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Prof. Paulina Onvomaha Tindana

Associate Professor

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Teaching and Research interests

• Bioethics
• Global health
• International research ethics
• Health systems research ethics
• Community engagement in global health research
• Non-communicable Diseases
• Genomics and Biobanking


First Semester

  1. Bachelor of Public Health (BPH_Level 200): GSPH 213: Introduction to Public Health Ethics
  2. Bachelor of Public Health (BPH_Level 400): GSPH 415: Public Health Ethics
  3. MSc. Bioethics: BIOE 605: Community and Public Engagement in Public Health
  4. MSc. Public Health Monitoring and Evaluation: MOEV 605: Ethics in Monitoring and Evaluation (Regular and Weekend Programmes)
  5. PhD. Public Health (HPPM 705): Leadership in Public Health: Module on Public Health Ethics
  6. PhD. FASC 701: Research Ethics.

Second Semester

  1. Master of Public Health (MPH): HPPM 652: Health Legislation (Regular and Weekend Programmes)
  2. MSc. Health Informatics (MHI): MH1 614: Ethical and Legal Concerns in Health Informatics
  3. MSc. Bioethics: BIOE 614: Ethics in Genetics and Genomics Research in Africa
    • Member: University of Ghana College of Health Sciences Academic Board:2018-date 


Global Forum for Bioethics Research (GFBR) Paper Award 2020. ‘The award recognises an individual’s contribution to the field of research ethics. It aims to advance the individual’s career by disseminating their research and raising their profile within their institution, nationally and internationally’.

Education and Qualification

• Doctor of Philosophy (Public Health), 2013, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
• Master of Health Sciences (Bioethics), 2004, University of Toronto, Canada
• Bachelor of Arts (First Class Honours), 1999, University of Ghana

Working Experience

Membership of Boards/Committees

  • Member: University of Ghana College of Health Sciences Academic Board:2018-date
  • Member: Ghana Health Service Ethics Review Committee: 2019-date 
  • Member: Pathogen genomics Diversity Network, Africa (PDNA): 2014-date
  • Member: H3Africa Steering Committee: 2018-2022
  • Member: Board of Directors: International Association of Bioethics (IAB) 2015-2022
  • Member: UNESCO International Bioethics Committee (IBC) 2014-2022
  • Member: UK Nuffield Council on Bioethics Working Group on Research in Global Health Emergencies: 
  • ethical issues.  (2018-2020)   
  • Chair: H3Africa Community Engagement Working Group (CEWG) 2015-2018
  • Member: Navrongo Health Research Centre Institutional Review Board (IRB) 2004-2018
  • Member: Board of Directors, Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative (DNDi) 2005-2015


Book and Book Chapters

Mills, D., Kingori, P., Brandford, A.,Chatio, S.T., Robinson, N., & Tindana, P (2022). Who Counts? Ghanaian Academic Publishing and Global Science. Cape Town, African Minds.

Tindana P and Wasunna C: Chapter 17. Evaluating genetic and genomic research proposals in Africa. Research Ethics in Africa: A Resource for Research Ethics Committees 2014:125. SunPress

Peer-reviewed articles 

  1. Tindana P, Guissou R, Bolarinwa OA, Haan F, Tou F, Amaratunga C, Dhorda M, Dondorp AM., Mokuolu OA., Ouedraogo JB, Cheah PY.. Ethical considerations in deploying Triple Artemisinin-based Combination Therapies for malaria: an analysis of stakeholders’ perspectives in Burkina Faso and Nigeria. PONE-D-22-03780R2
  2. Samuel Tamti Chatio, Paulina Tindana, Patricia Akweongo & David Mills (2023): Publish and still perish? Learning to make the ‘right’ publishing choices in the Ghanaian academy, Higher Education Research & Development, DOI: 10.1080/07294360.2023.2246396 
  3. Olugbenga Ayodeji Mokuolu, Oladimeji Akeem Bolarinwa, Opadiran Oluwatumobi Racheal, Ameen Hafsat Abolore, Paulina Tindana, Freek de Haan, Mehul Dhorda, Phaik Yeong Cheah, Chanaki Amaratunga, and Arjen M. Dondorp
  4. Tindana P, Haan F, Amaratunga C, Boon W, Moors EH., Dhorda M, Dondorp AM., Cheah PY. Deploying Triple Artemisinin-Based Combination Therapies (TACTs) for Malaria treatment in Africa: Ethical and practical considerations. Malaria Journal 20, 119 (2021). 
  5. Tindana P, Haan F, Bolarinwa OA, Guissou R, Tou F, Amaratunga C, Boon W, Moors EH., Dhorda M, Dondorp AM., Mokuolu OA., Ouedraogo JB, Cheah PY.. Ethical, regulatory and market-related aspects of deploying triple artemisinin-based combination therapies for malaria treatment in Africa: A study protocol, Wellcome Open Research 2021 
  6. Kisiangani, SF Mohamed, C Kyobutungi, P Tindana, A Ghansah, ...Perspectives on returning individual and aggregate genomic research results to study participants and communities in Kenya: a qualitative study. BMC Medical Ethics, 2022, 23(1), 27
  7. Agongo G, Debpuur C, Amenga-Etego L …..Tindana P. Community engagement and feedback of results in the H3Africa AWI-Gen project: Experiences from the Navrongo Demographic and Health Surveillance site in Northern Ghana. AAS Open Res 2021, 4:15
  8. Matimba A, Ali S, Littler K, Madden E, Marshall P, McCurdy S, Nembaware V, Rodriguez, L, Seeley J, Tindana P, Yakubu A, deVries J. Guideline for feedback of individual genetic research findings for genomics research in Africa. BMJ Global Health 2022;7:e007184. 
  9. Pereira L, Mutesa L, Tindana P, Ramsay M. African genetic diversity and adaptation inform a precision medicine agenda. Nat Rev Genet. 2021 Jan 11. doi: 10.1038/s41576-020-00306-8. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33432191.
  10. Krubiner CB, Faden RR, Karron RA, Little MO, Lyerly AD, Abramson JS, Beigi RH, Cravioto AR, Durbin AP, Gellin BG, Gupta SB, Kaslow DC, Kochhar S, Luna F, Saenz C, Sheffield JS, Tindana PO; PREVENT Working Group. Vaccine. 2021 Jan 3;39(1):85-120. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2019.01.011. Epub 2019 May 3.
  11. de Haan F, Bolarinwa OA, Guissou R, Tou F, Tindana P, Boon WPC, et al. (2021) To what extent are the antimalarial markets in African countries ready for a transition to triple artemisinin-based combination therapies? PLoS ONE 16(8): e0256567.
  12. Tindana P, Ramsay M, Klipstein-Grobusch K, Amoakoh-Coleman. Advancing non-communicable diseases research in Ghana: key stakeholders’ recommendations from a symposium. Ghana Med J 2020; 54(2): 121-125 
  13. Tindana P, Cornelius Debpuur, Jantina de Vries, Janet Seeley, Michael Parker:  Consent in genomics and Biobanking: Taking feedback of findings seriously. Global Bioethics 2020
  14. Tindana PO, de Vries J and Kamuya D. Ethical challenges in community engagement practices in research during the COVID-19 pandemic in Africa. AAS Open Res 2020, 3:23 
  15. Wright, K., Parker, M., Bhattacharya, S. Blanchet, K.,Caney, S., Chan, E., Thome, B., Guerin, P., Hughes, J., Kingori, P., Larson, H., Moses, S., Sekalala, S., Sheather, J., Tindana P. In emergencies, health research must go beyond public engagement toward a true partnership with those affected. Nat Med (2020). 
  16. Mweemba O, Musuku J, Mayosi BM., Parker M, Rutakumwa R, Seeley J, Tindana P & De Vries J (2020). Policy makers, regulators and researchers’ perspectives on genomics research and the capacity of the National Health Research Act of 2013 to regulate genomics research in Zambia AAS Open Res 2020, 3:32 
  17. Tindana P., Yakubu, A., Staunton, C. et al. Engaging research ethics committees to develop an ethics and governance framework for best practices in genomic research and biobanking in Africa: the H3Africa model. BMC Med Ethics 20, 69 (2019). 
  18. Tindana P, Molyneux S, Bull S, Parker M. ‘It is an entrustment’: Broad consent for genomic research and biobanks in sub-Saharan Africa. Developing World Bioeth. 2019; 19: 9–17.
  19. Tindana P, Campbell M, Marshall P, Seeley J, Vincent R, Littler K, de Vries J, Kamuya D: Developing the science and methods of community engagement for genomics and biobanking in Africa.  Global Health, Epidemiology and Genomics2. doi:10.1017/gheg.2017.9
  20. Tindana P and de Vries J. Broad consent for Genomic Research: Perspectives from Low and Middle in Come Countries. Annu Rev Genomics Hum Genet. 2016 Feb 22
  21. Tindana P, de Vries J, Campbell M, Littler K, Seeley J, Marshall P, Troyer J, Ogundipe M, Alibu VP, Yakubu A et al: Community engagement strategies for genomic studies in Africa: a review of the literature. BMC Med Ethics 2015, 16(1):24.
  22. Tindana P, Molyneux CS, Bull S, Parker M: Ethical issues in the export, storage and reuse of human biological samples in biomedical research: perspectives of key stakeholders in Ghana and Kenya. BMC Med Ethics 2014, 15:76.
  23. Tindana P, Bull S, Amenga-Etego L, de Vries J, Aborigo R, Koram K, Kwiatkowski D, Parker M: Seeking consent to genetic and genomic research in a rural Ghanaian setting: a qualitative study of the MalariaGEN experience. BMC Med Ethics 2012, 13:15.
  24. Tindana PO, Rozmovits L, Boulanger RF, Bandewar SV, Aborigo RA, Hodgson AV, Kolopack P, Lavery JV: Aligning community engagement with traditional authority structures in global health research: a case study from northern Ghana. Am J Public Health 2011, 101(10):1857-1867.
  25. Tindana PO, Singh JA, Tracy CS, Upshur RE, Daar AS, Singer PA, Frohlich J, Lavery JV: Grand challenges in global health: community engagement in research in developing countries. PLoS Med 2007, 4(9):e273.
  26. Tindana P, Kass N, Akweongo P: The Informed consent process in a Rural African Setting: A Case Study of the Kassena-Nankana district of Northern Ghana. IRB: Ethics &Human Research 2006, 28(3).
  27. Krubiner, C.B.Faden, R.R.Karron, R.A., ...Sheffield, J.S.Krubiner, C.B.Faden, R.R.Karron, R.A., ...Sheffield, J.S.Tindana, P.O. Pregnant women & vaccines against emerging epidemic threats: Ethics guidance for preparedness, research, and response, Vaccine.2019.01.011.
  28. Yakubu A, Tindana P, Matimba A et al. Model framework for governance of genomic research and biobanking in Africa – a content description [version 2; peer review: 3 approved]. AAS Open Res 2018, 1:13 (
  29. Staunton C, Tindana P, Hendricks M, Moodley K. Rules of Engagement: stakeholder perspectives on community engagement for genomic and Biobanking in South Afric. BMC Medical Ethics 2018.19(1): 13.
  30. Stuart A. Ali, Cassandra Soo, Godfred Agongo, Marianne Alberts, Lucas Amenga-Etego, Romuald P. Boua, Ananyo Choudhury, Nigel J. Crowther, Cornelius Depuur, F. Xavier Gómez-Olivé, Issa Guiraud, Tilahun N. Haregu, Scott Hazelhurst, Kathleen Kahn, Christopher Khayeka-Wandabwa, Catherine Kyobutungi, Zané Lombard, Felistas Mashinya, Lisa Micklesfield, Shukri F. Mohamed, Freedom Mukomana, Seydou Nakanabo-Diallo, Hamtandi M. Natama, Nicholas Ngomi, Engelbert A. Nonterah, Shane A. Norris, Abraham R. Oduro, Athanase M. Somé, Hermann Sorgho, Paulina Tindana, Halidou Tinto, Stephen Tollman, Rhian Twine, Alisha Wade, Osman Sankoh & Michèle Ramsay. Genomic and environmental risk factors for cardiometabolic diseases in Africa: methods used for Phase 1 of the AWI-Gen population cross-sectional study. Global Health Action. 2018;11:1507133.
  31. de Vries J, Munung SN, Matimba A, McCurdy S, O. Ouwe Missi Oukem-Boyer O, Staunton C, Yakubu A, Tindana P. Regulation of genomic and biobanking research in Africa: a content analysis of ethics guidelines, policies and procedures from 22 African countries. BMC Med Ethics.2017; 18: 8
  32. de Vries J, Munung NS and Tindana P. Deliberation to promote shared sovereignty in health research: four questions to clarify goals, methods and scope. The American Journal of Bioethics, 16(10): 1–3, 2016
  33. Awoonor-Williams J, Tindana P, Dalingjong P, Nartey, H, Akazili J. Does the operations of the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) in Ghana align with Primary Health Care? Perspectives of key stakeholders in northern Ghana. BMC International Health and Human Rights (96) 2016
  34. Ramsay, M., N. Crowther, E. Tambo, G. Agongo, V. Baloyi, S. Dikotope, X. Gómez-Olivé, ...Pillay , Somande AM, P Tindana [… ] Sankoh, O. "H3Africa AWI-Gen Collaborative Centre: a resource to study the interplay between genomic and environmental risk factors for cardiometabolic diseases in four sub-Saharan African countries." Global Health, Epidemiology and Genomics 1 (2016).
  35. J. de Vries, K. Littler, A. Matimba, S. McCurdy, O. Ouwe Missi Oukem-Boyer, J. Seeley and P. Tindana (2016). Evolving perspectives on broad consent for genomics research and biobanking in Africa. Report of the Second H3Africa Ethics Consultation Meeting, 11 May 2015. Global Health, Epidemiology and Genomics, 1, e13 doi:10.1017/gheg.2016.5.
  36. de Vries J, Tindana P, Littler K, Ramsay M, Rotimi C, Abayomi A, Mulder N, Mayosi BM: The H3Africa policy framework: negotiating fairness in genomics. Trends Genet 2015, 31(3):117-119.
  37. de Vries J, Abayomi A, Littler K, Madden E, McCurdy S, Oukem-Boyer OOM, Seeley J, Staunton C, Tangwa G, Tindana P: Addressing ethical issues in H3Africa research–the views of research ethics committee members. Hugo J 2015, 1(9):1-4.
  38. Kamau E, Campino S, Amenga-Etego L, Drury E, Ishengoma D, Johnson K, Mumba D, Kekre M, Yavo W, Mead D....Tindana P, .... et al: K13-Propeller Polymorphisms in Plasmodium falciparum Parasites From Sub-Saharan Africa. J Infect Dis 2015, 211(8):1352-1355.
  39. Munung NS, Marshall P, Campbell M, Littler K, Masiye F, Ouwe-Missi-Oukem-Boyer O, Seeley J, Stein D, Tindana P and de Vries J.. Obtaining informed consent for genomics research in Africa: Analysis of H3Africa consent documents. J Med Ethics. 2015; 0:1-6.
  40. Ghansah A, Amenga-Etego L, Amambua-Ngwa A, Andagalu B, Apinjoh T, Bouyou-Akotet M, Cornelius V, Golassa L, Andrianaranjaka VH, Ishengoma D, ...Tindana P, al: Monitoring parasite diversity for malaria elimination in sub-Saharan Africa. Science 2014, 345(6202):1297-1298.
  41. Aborigo RA, Allotey P, Tindana P, Azongo D, Debpuur C: Cultural imperatives and the ethics of verbal autopsies in rural Ghana. Glob Health Action 2013, 6:18570.
  42. Lavery JV, Tindana PO, Scott TW, Harrington LC, Ramsey JM, Ytuarte-Nunez C, James AA: Towards a framework for community engagement in global health research. Trends Parasitol 2010, 26(6):279-283.
  43. Nyika A, Kilama W, Tangwa GB, Chilengi R, Tindana P: Capacity building of ethics review committees across Africa based on the results of a comprehensive needs assessment survey. Dev World Bioeth 2009, 9(3):149-156.
  44. Nyika A, Kilama W, Chilengi R, Tangwa G, Tindana P, Ndebele P, Ikingura J: Composition, training needs and independence of ethics review committees across Africa: are the gate-keepers rising to the emerging challenges? J Med Ethics 2009, 35(3):189-193.
  45. Upshur R, Lavery J, Tindana P: Taking Tissues seriously means taking communities seriously. BMC (Medical Ethics) 2007, 26:8-11.
  46. Kass NE, Hyder AA, Ajuwon A, Appiah-Poku J, Barsdorf N, Elsayed DE, Mokhachane M, Mupenda B, Ndebele P, Ndossi G...Tindana P,  et al: The structure and function of research ethics committees in Africa: a case study. PLoS Med 2007, 4(1):e3.
  47. Dickert N, DeRiemer K, Duffy PE, Garcia-Garcia L, Mutabingwa TK, Sina BJ, Tindana P, Lie R: Ancillary-care responsibilities in observational research: two cases, two issues. Lancet 2007, 369(9564):874-877.
  48. Sugarman J, Abayage P, Aborigo R, ................, Tindana P, al. E: Ethical oversight of multinational collborative research: lessons from Africa for building capacity and for policy. Research Ethics Review 2007, 3(3):84-86.

  49. Rutakumwa, Vries, J.Parker, M.Tindana, P., Mweemba, O.Seeley, J. (2019) What constitutes good ethical practice in genomic research in Africa? Perspectives of participants in a genomic research study in Uganda, Global Bioethics, DOI: 10.1080/11287462.2019.1592867 
  50. Mweemba, O.Musuku, J.Mayosi, B.M., ...Tindana, P.De Vries, J. (2019) Use of broad consent and related procedures in genomics research: Perspectives from research participants in the Genetics of Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHDGen) study in a University Teaching Hospital in Zambia, Global Bioethics, DOI: 10.1080/11287462.2019.1592868 

Conference proceedings

  1. Amaratunga, Chanaki; Dhorda, Mehul; Van Der Pluijm, Rob; Tarning, Joel; Aguas, Ricardo; Boni, Maciej F.; Cheah, Phaik Yeong; Tindana, Paulina; De Haan, Freek; Boon, Wouter; Moors, Ellen H.; Plewes, Katherine; Tripura, Rupam; Day, Nick P.; White, Nick J.; Dondorp, Arjen M. Triple artemisinin combination therapies: A new paradigm for the treatment of malaria? (2019) American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, volume 101, issue 5, pp. 583

  2. Bugase E, Tindana P. Influence of trust on the acceptance of Malaria Vaccine in the Kassena-Nankana districts of Ghana. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 105 (5), 372-37

Ongoing Projects


• INV-023065: Genomic Epidemiology for Malaria Elimination, Policy Engagement Project (PDNA-GEME) 2022 – 2024 (3 years) Role: Principal Investigator 

• NIH U54 Grant: 1U54HG010275-01 (MPIs: Ghansah and Tindana): Community Engagement in Biobanking and Genomics (CEBioGen) 2018 – 2023 (5 years) Role: Principal Investigator
• H3Africa: AAS/AESA (PI: Ngwa): Genetic interactions between human populations and malaria parasites in different environmental settings across Africa. 2018-2022 (4 Years): Role: Co-investigator and Ethics and Community Engagement Lead
• NIH U54 Grant: 2U54HG006938 (PI: Ramsay): Project Title: Genomic and environmental risk factors for cardiometabolic disease in Africans (AWI-Gen 2) 2017-2023 (5 Years) Role: Community Engagement Lead