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About Us

The Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences is one of the six constituent departments under the School of Public Health. The Department has one major goal supported by seven minor goals which together spell out the mission of the department. This goal is;

to equip trainees with knowledge and skills in the social sciences to enable them perform/function effectively as Public Health Practitioners sensitive to the prevailing socio-cultural contexts at the district, regional, national, and international levels.


To train public health practitioners who will be leaders and change agents for health development in Ghana in particular and in the wider African context.


Promote knowledge and be lead advocates for needed public health reforms in Ghana.


To equip trainees to understand and appreciate the importance of the socio-cultural and structural factors which affect health development

To help trainees understand the key concepts, theories, principles, and methods in the social sciences

To help trainees apply the concepts, theories, principles, and methods in the social sciences to health and development research and programmes

To help trainees acquire the knowledge and skills to enable them identify and prioritise Public Health and Development problems that will require social science inputs in their solutions

To equip trainees to understand and appreciate the sociological basis of Public Health and Developmental issues

To equip trainees to appreciate and understand group dynamics, teambuilding, and teamwork in matters relating to Public Health

To enable trainees develop strategies and action plans to address identified Public Health and developmental problems

To equip trainees to effectively and efficiently manage integrated interventions relating to Public Health and Development

To develop in trainees the need for ethical values and consideration in matters relating to Public Health and Development

Explore the feasibility and market demands for additional programmes/courses on emerging socio-cultural/lifestyle issues that impact on Health