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Prof. Richmond Aryeetey


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Richmond Nii Okai Aryeetey is a Professor of Public Health Nutrition at the University of Ghana School of Public Health, in the Department of Population, Family and Reproductive Health. He also the Head of Depatment of Population Family and Reproductive Health. His Secondary education was at Accra Academy. He graduated from the University of Ghana with a Bachelor’s Degree in Nutrition and Food Science in 1999, followed by a Master of Public Health Degree in 2003 (University of Ghana). Subsequently, in 2007, he graduated with a PhD in Human Nutritional Sciences from the Iowa State University of Science and Technology, Ames, Iowa, USA. He is a fellow of the African Nutrition Leadership Program, the Yale University Global Health Leadership Institute, and the Brown University International Advanced Research Institute. Professor Aryeetey is currently a Visiting Professor at University of Sheffield’s Centre for Health and Related Research. In 2022, he was elected as a fellow of the Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences.  

He joined the School of Public Health as a Lecturer in 2007. Between 2010 and 2013, he served as Head of the Department of Biostatistics. He currently heads the Department of Population, Family, and Reproductive Health. Prior to joining the University of Ghana, he has worked as a Research Assistant with the WHO Multicentre Growth Reference study at the university of Ghana between 1999 and 2001. Also between 2002 and 2003, he was a Researcher Officer with the Dangbe West District Health Directorate. And during his PhD training, he was appointed a Research Assistant in the Department of Food Science and Nutrition at Iowa State University between 2003 and 2007. 

Education and Qualification

Ph.D (Human Nutritional Sciences), Food Science and Human Nutrition Department, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa. (2003-2007)

Master of Public Health (MPH), School of Public health, University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana. (2001-2002)

B.Sc (Nutrition and Food Science), Nutrition and Food Science Department, University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana. (1994-1999)

Working Experience

Associate Professor, Population, family and Reproductive Health Department, University of Ghana School of Public Health(Feb 2017- Present)

Senior Lecturer, Population, family and Reproductive Health Department, University of Ghana School of Public Health(April 2012-Jan-2017)

Project Manager, University of Ghana/Research Project (Title: Building capacity for sustainable livelihoods and health through public-private linkages in agriculture and health systems Project, University of Ghana)(Jan. 2014-Dec. 2014)

Head of Department, Department of Biostatistics, University of Ghana School of Public Health (Nov 2010-July 2013)

Lecturer, Population, Family and Reproductive Health Department, University of Ghana, Legon (Oct. 2007- Mar 2012)

Graduate Research Assistant, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa(Aug. 2003 - Aug. 2007)

Research Officer, Ghana Health Service, Dodowa, Ghana(Nov. 2002 - Jul. 2003)


  1. Waarts, Y.R., Janssen, V., Aryeetey, R. et al. Multiple pathways towards achieving a living income for different types of smallholder tree-crop commodity farmers. Food Sec. (2021).
  2. Nisbett N, Friel S, Aryeetey R, Gomes FDS, Harris J, Backholer K, Baker P, Blue Bird Jernigan V, Phulkerd S. Equity and expertise in the UN Food Systems Summit. BMJ Glob Health. 2021 Jul;6(7):e006569. doi: 10.1136/bmjgh-2021-006569. 
  3. Laar A, Kelly B, Holdsworth M, Quarpong W, Aryeetey R, Amevinya GS, Tandoh A, Agyemang C, Zotor F, Laar ME, Mensah K, Laryea D, Asiki G, Pradeilles R, Sellen D, L'Abbe MR, Vandevijvere S. Providing Measurement, Evaluation, Accountability, and Leadership Support (MEALS) for Non-communicable Diseases Prevention in Ghana: Project Implementation Protocol. Front Nutr. 2021 Aug 18;8:644320. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2021.644320.
  4.  Aryeetey, R., Atuobi-Yeboah, A., Billings, L. et al. Stories of Change in Nutrition in Ghana: a focus on stunting and anemia among children under-five years (2009 – 2018). Food Sec. (2021).
  5. Randall, A. K., Leon, G., Basili, E., Martos, T., Boiger, M., Baldi, M., Hocker, L., Kline, K., Masturzi, A., Aryeetey, R., Bar-Kalifa, E., Boon, S. D., Botella, L., Burke, T., Carnelley, K., Carr, A., Dash, A., Fitriana, M., Gaines, S. O., … Chiarolanza, C. (2021). Coping with global uncertainty: Perceptions of COVID-19 psychological distress, relationship quality, and dyadic coping for romantic partners across 27 countries. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. 
  6. Akparibo R, Aryeetey RNO, Asamane EA, Osei-Kwasi HA, Ioannou E, Infield Solar G, Cormie V, Pereko KK, Amagloh FK, Caton SJ, Cecil JE. Food Security in Ghanaian Urban Cities: A Scoping Review of the Literature. Nutrients. 2021; 13(10):3615.
  7. Pradeilles R, Irache A, Wanjohi MN, Holdsworth M, Laar A, Zotor F, Tandoh A, Klomegah S, Graham F, Muthuri SK, Kimani-Murage EW, Coleman N, Green MA, Osei-Kwasi HA, Bohr M, Rousham EK, Asiki G, Akparibo R, Mensah K, Aryeetey R, Bricas N, Griffiths P. Urban physical food environments drive dietary behaviours in Ghana and Kenya: A photovoice study. Health Place. 2021 Sep;71:102647. doi: 10.1016/j.healthplace.2021.102647.
  8. Odei Obeng-Amoako GA, Karamagi CAS, Nangendo J, Okiring J, Kiirya Y, Aryeetey R, Mupere E, Myatt M, Briend A, Kalyango JN, Wamani H. Factors associated with concurrent wasting and stunting among children 6-59 months in Karamoja, Uganda. Matern Child Nutr. 2021 Jan;17(1):e13074. doi: 10.1111/mcn.13074.
  9. Osei-Kwasi HA, Laar A, Zotor F, Pradeilles R, Aryeetey R, Green M, Griffiths P, Akparibo R, Wanjohi MN, Rousham E, Barnes A, Booth A, Mensah K, Asiki G, Kimani-Murage E, Bricas N, Holdsworth M. The African urban food environment framework for creating healthy nutrition policy and interventions in urban Africa. PLoS One. 2021 Apr 22;16(4):e0249621. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0249621. 
  10. Aryeetey R, Covic N. A Review of Leadership and Capacity Gaps in Nutrition-Sensitive Agricultural Policies and Strategies for Selected Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. Food Nutr Bull. 2020 Sep;41(3):380-396. doi: 10.1177/0379572120949305. 
  11. Odei Obeng-Amoako GA, Myatt M, Conkle J, Muwaga BK, Aryeetey R, Okwi AL, Okullo I, Mupere E, Wamani H, Briend A, Karamagi CAS, Kalyango JN. Concurrently wasted and stunted children 6-59 months in Karamoja, Uganda: prevalence and case detection. Matern Child Nutr. 2020 Oct;16(4):e13000. doi: 10.1111/mcn.13000. 
  12. Harding K, Aryeetey R, Carroll G, Lasisi O, Pérez-Escamilla R, Young M. Breastfeed4Ghana: Design and evaluation of an innovative social media campaign. Matern Child Nutr. 2020 Apr;16(2):e12909. doi: 10.1111/mcn.12909. 
  13. Ogum-Alangea D, Aryeetey R, Heewon L. Gray, Amos K. Laar, Richard M.K. Adanu. Basic school pupils' food purchases during mid-morning break in urban Ghanaian schools. PLoS ONE 15(9): e0238308.
  14. Aryeetey R, Kassandra Harding, Amber Hromi-Fiedler, and Rafael Pérez-Escamilla. Analysis of stakeholder networks for breastfeeding policies and programs in Ghana. International Breastfeeding Journal 2020; 15:74. 0.1186/s13006-020-00311-x
  15. Rousham EK, Pradeilles R, Akparibo R, Aryeetey R, Bash K, Booth A, Muthuri SK, Osei-Kwasi H, Marr CM, Norris T, Holdsworth M. Dietary behaviours in the context of nutrition transition: a systematic review and meta-analyses in two African countries. Public Health Nutr. 2020 Aug;23(11):1948-1964. doi: 10.1017/S1368980019004014. 
  16. Harriet Affran Bonful; Adolphina A. Addo-Lartey; Justice Moses K. Aheto; Bismark Sarfo; Aryeetey R. Limiting spread of COVID-19 in Ghana: Compliance audit of selected transportation stations in the Greater Accra region of Ghana. PLoS ONE 2020; 15(9):1-13.   10.1371/journal.pone.0238971. 
  17. Aryeetey R, Lasisi O, Hromi-Fiedler A, Carroll G, Pérez-Escamilla R, Harding K. Design and Testing of Communication Materials for a Breastfeeding Social Media Marketing Campaign: Breastfeed4Ghana. Digital Health 6:1-12. 10.1177/2055207620909291
  18. Christian AK, Wilson ML, Aryeetey RNO, Jones AD. Livestock ownership, household food security and childhood anaemia in rural Ghana. PLoS One. 2019;14(7):e0219310. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0219310. eCollection 2019
  19. Harding K, Aryeetey R, Carroll G, Lasisi O, Pérez-Escamilla R, Young M. Breastfeed4Ghana: Design and Evaluation of an Innovative Social Media Campaign. Matern Child Nutr. 2019; e12909Doi: 10.1111/mcn.12909
  20. Harding K, Pérez-Escamilla R, Carroll G, Aryeetey R, Lasisi O. Four Dissemination Pathways for a social media–Based Breastfeeding Campaign: Evaluation of the Impact on Key Performance Indicators. JMIR Nursing 2019;2(1): e14589. DOI: 10.2196/14589
  21. Motani P, Van de Walle A, Aryeetey R, Verstraeten R. Lessons learned from Evidence-Informed Decision-Making in Nutrition & Health (EVIDENT) in Africa: a project evaluation.  Health Res Policy Syst. 2019; 17(1):12. doi: 10.1186/s12961-019-0413-6.
  22. Carroll G, Atuobi-Yeboah A, Hromi-Fiedler A, Aryeetey R, Safon C, Pérez-Escamilla R. Factors influencing the implementation of the Becoming Breastfeeding Friendly initiative in Ghana. Matern Child Nutr. 2019; 15(3): e12787. doi: 10.1111/mcn.12787.
  23. Abu BAZ, Oldewage-Theron W, Aryeetey RNO. Risks of excess iodine intake in Ghana: current situation, challenges, and lessons for the future. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2019; 1446 (1): 117-138. doi: 10.1111/nyas.13988.
  24. Nyawornota VK, Luguterah A, Sofo S, Aryeetey R, Badasu M, Nartey J, Assasie E, Donkor SK, Dougblor V, Williams H, Ocansey R. Results from Ghana's 2018 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth. J Phys Act Health. 2018;15(S2): S366-S367. doi: 10.1123/jpah.2018-0459
  25. Marquis GS, Colecraft EK, Kanlisi R, Aidam BA, Atuobi-Yeboah A, Pinto C, Aryeetey R. An agriculture-nutrition intervention improved children's diet and growth in a randomized trial in Ghana. Matern Child Nutr. 2018;14 Suppl 3: e12677. doi: 10.1111/mcn.12677.
  26. Clark S, Paul M, Aryeetey R, Marquis G. An assets-based approach to promoting girls' financial literacy, savings, and education. J Adolesc.; 68:94-104. doi: 10.1016/j.adolescence.2018.07.010. Epub 2018 Jul 30.
  27. Alangea DO, Aryeetey R, Gray HL, Adanu RMK. Dietary patterns and associated risk factors among school age children in urban Ghana. BMC Nutrition 2018; 4:22. DOI: 10.1186/s40795-018-0230-2
  28. Sackey J, Zhang FF, Rogers B, Aryeetey R, Wanke C. Food security and dietary diversity are associated with health-related quality of life after 6 months of follow up among people living with HIV in Accra, Ghana. AIDS Care. 2018; 30(12):1567-1571. doi: 10.1080/09540121.2018.1500011. Epub 2018 Jul 18.
  29. Aryeetey R, Hromi-Fiedler A, Adu-Afarwuah S, Amoaful E, Ampah G, Gatiba M, Kwakye A, Otoo G, Plange-Rhule G, Sagoe-Moses I, Selenje L, Pérez-Escamilla R; Ghana Becoming Breastfeeding Friendly Committee. Pilot testing of the Becoming Breastfeeding Friendly toolbox in Ghana. Int Breastfeed J. 2018 Jul 11; 13:30. doi: 10.1186/s13006-018-0172-y. eCollection 2018.
  30. Sorokowska A, Groyecka A, Karwowski M, Frackowiak T, Lansford JE, Ahmadi K, Alghraibeh AM, Aryeetey R, Bertoni A, Bettache K, Blumen S, Blazejewska M, Bortolini T, Butovskaya M, Cantarero K, Castro FN, Cetinkaya H, Chang L, Chen BB, Cunha D, David D, David OA, Dileym FA, Domínguez Espinosa ADC, Donato S, Dronova D, Dural S, Fialová J, Fisher M, Gulbetekin E, Hamamcioglu Akkaya A, Hilpert P, Hromatko I, Iafrate R, Iesyp M, James B, Jaranovic J, Jiang F, Kimamo CO, Kjelvik G, Koç F, Laar A, Lopes FA, Macbeth G, Marcano NM, Martinez R, Mesko N, Molodovskaya N, Moradi Qezeli K, Motahari Z, Mühlhauser A, Natividade JC, Ntayi J, Oberzaucher E, Ojedokun O, Omar-Fauzee MSB, Onyishi IE, Paluszak A, Pierce JD Jr, Pillay U, Portugal A, Razumiejczyk E, Realo A, Relvas AP, Rivas M, Rizwan M, Salkicevic S, Sarmány-Schuller I, Schmehl S, Senyk O, Sinding C, Sorbring E, Stamkou E, Stoyanova S, Šukolová D, Sutresna N, Tadinac M, Tapanya S, Teras A, Tinoco Ponciano EL, Tripathi R, Tripathi N, Tripathi M, Uhryn O, Yamamoto ME, Yoo G, Sorokowski P. Global Study of Social Odor Awareness. Chem Senses. 2018; 43(7):503-513. doi: 10.1093/chemse/bjy038.
  31. Aryeetey R, Dykes F. Global implications of the new WHO and UNICEF implementation guidance on the revised Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative. Matern Child Nutr. 2018 ;14(3):e12637. doi: 10.1111/mcn.12637.
  32. Coomson JB, Aryeetey R. Perception and Practice of Breastfeeding in Public in an Urban Community in Accra, Ghana. Int Breastfeed J. 2018; 13:18. doi: 10.1186/s13006-018-0161-1. eCollection 2018.
  33. Nykänen EA, Dunning HE, Aryeetey RNO, Robertson A, Parlesak A. Nutritionally Optimized, Culturally Acceptable, Cost-Minimized Diets for Low Income Ghanaian Families Using Linear Programming. Nutrients. 2018;10(4).pii: E461. doi: 10.3390/nu10040461.
  34. Lartey A, Marquis GS, Aryeetey R, Nti H. Lipid profile and dyslipidemia among school-age children in urban Ghana. BMC Public Health. 2018; 18(1):320. doi: 10.1186/s12889-018-5196-0.
  35. Ahun MN, Aboud FE, Aryeetey R, Colecraft E, Marquis GS. Child development in rural Ghana: Associations between cognitive/language milestones and indicators of nutrition and stimulation of children under two years of age. Can J Public Health. 2018; 108(5-6):e578-e585. doi: 10.17269/cjph.108.5875.
  36. Sackey J, Zhang FF, Rogers B, Aryeetey R, Wanke C. Implementation of a nutrition assessment, counseling and support program and its association with body mass index among people living with HIV in Accra, Ghana. AIDS Care. 2018;30(5):586-590. doi: 10.1080/09540121.2017.1420137. Epub 2017 Dec 28.
  37. Glover-Amengor M, Aryeetey R, Owusu WB, Nyarko AK. Moringa Oleifera Leaf Consumption on the Vitamin A and Haematological Status of School Children in Ada-East District, Ghana. Int. J. Food, Nutrition and Public Health 2017; 9:(1) 13-25. 
  38. Aryeetey R, Lartey A, Marquis GS, Nti H, Colecraft E, Brown P. Prevalence and predictors of overweight and obesity among school-aged children in urban Ghana. BMC Obes. 2017 Dec 4;4:38. doi: 10.1186/s40608-017-0174-0. eCollection 2017.
  39. Laar AK, Aryeetey RNO, Mpereh M, Zotor FB. Improving nutrition-sensitivity of social protection programmes in Ghana. Proc Nutr Soc. 2017;76(4):516-523. doi: 10.1017/S0029665117001136. Epub 2017 Sep 25.
  40. Aryeetey R, Holdsworth M, Taljaard C, Hounkpatin WA, Colecraft E, Lachat C, Nago E, Hailu T, Kolsteren P, Verstraeten R. Evidence-informed decision making for nutrition: African experiences and way forward. Proc Nutr Soc. 2017; 76(4):589-596. doi: 10.1017/S0029665117001082. Epub 2017 Aug 14. Review.
  41. Sorokowski P, Randall AK, Groyecka A, Frackowiak T, Cantarero K, Hilpert P, Ahmadi K, Alghraibeh AM, Aryeetey R, Bertoni A, Bettache K, Błażejewska M, Bodenmann G, Bortolini TS, Bosc C, Butovskaya M, Castro FN, Cetinkaya H, Cunha D, David D, David OA, Espinosa ACD, Donato S, Dronova D, Dural S, Fisher M, Akkaya AH, Hamamura T, Hansen K, Hattori WT, Hromatko I, Gulbetekin E, Iafrate R, James B, Jiang F, Kimamo CO, Koç F, Krasnodębska A, Laar A, Lopes FA, Martinez R, Mesko N, Molodovskaya N, Qezeli KM, Motahari Z, Natividade JC, Ntayi J, Ojedokun O, Omar-Fauzee MSB, Onyishi IE, Özener B, Paluszak A, Portugal A, Realo A, Relvas AP, Rizwan M, Sabiniewicz AL, Salkičević S, Sarmány-Schuller I, Stamkou E, Stoyanova S, Šukolová D, Sutresna N, Tadinac M, Teras A, Ponciano ELT, Tripathi R, Tripathi N, Tripathi M, Yamamoto ME, Yoo G, Sorokowska A. Marital Satisfaction, Sex, Age, Marriage Duration, Religion, Number of Children, Economic Status, Education, and Collectivistic Values: Data from 33 Countries. Front Psychol. 2017; 8:1199. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01199. eCollection 2017.
  42. Laar AK, AryeeteyRNO, Annan R, Aryee PA, Amagloh FK, Akparibo R, Laar ME, Amuna P, Zotor FB. Contribution of scaling up nutrition Academic Platforms to nutrition capacity strengthening in Africa: local efforts, continental prospects and challenges. Proc Nutr Soc. 2017;76(4):524-534. doi: 10.1017/S0029665117001124. Epub 2017 Jul 31.
  43. Justina Owusu J, Colecraft E, Aryeetey R, Vaccaro J, Huffman F. Nutrition Intakes and Nutritional Status of School Age Children in Ghana. J Food Res. 2017; 6(2):11-23 
  44. Staveteig S, Aryeetey R, Anie-Ansah M, Ahiadeke C, Ortiz L. Design and methodology of a mixed methods follow-up study to the 2014 Ghana Demographic and Health Survey. Glob Health Action. 2017;10(1):1274072. doi: 10.1080/16549716.2017.1274072.
  45. Aryeetey, R. Optimism for the UN Proclamation of the Decade of Action on Nutrition: An African Perspective. Global Health: Science and Practice 2016; 4:2(354-355).
  46. Oyeyemi AL1, Conway TL, Adedoyin RA, Akinroye KK, Aryeetey R, Assah F, Cain KL, Gavand KA, Kasoma SS, Kolbe-Alexander TL, Lambert EV, Larouche R, Mos SJ, Ocansey R, Onywera VO, Prista A, Tremblay MS, Sallis JF. Construct Validity of the Neighborhood Environment Walkability Scale for Africa. Medicine and Science in Sports Exercise. 2016. [Epub ahead of print] DOI: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000001131
  47.  Ocansey R, Aryeetey R, Sofo S, Nazzar A, Delali M, Pambo P, Nyawornota V, Nartey J and Sarkwa R. Results from the Ghanaian 2016 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth. Journal of Physical Activity and Health 2016; 13(Suppl 2): S165-168. DOI: 10.1123/jpah.2016-0272.
  48. Aryeetey R, Oltmans S, and Owusu F. Food Retail Assessment and Family Food Purchase Behavior in Ashongman Estates, Ghana. African Journal of Food Agriculture Nutrition and Development 2016; 16(4): 11385-11402. DOI: 10.18697/ajfand.76.15430.
  49. Owusu JS, Colecraft EK, Aryeetey RNO, Vaccaro JA, Huffman FG. Comparison of Two School Feeding Programs in Ghana, West Africa. International Journal of Child Health and Nutrition 2016; 5:56-62. DOI: 10.6000/1929-4247.2016.05.02.2.
  50. Glover-Amengor M, Aryeetey R, Afari E, Nyarko A. Micronutrient composition and acceptability of Moringa oleifera leaf-fortified dishes by children in Ada-East district, Ghana. Food Science & Nutrition 2016.  DOI:10.1002/fsn3.395.
  51. Oyeyemi AL, Kasoma SS, Onywera VO, Assah F, Adedoyin RA, Conway TL, Moss SJ, Ocansey R, Kolbe-Alexander TL, Akinroye KK, Prista A, Larouche R, Gavand KA, Cain KL, Lambert EV, Aryeetey R, Bartels C, Tremblay MS, Sallis JF. NEWS for Africa: adaptation and reliability of a built environment questionnaire for physical activity in seven African countries. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 2016; 13(33):1-12. DOI:10.1186/s12966-016-0357-y.
  52. Aryeetey RNO. Perceptions and Experiences of Overweight Among Women In The Ga East District, Ghana. Frontiers in Nutrition 2016; 3(1). DOI:10.3389/fnut.2016.00013
  53. Asare C, Bentley J, Aryeetey R, Ackuaku D, Mayer RS, Wegener S: Assessment of Rehabilitation Capacity in Ghana. DCID 2016, 27 (1):33-59. DOI:10.5463/dcid.v1i1.494
  54. Hilpert P, Randall AK, Sorokowski P, Atkins DC, Sorokowska A, Ahmadi K, Alghraibeh AM, Aryeetey R, Bertoni A, Bettache K, Błażejewska M, Bodenmann G, Borders J, Bortolini TS, Butovskaya M, Castro FN, Cetinkaya H, Cunha D, David OA, DeLongis A, Dileym FA, Domínguez Espinosa AD, Donato S, Dronova D, Dural S, Fisher M, Frackowiak T, Gulbetekin E, Hamamcıoğlu Akkaya A, Hansen K, Hattori WT, Hromatko I, Iafrate R, James BO, Jiang F, Kimamo CO, King DB, Koç F, Laar A, Lopes FA, Martinez R, Mesko N, Molodovskaya N, Moradi K, Motahari Z, Natividade JC, Ntayi J, Ojedokun O, Omar-Fauzee MS, Onyishi IE, Özener B, Paluszak A, Portugal A, Relvas AP, Rizwan M, Salkičević S, Sarmány-Schuller I, Stamkou E, Stoyanova S, Šukolová D, Sutresna N, Tadinac M, Teras A, Tinoco Ponciano EL, Tripathi R, Tripathi N, Tripathi M, Vilchinsky N, Xu F, Yamamoto ME, Yoo G. The Associations of Dyadic Coping and Relationship Satisfaction Vary Between and Within Nations: A 35-Nation Study. Frontiers in Psychology. 2016;7:1106. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01106
  55. Da-Costa Vroom FB, Aryeetey R, Boateng R, Anto F, Aikins M, Gyapong M and Gyapong J. Data reporting constraints for the lymphatic filariasis mass drug administration activities in two districts in Ghana: A qualitative study.  Sage Open Medicine 2015, DOI: 10.1177/2050312115594083.
  56. Aryeetey R, Aikins M, Dako-Gyeke P, Adongo P. Pathways Utilized for Antenatal Health Seeking Among Women in the Ga East District, Ghana. Ghana Medical Journal 2015; 49 (1):44-49. DOI: 10.4314/gmj.v49i1.8.
  57. Aryeetey RNO and Tay M. Compliance Audit of Processed Complementary Foods in Urban Ghana. Front Public Health. 2015. 27;3:243.
  58. Aryeetey RNO, and Tamakloe SM. Use of Dietary and Herbal Supplements among Elderly Ghanaians in the Keta Municipality. Journal of Human Nutrition and Food Science 3(4): 1072.
  59. Ndanu TA, Aryeetey R, Sackeyfio J, Otoo G, Lartey A, Opintan JA, and Agyeman PN. Streptococcus Mutans and Lactobacillus Species Infection in Obese and Non-Obese School Children in Accra, Ghana. Journal of Obesity and Overweight 2015. 1(1):101. DOI: 10.15744/2455-7633.1.101
  60. Aryeetey R, Boateng L, Sackey D. State of dietetics practice in Ghana: A nation-wide situational analysis. Ghana Medical Journal 2014; 48 (4):219-224. DOI: 10.4314/gmj.v48i4.9
  61. Aikins M, Dako-Gyeke P, Aryeetey R, Adongo P. Socio-economic differences in cost of pregnancy-related health services in the peri-urban Accra Ghana. Journal Public Health 2014;37(3): 1-7. DOI: 10.1093/pubmed/fdu072
  62. Gyampoh S, Otoo GE and Aryeetey RNO. Child feeding knowledge and practices among women participating in growth monitoring and promotion in Accra, Ghana. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 2014; 14:180. DOI: 10.1186/1471-2393-14-180
  63. Ocansey R, Aryeetey R, Sofo S, Nyawornota VK, Badasu Delali M, Pambo P. Results from the Ghanaian 2014 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth. Journal of Physical Activity and Health 2014; 11(Supp 1), S58–S62. DOI: 10.1123/jpah.2014-0171
  64. Gongwer C and Aryeetey R. Implementing nutrition interventions in Ghana at district level: Gaps and opportunities. African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development. 2014; 14 (2):1-17.
  65. Modey EJ, Aryeetey R, Adanu R. Contraceptive Discontinuation and Switching Among Ghanaian Women: Evidence from the Ghana Demographic and Health Survey, 2008. African Journal of Reproductive Health 2014; 18(1): 84-92.
  66. Ndanu TA, Aryeetey R, Sackeyfio J, Otoo G, and Lartey A. Oral Hygiene Practices and Caries Prevalence among 9-15 Years Old Ghanaian School Children. Journal of Nutrition and Health Sciences 2015. 1(4):406. DOI: 10.15744/2393-9060.1.404
  67. Aryeetey RNO and Antwi CL. Re-assessment of selected Baby-Friendly maternity facilities in Accra, Ghana. International Breastfeeding Journal 2013; 8(1):15. DOI: 10.1186/1746-4358-8-15
  68. Aryeetey R and Goh YE. Duration of Exclusive Breastfeeding and Subsequent Child feeding Adequacy. Ghana Medical Journal. 2013; 47(1): 24-29.
  69. Nyawornota VK, Aryeetey R, Bosomprah S. Aikins M. An exploratory study of Physical activity and overweight in two senior high schools in the Accra Metropolis. Ghana Medical Journal, 2013; 47(4): 197-203.
  70. Dako-Gyeke P, Aikins M, Aryeetey R, McGough L, Adongo PB. The influence of socio-cultural interpretations of pregnancy threats on health-seeking behavior among pregnant women in urban Accra, Ghana. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 2013; 13:211. DOI: 10.1186/1471-2393-13-211
  71. Ahiadeke C, Ackah C, Aryeetey R, Acquah A. Factors influencing the use of adequately iodated salt in Ghana. African Journal of Food Science. 2012; 6(3):58-64. DOI: 10.5897/AJFS11.177
  72. Hagan L, Aryeetey R, Colecraft EK, Marquis GS, Nti AC, Danquah AO. Microfinance with Education in Rural Ghana: Men’s Perception of Household Level Impact. African Journal 28of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development. 2012; 12 (1):5776-5788.
  73. Micah EB, Colecraft EK, Lartey A, Aryeetey R, Marquis GS. Street Foods Contribute to Nutrient Intakes among Children from Rural Communities in Winneba and Techiman Municipalities, Ghana. African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development. 2012; 12 (1):5789-5801.
  74. Aryeetey R and Ansong J. Overweight and hypertension among college of health sciences employees in Ghana. African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development. 2011. 11(6): 5444-5456.
  75. Aryeetey R, Ashinyo A and Adjuik M. Age of Menarche among basic level School Girls in Madina, Accra. African Journal of Reproductive Health. 2011; 15(3): 113-121.
  76. Aryeetey R. Environmental Barriers to Outdoor Physical Activity in East Legon: A qualitative street audit. Ghana Physical Educ Sport J. 2011;2(2):42-50.
  77. Aryeetey R, Kotoh A and Hindin M. Knowledge, Perceptions and Ever Use of Modern Contraception among Women in the Ga East District, Ghana. African Journal of Reproductive Health 2010; 14 (4): 27-32
  78. Aryeetey R, GS Marquis, L Timms, L Brakohiapa, A Lartey. Subclinical mastitis may not reduce infant breast milk intake in established lactation. Breastfeeding Medicine 2009, 4(3): 161-166
  79. Aryeetey R, GS Marquis, L Timms, A Lartey, L Brakohiapa. Subclinical mastitis is common among Ghanaian women lactating at 3 to 4 months postpartum. Journal of Human  Lactation 2008; 24(3):263-7.  
  80. Colecraft E, Marquis GS, Aryeetey R, Sakyi-Dawson O, Lartey A, Ahunu B, Canacoo E, Butler LM, Reddy MB, Jensen HH, and Huff-Lonergan E. Constraints on the use of animal source foods for young children in Ghana: A participatory rapid appraisal approach. Ecology of Food and Nutrition 2006; 45:351-377.



2.21 Peer-Reviewed Journal Publication of Conference Proceedings

  1. Laar A, Aryeetey R, Akparibo R, Zotor F, Ghana SUN Academic Platform. Nutrition sensitivity of the 2014 Budget Statement of Republic of Ghana. Proceedings Nutrition Society 2015.
  2. Aryeetey R, Laar A, Zotor F, SUN Academic Platform. Capacity for scaling up nutrition: a focus on pre-service training in West Africa. Proceedings Nutrition Society 2015. doi:10.1017/S0029665114001748
  3. Jimenez-Castellanos A, Ramirez-Robles M, Shousha A, Bagayoko CO, Perrin C, Zolfo M, Cuzin A, Roland A, Aryeetey R, Maojo V. Enhancing Research Capacity of African Institutions through Social Networking. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 2013;192:1099.
  4. Zolfo M, Aryeetey R, Cuzin-Kihl AK, Ingelbeen B, Khanna J,  Kiyan C, Maojo V, Lynen L. Evidence Based Medicine in HIV/AIDS and Reproductive Health Research: Piloting Two Distance learning Courses in Low-Resource Settings. IST-Africa 2013 Conference Proceedings. 



  1. Badasu D, Aryeetey R, Bitugu BB, Ocansey R. Aging in Ghana A public health and cultural perspective. In Volkwein-Caplan K and McConatha JT. Ageing, Physical Activity and Health: International Perspectives. RoutledgeTaylor and Francis Group, 2018.
  2. Holdsworth M, Aryeetey R, Jerling J, Taljaard C, Nago E, Colecraft E, Lachat C, Kolsteren P, Hailu T, Verstraeten R. The Challenges, Opportunities, And Lessons Learned In Evidence-Informed Decision Making In Africa. In Covic, N. and S. L. Hendriks (Eds). 2016. Achieving a Nutrition Revolution for Africa: The Road to Healthier Diets and Optimal Nutrition. (pp 116-129). ReSAKSS Annual Trends and Outlook Report 2015. International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). DOI:10.2499/9780896295933
  3. Aryeetey R, Colecraft E, Lartey A. Actions that appear to Have Improved Nutritional Status In Ghana. (pg 63) In International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). 2016. Global Nutrition Report 2016: From Promise to Impact: Ending Malnutrition by 2030. IFPRI, Washington DC. DOI: 10.2499/9780896295841
  4. Laar A and Aryeetey R. Nutrition of Women and Children: Focus on Ghana and HIV/AIDS. (pp187-210). In Stein N (Ed). 2015. Public Health Nutrition: Principles and Practice in Community and Global Health. Burlington, Massachusetts. Jones and Bartlett Learning.
  5. Waarts Y, Ingram V, Linderhof V, Pulster-Jansen L, van Rijn F, Aryeetey R. Impact of UTZ certification on cocoa producers in Ghana, 2001 to 2014, Legin Wageningen UR, Den Haag, 2015.

Technical Papers

  1. Laar A, Tandoh A, Barnes A, Bash K, Aryeetey R, Mensah K, Vandevijvere, Holdsworth M. Benchmarking Ghana's policies for creating healthy food environments. 2019. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.31120.46081
  2. Aryeetey R, Colecraft E, and Lartey A. Actions That Appear to have Improved Nutritional Status in Ghana. In International Food Policy Research Institute. 2016. Global Nutrition Report 2016: From Promise to Impact: Ending Malnutrition by 2030. Washington, DC.  DOI: 10.2499/9780896295841
  3. Aryeetey R: Nutrition-Sensitive Research in Ghana. Report number: Field Exchange 51, 2016. 
  4. Aryeetey R and Lartey A. 2016. Creation of Local Capacity. In Nestle Foundation 50th Anniversary report
  5. Aryeetey R, Laar A, and Zotor F. Academics in Ghana go the Extra Mile to engage Policy-makers. In From Science to Action: Academia and Decision-Makers Unite in SUN Countries. SUN in Practice Briefs. Scaling Up Nutrition Movement, 2016. Rome. Italy. 
  6. Pittore K, Aryeetey R: Business and its Role in Improving Nutrition: Opportunities, Challenges and Solutions for Ghana. Case Studies and Key Messages from the Workshop. Report number: Evidence Report No 178, Institute of Development Studies 2015. 



Peer Reviewed Published Conference Abstracts

  1. Hromi-Fiedler A, Carroll G, Tice M, Sandow A, Aryeetey R, Pérez-Escamilla R. Development and Testing of Responsive Feeding Counseling Cards in Ghana (OR03-07-19). Current Developments Nutrition 2019; 3 (Supplement_1) nzz048. OR03-07-19. DOI: 10.1093/cdn/nzz048.OR03-07-19
  2. da-Costa Vroom B, Aryeetey R, Boateng R, Anto F, Gyapong J. Community Health Volunteers' use of Mobile Phones to Report Mass Drug Administration (MDA) Data. American Journal Tropical Medicine Hygiene 2017; 95 (5): 66
  3. Aryeetey R, Hromi-Fiedler A, Perez-Escamilla R. Becoming Breastfeeding Friendly in Ghana: Opportunities for Scaling-Up Effective Actions. Annals Nutrition Metabolism 2017; 71: 866-867
  4. Owusu JS, Colecraft E, Aryeetey R, Vaccaro J, Darko D, Huffman F. Nutritional Status and Academic Performance Of School-Age Children Enrolled in Two Feeding Programmes in Ghana. Annals Nutrition Metabolism 2017; 71:530
  5. Marquis G, Colecraft E, Aryeetey R, Aboud F, Aidam B, Bannerman B, Thompson-Colon T. Maternal Symptoms af Mental Health are associated with Maternal and Child Diet Diversity and Maternal BMI in Upper Manya Krobo District of Ghana. Annals Nutrition Metabolism 2017; 71:666
  6. Aryeetey R and Marquis G. Mapping of Free and Open-Access e-learning Resources in Human Nutrition. Annals Nutrition Metabolism 2017; 71: 196
  7. Marquis G, Colecraft E, Aryeetey R, Aidam B, Kanlisi R. Putting our Eggs in more than One Basket-Lessons Learned from Working with Multiple Sectors in Rural Ghana. Annals Nutrition Metabolism 2017; 71: 265-266
  8. Colecraft E, Marquis G, Aryeetey R, Bannerman B, Thompson-Colon T, Atuobi-Yeboah A. Association between Household Cultivation of Nutrient-Dense Crops and Maternal and Child Dietary Diversity in Selected Rural Communities in the Upper Manya Krobo District of Ghana. Annals Nutrition Metabolism 2017; 71: 774
  9. Dallmann D, Marquis GS, Colecraft EK, Clark S, and Aryeetey R. Divorced women who are in informal unions are most vulnerable to food insecurity FASEB J April 2016 30:899.14
  10. Owusu JS, Colecraft E, Aryeetey R, Vaccaro JA, and Huffman F. Contribution of School Meals to Nutrient Intakes of School-age children enrolled in two feeding programs in Ghana. FASEB J April 2016 30:669.3
  11. Atuobi-Yeboah A, Marquis GS, Colecraft E, Kanlisi R, Aryeetey R, and Klevor M. An integrated nutrition-sensitive health and agriculture intervention to increase egg consumption among infants and young children in Upper Manya Krobo, Ghana. FASEB J April 2016 30:274.5 
  12. Sackey J, Aryeetey R, Zhang FF, Rogers B, and Wanke C. Household Food Insecurity but not participation in a Nutrition Assessment and Counselling Support (NACS) program is significantly associated with current BMI in People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana. FASEB J April 2016 30:lb409
  13. Aryeetey R, Colecraft EK, Marquis GS, Clark S, Owusu R, Aidam B, Gyorkos T, Lartey A. Baseline Household Agriculture and Child Nutrition Linkages in the Nutrition Links Project. FASEB J 2015: 29 (1), Supplement 585.17 
  14. Marquis GS, Colecraft E, Aryeetey R, Lartey A, Clark S, Aboud F, Gyorkos T, Aidam B, and Owusu R. Nutrition Links – Building Capacity for Sustainable Lives in Ghana. FASEB J April 2015 29:898.18
  15. Aryeetey R, Colecraft E, Wanke C. Food and nutrition insecurity among clients of anti-retroviral therapy clinics in Accra, Ghana. FASEB J 2014:28 (1), Supplement LB451
  16. SK Afagbedzi, S Dery, J Adziakpora, M Ramirez-Robles, A Jimenez-Castellanos, V Maojo, R Aryeetey. Africa Build Educational Widget for Capacity Building in Health Education and Research. J Health Informatics Africa. DOI: 10.12856/JHIA-2013-v1-i1-50
  17. S Afagbedzi, H Obuobi, R Aryeetey, S Bosomprah. A Review of Ghana’s E-health Strategy. Research. J Health Informatics Africa. DOI: 10.12856/JHIA-2013-v1-i1-52
  18. Aryeetey R, Lartey A, Marquis GS. Use of short duration breast milk pump-expression to predict 24-hr milk output. The FASEB J. 2009 :23, 546.6
  19. Marquis GS, Colecraft EK, Owuraku Sakyi-Dawson, Lartey A, Ahunu B, Butler LM, Jensen HH, Reddy MB, Lonergan E, Canacoo E, Aryeetey R. Animal source food intake is lower in households with children who experience food insecurity. The FASEB J. 2008; 22:680.4.
  20. Aryeetey R, Marquis GS, Timms L, Lartey A, Brakohiapa L. Evaluating simple diagnostic tests for subclinical mastitis among Ghanaian lactating women. The FASEB J. 2007;21:678.9
  21. Hromi-Fiedler A, Aryeetey R, Lartey A, Marquis G, Sellen D, Perez-Escamilla R. Building the capacity of health professionals in developing countries through the use of public domain software to analyze Demographic and Health Survey data. The FASEB J. 2007;21:528.7


Other Reports Authored 

  1. Aryeetey R, Nkegbe PK, Issahaku H, Wong B. Cost-benefit analyses of interventions to improve nutrition and health over the first 1000 days: a case study from Ghana. Ghana Priorities, Copenhagen Consensus Center, 2019. License: Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4.0.
  2. Laar A, Aryeetey R, Zotor F. Cementing the Linkages between Nutrition and Social Protection an Ghana: An Issues Paper. NDPC, 2016. 
  3. Adu-Afarwuah S and Aryeetey R. WASH-Nutrition case study and policy analysis under the Wa-WASH project. CARE, 2014
  4. Adu-Afarwuah S and Aryeetey R. Revision of Draft national Nutrition Policy. UNICEF/WFP. 2013
  5. Colecraft E, Aryeetey R, and Otoo G. Literature review and rapid assessment on infant and young child feeding, anemia control, and iron supplementation in Ghana. PATH, 2011.
  6. Binka F, Aryeetey R, Aikins M, Adongo P.  Trend Analysis of Selected Health Indicators and the Routine Health Information System in Ghana: A Comparison of the Northern and Volta Regions. UNICEF/GHS, 2011.
  7. Colecraft E, J Somuah, Aryeetey R, Esseku H. Better Health for all children. Evaluation of Plan-Ghana’s CPO 15 Program on Child Health, Nutrition, and Sanitation: 2003-2008. Plan-Ghana 2010.
  8. Binka F, Aikins M, Sackey S, Aryeetey R, et al. In-Depth Review of The Community-based Health Planning Services (CHPS) Programme. UNICEF/GSH, 2009.
  9. Aryeetey R, Okwabi W, Brantuo M, et al. Assessment of the National infant and young child feeding program. Ghana Health Service, 2008.

Link to published work in Pubmed:

Link to published work in Google scholar: 

Ongoing Projects

Title Role on the ProjectDuration of the Project Funder
Best Practices Intervention Study (extension)Lead Investigator Family Larsson Rosenquist Foundation
Barriers and Drivers study of breastfeeding in GhanaLead Investigator Family Larsson Rosenquist Foundation
An Anglophone-Francophone network linking scholars and non-academic change agents to enhance health equity and sustainable inclusive growth in rural West AfricaLead Investigator Funded by International Development Research Centre
Finalization of National Food-based Dietary guidelines    Lead Investigator WFP, Ghana
Landscape analysis of Nutrition enabling Environment.Lead Investigator2020-2021UNICEF Ghana
Using Trials of Improved Practices to Strengthen Infant and Young Child Feeding Programming in Ghana. $50,000Lead Investigator.2019-2021UNICEF-Ghana
A network of interdisciplinary, solution-oriented researchers to improve the livelihoods and food and nutrition security of adolescent girls and women farmers in rural Ghana. CAN $ 466,000Co-Investigator.2017-2021Queen Elizabeth Scholarship Program
Measuring the healthiness of Ghanaian children’s food environments to prevent obesity and non-communicable diseases. CAD $ 521,300Co-investigator2019-2022IDRC

Completed Projects

TitleRole on the ProjectDuration of the Project Funder
Will #Breastfeed4Ghana go viral? Evaluating the dissemination and impact of the first breastfeeding social media marketing campaign in Ghana. $24,821Lead Investigator2017-2019Yale University
Stories of Change in Nutrition in Ghana. $60,000Lead Investigator (Ghana)2018-2020IFPRI
Capacity development for the evidence review phase of Food-Based Dietary Guidelines in sub-Saharan Africa. GHS 550,903.Lead Investigator.2019-2020Food and Agriculture Organization
The invisible fishers: Empowering and safeguarding women in fisheries value chains in Ghana to reduce anemia. $1,311,027Co-Investigator2018-2019Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Cost-benefit analysis for Ghana Priorities Project. USD 6,000Co-Investigator2019-2020Copenhagen Consensus Center
Dietary transitions in African cities: leveraging evidence for interventions and policy to prevent diet-related non-communicable diseases (NCDs). GBP 550,000Co-Investigator2016-2018Medical Research Council, UK
Conflict of Interest in food and nutrition research in Ghana. USD 18,810Principal Investigator.2019-2020American, University of Beirut, Lebanon
Becoming Baby Friendly Phase III. $50,000Lead Investigator2018-2019Yale University
The 'Baby Friendly Country' metric: Assessing Readiness and Progress with Scaling-Up of National Breastfeeding Programs (BFCI Project). USD 20,000Principal Investigator (Ghana).2017-2018Family Larsson-Rosenquist Foundation
Assessment of capacity gaps for nutrition-sensitive agriculture policies and programming in Africa and South/South East Asia. $40,480Lead Investigator2016-2018International Food Policy Research Institute/SPEAR
Evidence informed Decision Making in Nutrition and Health (EVIDENT). €36,831.95Co-Investigator in Ghana2015-2016Development Cooperation of Belgium, #912502.
Building capacity for sustainable livelihoods and health through public-private linkages in agriculture and health systems (Nutrition Links). $3,493,121Co-Investigator.2014-2018Global Affairs Canada
Operational research on Financial Literacy and Educational Incentive Program for Adolescent Girls in Ghana. $76,476Co-Principal Investigator2015-2016Population Council, New York
Sustainable food security and nutrition in HIV management in Ghana (CFAR). $30,000Principal Investigator2012-2013Center for AIDS Research/Lifespan/Tufts/Brown, P30AI042853.
Anti-Retroviral Therapy and Metabolic and Cardiovascular Risk Among HIV- Infected Ghanaians. $16,000Principal Investigator2011-2012Ghana Michigan CHARTER
Building sustainable capacity for research for health in Africa (Africa Build). €101,300Principal Investigator in Ghana2011-2013European Commission
Mapping out pathways of pregnancy and delivery: Towards improving maternal health. ¢18,400Principal Investigator2011-2013UG-ORID
Assessment of School food environment. ¢5000Principal Investigator2009-2010Building Stronger Universities/DANIDA