medical Journal. 46 (4): 189 -199.


  1. Norman ID, Aikins MKS, Binka FN, Godi AN (2012). A review of Ghana’s 2009-2013 integrated strategic response plan for pandemic influenza: illustrative study of the perceived adequacy of preparedness for the pandemic influenza of sub-Sahara Africa. Emerg Med J. doi:10.1136/emermed-2012-201274


  1. Norman ID, Aikins M, Binka FN (2013). Earthquake resiliency of confined masonry construction in Accra-Tema, Ghana. Journal of Economics and Engineering.   4(1): 32-42.


  1. Aikins M, Laar A, Nonvignon J, Sackey S, Takaharu I, Woode G, Nang-Beifubah A & Nyonator F (2013). Evaluation of facilitative supervision visits in primary health care service delivery in Northern Ghana. BMC Health Services Research . 13:358 doi:10.1186/1472-6963-13-358.


  1. Nsiah-Boateng E & Aikins M (2013). Performance Assessment of Ga District Mutual Health Insurance Scheme, Greater Accra Region, Ghana. Value In Health Regional Issues. 2: 300 - 305.


  1. Dako-Gyeke P, Aikins M, Aryeetey R, Mccough L & Adongo PB (2013). The influence of socio-cultural interpretations of pregnancy threats on health-seeking behavior among pregnant women in urban Accra, Ghana. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 13:211 doi:10.1186/1471-2393-13-211.


  1. Norman ID Aikins M & Binka FN (2013). Sexual Harassment in Public Medical Schools in Ghana. Ghana Medical Journal. 47 (3): 128 -136.


  1. Mshelia C,Huss R, Mirzoev T, Elsey H,Baine SO, Aikins M, Kamuzora P, Bosch-Capblanch X, Raven J, Wyss K, Green A, Martineau T (2013).  Can action research strengthen district health management and improve health workforce performance? A research protocol. BMJ Open.  3: e003625. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2013-003625.


  1. Amoakoh HB & Aikins M (2013). Household cost of out-patient treatment of Buruli ulcer in Ghana: a case study of Obom in Ga South Municipality. BMC Health Services Research. 13:507


  1. Addo R, Nonvignon J & Aikins M (2013). Household cost of mental health care in Ghana.  J Ment. Health Policy Econ. 16: 151 – 159. 


  1. Nyawornota VK, Aryeetey R, Bosomprah S & Aikins M (2013). An Exploratory Study of Physical Activity and Overweight in Two Senior High Schools in the Accra Metropolis. Ghana Medical Journal. Vol. 47 (4): 197 – 203.


  1. Adongo PB, Phillips JF, Aikins M, Arhin DA, Schmitt M, Nwameme AU, Tabong PT & Binka FN (2014). Does the design and implementation of proven innovations for delivering basic primary health care services in rural communities fit the urban setting: the case of Ghana's Community-based Health Planning and Services (CHPS). Health Research Policy & Systems. 12:16 doi:10.1186/1478-4505-12-16.


  1. Bonenberger M, Aikins M, Akweongo P & Wyss K (2014). The effects of health worker motivation and job satisfaction on turnover intention in Ghana: a cross-sectional study.  Human Resources for Health


  1. Agyepong IA, Aryeetey GC, Nonvignon J, Asenso-Boadi F, Dzikunu H,  Antwi E,  Ankrah D,  Adjei-Acquah C, Esena R,  Aikins MArhinful DK (2014).        Advancing the application of systems thinking in health: provider payment and service supply behaviour and incentives in the Ghana National Health Insurance Scheme - a systems approach. Health Research Policy and Systems.  12(1):35. DOI: 10.1186/1478-4505-12-35.


  1. Aikins M, Aryeetey R, Dako-Gyeke, P & Adongo PB (2014). Socio-economic differences in cost of pregnancy-related health services in the peri-urban Accra, Ghana. Journal of Public Health. doi:10.1093.


  1. Lê, Gillian, Mirzoev T, Orgill M, Erasmus E, Lehmann U, Okeyo S, Goudge J, Maluka S, Benjamin Uzochukwu B, Aikins M, de Savigny D, Tomson G & Gilson L (2014).  A new methodology for assessing health policy and systems research and analysis capacity in African universities. Health Research Policy & Systems, 12: 59, doi:10.1186/1478-450512-59.


  1. Asare, KH & Aikins, M (2014). Health Facility Cost of Buruli Ulcer Wound Treatment in Ghana: A Case Study. Value in Health Regional Issues 4C, 14 – 18.


  1. Eliason S, Awoonor-Williams JK, Eliason C, Novignon J, Nonvignon J & Aikins M (2014)Determinants of modern family planning service use among women of reproductive age in the Nkwanta district of Ghana: a case-control study. Reproductive Health, 11:65


  1. Akazili J, Welaga P, Bawah A, Achana FS, Oduro A, Awoonor-Williams JK, Williams JE, Aikins M & Phillips JF (2014). Is Ghana’s pro-poor health insurance scheme really for the poor? Evidence from Northern Ghana. BMC Health Services Research, 14:637.


  1. Norman I, Awiah BM, Aikins, MK & Binka FN (2014). The review of Ghana’s legislative preparedness to critical national risks: Terrorism and money laundering. Issues in Business Management and Economics Vol.2 (11), pp. 201-209. Available online at


  1. Norman ID, London L, Aikins MS & Binka FN (2014). The delaying of Workmen’s Compensation in Ghana: Review article. Occup Med Health Aff., 2(155):1 - 8.


  1. Norman ID, Awiah BM, Aikins MK & Binka FN (2014). Ghana’s Legal Preparedness against the perceived threat of Narcotics trafficking and Terrorism: A case study for West Africa, Issues in Business Management and Economics. 2(11): 201 - 209. 
  2. Pallas SW, Nonvignon J, Aikins M & Ruger JP (2014).  Response to donor proliferation in Ghana’s health: A qualitative case study. Bulletin of the World Health Organization; 93:11–18 doi:


  1. Ibrahim A, Esena RK, Aikins M, O’Keefe AM & McKay MM (2015). Assessment of mental distress among prison inmates in Ghana’s correctional system: a cross-sectional study using the Kessler Psychological Distress Scale. International Journal of Mental Health Systems, 9:17. DOI 10.1186/s13033-015-0011-0.


  1. Tawiah PE, Adongo PB & Aikins M (2015)Mental health-related stigma and discrimination in Ghana: Experience of patients and their caregivers. Ghana Medical Journal. Vol. 49 (1): 30 – 36.


  1. Aryeetey RNO, Aikins M, Dako-Gyeke P & Adongo PB (2015). Pathways utilized for Antenatal health seeking among women in the Ga East district, Ghana. Ghana Medical Journal. Vol. 44 (1): 44 – 49.


  1. Agyepong IA, Anniah K, Aikins M, Akweongo P, Esena R,  & Mirzoev T (2015). Health policy, health systems research and analysis capacity assessment of the school of public health, University of Ghana. Ghana Medical Journal, 49 (43): 200 – 213.


  1. Norman ID, Awiah BM, Aikins MK &, Binka FN (2015). Review of Catastrophic Fires and Risk Communication, Ghana. Advances in Applied Sociology, 2015, 5, 167-177.


  1. Bonenberger M, Aikins M, Akweongo P, Bosch-Capblanch X, & Wyss K (2015). What Do District Health Managers in Ghana Use Their Working Time for? A Case Study of Three Districts. PLoS ONE 10(6): e0130633. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0130633.


  1. da-Costa Vroom FB, Aryeetey R, Boateng R, Anto F, Aikins M, Gyapong M & Gyapong J (2015).   Data reporting constraints for the lymphatic filariasis mass drug administration activities in two districts in Ghana: A qualitative study. DOI: 10.1177/2050312115594083.
  2. Quaye EA, Amporful EO, Akweongo P & Aikins MK (2015).  Analysis of the Financial Cost of Diabetes Mellitus in Four Cocoa Clinics of Ghana, Value in Health Regional Issues 7C, 49 – 53.


  1. Van-Ess SE, Nonvignon J, Dwomoh D, Calopietro M, van der Hoek W, Konradsen F, & Aikins M (2015). Is the mobile phone technology feasible for effective monitoring of defecation practices in Ghana? The case of a peri-urban district in Ghana. Int. Journal of Scientific & Technology Research. 4 (12) ISSN 2277-8616 374


  1. Mensah EO, Aikins MK, Gyapong M, Anto F, Bockarie MJ, Gyapong JO (2016). Extent of Integration of Priority Interventions into General Health Systems: A Case Study of Neglected Tropical Diseases Programme in the Western Region of Ghana. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 10(5): e0004725. doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0004725.


  1. Bonenberger M, Aikins M, Akweongo P & Wyss K (2016). Factors influencing the work efficiency of district health managers in low-resource settings: a qualitative study in Ghana. BMC Health Services Research, 16:12. DOI 10.1186/s12913-016-1271-3


  1. Aryeetey GC, Nonvignon J, Amissah C, Buckle G & Aikins M (2016). The effect of the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) on health service delivery in mission facilities in Ghana: a retrospective study. Globalization and Health 12:32. DOI 10.1186/s12992-016-0171-y.


  1. Nonvignon J, Aryeetey GC, Issah S, Ansah P, Malm KL, Ofosu W, Tagoe T, Agyemang SA & Aikins M (2016). Cost‑effectiveness of seasonal malaria chemoprevention in upper west region of Ghana Malar J.  15:367 DOI 10.1186/s12936-016-1418-z.


  1. Mensah EK, Karikari K, Aikins M, Vanotoo L, Sackey S, Ohuabunwo C, Wurapa F, Sifah TK & Afari E (2016). Secondary analysis of snake bite data in the Western Region of Ghana: 2006-2010. Ghana Med J. 50(2): 103-106 DOI:


  1. Nsiah-Boateng E, Aikins M, Asenso-Boadi F, Francis-Xavier Andoh-Adjei FX (2016). Value and Service Quality Assessment of the National Health Insurance Scheme in Ghana: Evidence from Ashiedu Keteke District.  Value In Health Regional Issues. 10C: 7 – 1 3.


  1. Nonvignon J, Aryeetey GC, Malm KL, Agyemang SA, Aubyn VNA, Peprah NY, Bart‑Plange CN & Aikins M (2016).  Economic burden of malaria on businesses in Ghana: a case for private sector investment in malaria control. Malar J. 15:454. DOI 10.1186/s12936-016-1506-0.


  1. Nortey ST, Aryeetey GC, Aikins M, Amendah D & Nonvignon, J (2017). Economic burden of family caregiving for elderly population in southern Ghana: the case of a peri-urban district. International Journal for Equity in Health, 16:16. DOI 10.1186/s12939-016-0511-9.


  1. Nsiah-Boateng E, Asenso-Boadi F, Dsane-Selby L, Andoh-Adjei FX, Otoo N, Akweongo P & Aikins M (2017). Reducing medical claims cost to Ghana’s National Health Insurance scheme: a cross-sectional comparative assessment of the paper- and electronic-based claims reviews. BMC Health Services Research. 17:115. DOI 10.1186/s12913-017-2054-1.


  1. Diallo N, Akweongo P, Maya E, Aikins M & Sarfo B (2017) Burden of malaria in mobile populations in the Greater Accra region, Ghana: a cross-sectional study. Malar J 16:109, DOI 10.1186/s12936-017-1751-x.


  1. Nketia-Kyere M, Aryeetey GC, Nonvignon J & Aikins M (2017). Exploring barriers to accessing physiotherapy services for stroke patients at Tema general hospital, Ghana. Archives of Physiotherapy 7:8, DOI 10.1186/s40945-017-0037-5.


  1. Fonta CL, Nonvignon J, Aikins M, Nwosu E & Aryeetey GC (2017). Predictors of self-reported health among the elderly in Ghana: a cross sectional study. BMC Geriatrics 17:171. DOI 10.1186/s12877-017-0560-y.


  1. Lamptey AA, Nsiah-Boateng E, Agyemang SA & Aikins M (2017). National health insurance accreditation pattern among private healthcare providers in Ghana. Archives of Public Health, 75:36 DOI 10.1186/s13690-017-0205-9


  1. Da Pilma Lekettey J, Dako-Gyeke P, Agyemang SA & Aikins M (2017). Alcohol consumption among pregnant women in James Town Community, Accra, Ghana. Reproductive Health, 14:120. DOI 10.1186/s12978-017-0384-4.


  1. Amon SK & Aikins MKS (2017). Economic burden of type 2 diabetes mellitus complications among patients in the eastern region of Ghana: A descriptive cross-sectional cost-of-illness study. Diabetes Management, 7(5), 367–376.


  1. Mikkelsen E, Hontelez, JAC, Nonvignon J, Amon S, Asante FA, Aikins MK, van de Hater J & Baltussen R (2017). The costs of HIV treatment and care in Ghana. AIDS, 31:2279–2286.


  1. Opoku-Boateng YN, Kretchy IA, Aryeetey GC, Dwomoh D, Decker S, Agyemang SA, Tozan Y, Aikins M &        Nonvignon J (2017). Economic cost and quality of life of family caregivers of schizophrenic patients attending psychiatric hospitals in Ghana. BMC Health Services Research, 17 (Suppl 2): 697 DOI 10.1186/s12913-017-2642-0.


  1. Yevutsey SK, Buabeng KO, Aikins M, Anto BP, Biritwum RB, Frimodt-Møller N & Gyansa-Lutterodt M (2017). Situational analysis of antibiotic use and resistance in Ghana: policy and regulation. BMC Public Health, 17:896. DOI 10.1186/s12889-017-4910-7.


  1. Nonvignon, J; Atherly, D; Pecenka, C; Aikins, M; Gazley, L; Groman, D; Narh, CT & Armah, G (2017). Cost-effectiveness of rotavirus vaccination in Ghana: Examining impacts from 2012 to 2031.


  1. Martineau T, Raven J, Aikins M, Alonso-Garbayo A, Baine S, Huss R, Maluka S & Wyss K. (2018). Strengthening health district management competencies in Ghana, Tanzania and Uganda: lessons from using action research to improve health workforce performance. BMJ Glob Health; 3:e000619. doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2017-000619


  1. Letsa T, Noora CL, Kuma GK, Asiedu E, Kye-Duodu, G, Afari E, Kuffour OA, Opare J, Nyarko KM, Ameme DK, Bachan EG, Issah K, Aseidu-Bekoe F, Aikins M and Kenu E (2018). Pneumococcal meningitis outbreak and associated factors in six districts of Brong Ahafo region, Ghana, 2016. BMC Public Health 18:781.


  1. Nsiah-Boateng E & Aikins M (2018). Trends and characteristics of enrolment in the National Health Insurance Scheme in Ghana: a quantitative analysis of longitudinal data. Global Health Research and Policy, 3:32,


  1. Assan, A; Takian, A; Aikins, M & Akbarisari, A (2018). Universal health coverage necessitates a system approach: an analysis of Community-based Health Planning and Services (CHPS) initiative in Ghana. Globalization and Health, 14:107,


  1. Kanmiki EW, Akazili J, Bawah AA, Phillips JF, Awoonor-Williams JK, Asuming PO, Oduro, AR & Aikins, M (2019). Cost of implementing a community-based primary health care strengthening program: The case of the Ghana Essential Health Interventions Program in northern Ghana. PLoS ONE 14(2): e0211956. pone.0211956


  1. Assan A, Takian A, Aikins M, & Akbarisari, A (2019). Challenges to achieving universal health coverage through community-based health planning and services delivery approach: a qualitative study in Ghana. BMJ Open, 9:e024845. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2018-024845.


  1. Fonta CL, Nonvignon J, Aikins M, Nonvignon J & Aryeetey GC (2019). Economic Analysis of Health Inequality among the Elderly in Ghana. Journal of Population Ageing


  1. Heerdegen ACS, Bonenberger M, Aikins M, Schandorf P, Akweongo P & Wyss K (2019). Health worker transfer processes within the public health sector in Ghana: a study of three districts in the Eastern Region. Human Resources for Health, 17:45. 


  1. Nsiah-Boateng E, Nonvignon J, Aryeetey GC, Salari P, Tediosi F, Akweongo P & Aikins M (2019). Sociodemographic determinants of health insurance enrolment and dropout in urban district of Ghana: a cross-sectional study. Health Economics Review (2019) 9:23 


  1. Salari P, Akweongo P, Aikins M & Tediosi F (2019). Determinants of health insurance enrolment in Ghana: evidence from three national household surveys. Health Policy and Planning, 2019, 1–13 doi: 10.1093/heapol/czz079. 


  1. Danquah EPB, Agyemang SA, Amon S & Aikins M (2019). Routine medical and dental examinations: a case study of adults in Tema community 20 in Ghana. International Journal of Health Promotion & Education 


  1. Lartey ST, de Graaff B, Magnussen CG, Boateng GO, Aikins M, Minicuci N, Kowal P, Si L & Palmer AJ (2019). Health service utilization and direct healthcare costs associated with obesity in older adult population in Ghana. Health Policy and Planning, 1–11. doi: 10.1093/heapol/czz147.


  1. Enweronu-Laryea CC, Nsiah-Boateng E, Andoh HD, Frimpong-Barfi A, Asenso-Boadi FM & Aikins M (2019). Evaluating services for perinatal asphyxia and low birth weight at two hospitals in Ghana: a micro-costing analysis. Ghana Med J; 53(4): 256-266 doi:


  1. Assan A, Aikins M & Takian A (2019). Suicide in Ghana: How Could the Community-Based Health Planning and Service (CHPS) Effectively Contribute to Its Prevention? Iran J Public Health; Vol. 48, No.11, pp.2097-2099


  1. Heerdegen ACS, Aikins M, Amon S, Agyemang S & Wyss K (2020). Managerial capacity among district health managers and its association with district performance: A comparative descriptive study of six districts in the Eastern Region of Ghana. PLoS ONE 15(1): e0227974.


  1. Blankson PK, Nonvignon J, Aryeetey G & Aikins M (2020). Injuries and their related household costs in a tertiary hospital in Ghana. African Journal of Emergency Medicine.


  1. Dako-Gyeke P, Asampong E, Afari E, Launois P, Ackumey M, Opoku-Mensah K, Dery S, Akweongo P, Nonvignon J & Aikins M (2020). Capacity building for implementation research: a methodology for advancing health research and practice. Health Research Policy and Systems, 18:53


  1. Heerdegen ACS, Gerold J, Amon S, Agyemang SA, Aikins M & Wyss K (2020). How Does District Health Management Emerge Within a Complex Health System? Insights for Capacity Strengthening in Ghana. Front. Public Health, 8:270 https://doi:10.3389/fpubh.2020.00270


  1. Dery SKK, Aikins M & Maya ET (2020). Longitudinal continuity of care during antenatal and delivery in the Volta Region of Ghana.  International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics, Vol 151(2),


  1. Amponsah SB, Osei E & Aikins M (2020). Process Evaluation of Maternal, Child Health and Nutrition Improvement Project (MCHNP) in the Eastern Region of Ghana-A Case Study of Selected Districts. BioMed Research International


  1. Atinga RA, Dery S, Katongole SP & Aikins M (2020). Capacity for optimal performance of healthcare supply chain functions: competency, structural and resource gaps in the Northern Region of Ghana. Journal of Health Organization and Management.


  1. Duah OK, Affi OP, Aryeetey GC, Aikins M & Sraku-Lartey K. (2020). Predictors of Patient Satisfaction with Ophthalmic Services: A Case Study at Sunyani Municipal Hospital, Ghana. Public Health Research, 10(3): 103-109. DOI: 10.5923/j.phr.20201003.03


  1. Kenu A, Kenu E, Bandoh DA & Aikins M (2021). Factors that promote and sustain the use of traditional, complementary and integrative medicine services at LEKMA hospital, Ghana, 2017: an observational study. BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies, 21:14,


  1. Akweongo P, Chatio ST, Owusu R, Salari P, Tedisio F & Aikins M (2021) How does it affect service delivery under the National Health Insurance Scheme in Ghana? Health providers and insurance managers perspective on submission and reimbursement of claims. PLoS ONE 16(3): e0247397.


  1. Frimpong-Mansoh RP, Samuel Amon S, Agyemang SA, Sackey S & Aikins M (2021). Direct cost and socio-demographic factors associated with alcohol consumption among Tema adult residents in Ghana: a quantitative study. Journal of Substance Use.


  1. Aikins M, Tabong PT-N, Salari P, Tediosi F, Asenso-Boadi FM & Akweongo P (2021). Positioning the National Health Insurance for financial sustainability and Universal Health Coverage in Ghana: A qualitative study among keystakeholders. PLoS ONE, 16(6): e0253109. 


  1. Akweongo P, Aikins M, Wyss K, Salari P & Tediosi F (2021). Insured clients out-of-pocket payments for health care under the national health insurance scheme in Ghana. BMC Health Services Research, 21:440, 



Books and Contribution to Books:


  1. Edejer T. T, Aikins M, Black R; Wolfson L; Hutubessy R and Evans DB (2009).  Economic Evaluation of Interventions for Children in the Developing World: The WHO-Choice Approach. (Chapter 13). Book Chapter in Economic Evaluation in Child Health (Ungar, W (Ed.)).


  1. Wellington E, Gyapong J, Twum-Barim S, Aikins M, and Britton J (2011).  Ghana. (Chapter 10, pp135 - 147). Book Chapter in Tobacco Control in Africa.  People, Politics and Policies  (Drope, J (Ed.)). Anthem Studies in Development and Globalization.

Ongoing Projects

Title Role on the ProjectDuration of the Project Funder
PERFORM2Scale - Strengthening management at district level to support the achievement of Universal Health Coverage (PERFORM2scale)PI2017 - 2021EU
GEMNET - Global Evaluation and Monitoring Network for HealthCo-PI2012 - dateMultiple funding sources 
Making NHIS responsive to citizensCo-PI2019 - 2021WHO – Alliance for Health Policy and Systems

Completed Projects

TitleRole on the ProjectDuration of the Project Funder
IN-DEPTH – Better Health Information for Better Health PolicyCo-PI2009 - 2014Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
PERFORM – Strengthening Decentralized Management to Improve Health Workforce Performance in sub-Saharan AfricaPI2011 - 2015EU
CHEPSAA - Consortium for Health Policy and Systems Analysis in AfricaCo-PI2011 - 2015EU

MASCOT- Multilateral Association for Studying health inequalities and enhancing north-south and south-south COoperaTion


Co-PI2011 - 2015EU
R4D – Health Systems Governance for an Inclusive and Sustainable Social Health Protection in Ghana & TanzaniaCo-PI2017 – 2020Swiss National Science Foundation