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Prof. Dwomoh

Prof Duah Dwomoh


Contact Info Email:



Nationality: Ghanaian
PROFESSION: Applied Statistician in the fields of Medicine, Monitoring and 
Evaluation, Education, Implementation Science, Agriculture, Pharmacy, Economic 
Evaluation, Finance, Social and Behavioural Sciences, Infectious Disease Modelling,
Epidemiology, and Public Health 
Lead Consultant: D&D Statistical Consulting Services Limited
ADDRESS: College of Health Sciences, School of Public Health,
Department of Biostatistics, University of Ghana, Legon
CELL PHONE: +233207861179, +233245198457

2013-2017: Ph.D. in Public Health with specialization in Biostatistics, University 
of Ghana, Accra, Ghana
2009-2011: Master of Philosophy in Mathematics, Statistics Major, Kwame 
Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana
2004-2008: BS.C Mathematics and Statistics, University of Cape Coast, Cape 
Coast, Ghana 

7-18TH July 2014: Mathematical modeling of infectious diseases, Utrecht 
University, Netherlands 
17-28th March 2014: Statistical Methods for Epidemiology and Clinical 
Research, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom.
21st July-1st August 2014: Impact evaluation of Social, Agriculture, Health and 
Educational Interventions and health programs, Pretoria, South Africa. 

Personal Statement
Prof. Dwomoh obtained a Ph.D. in Public Health with a specialization in Biostatistics from the University of Ghana, a Master of Philosophy in Mathematics with a specialization in Statistics from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, and a BSc in Mathematics and Statistics (First Class Honours) from the University of Cape Coast, Ghana. He is currently a Professor of Biostatistics at the University of Ghana, School of Public Health, Department of Biostatistics, and the Lead Consultant for D&D Statistical Consulting Services Limited. 

Prof. Duah Dwomoh is an Applied Statistician with a special focus and interest in statistical methods applied in the fields of Monitoring and Evaluation, Education, Public Health, Agriculture, Implementation Science, Epidemiology and Disease Control, Predictive Modelling, Social and Behavioural Sciences, Pharmaceutical Analytics and Banking and Finance and Infectious Diseases Modelling. He has more than 15 years of practical experience teaching at the University and conducting research in the aforementioned subject-specific areas. He has more than 70 publications in peer-reviewed journals. 

He has expertise in both quantitative research methods and qualitative techniques and using different statistical methods for impact evaluation of health, Agriculture, Education, Pharmaceutical, and social interventions/programs/policies, including but not limited to differences in differences analytic methods, matching procedures, regression discontinuity, instrumental variables, randomized designs, endogenous regime-switching regression models, interrupted time series, endogenous treatment regression models, double robust methods, treatment effect estimate using Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator, and synthetic control methods. He develops the framework for project monitoring and evaluation for formative/process evaluation, situational analysis, needs assessment, mid-term project review, outcome and impact evaluations, and develops a project performance monitoring plan with relevant data collection systems, including review and assessment of the quality of existing data in the project areas, the data collection techniques, and determining a good baseline statistics for subsequent impact evaluation of the outcome measures. 

He is a proficient programmer in Stata, SPSS Epi-Info, Epicollect, R, and ATLAS.ti, Dedoose and Nvivo, Open Data Kit, CSPro, KoboCollect, Survey Monkey, REDCap, Google Forms, and Microsoft Forms. He has tremendous data management skills including exporting and merging large complex survey datasets from multiple sources, and the ability to implement quality assurance protocols. His area of specialization as an Applied Statistician includes the design, implementation, and analysis of complex survey data that adjust for survey design characteristics (weighting, clustering, and stratification), design and implementation of randomized control trials, quasi-experimental and observational (cross-sectional) studies, data science, risk prediction modelling, time series analysis, Generalized Linear Models, and analysis of survival or time-to-event outcomes. In the context of merging, cleaning, coding, and analyzing complex survey data, Stata MP (StataCorp, College Station, Texas, USA) is my preferred statistical software. In-depth knowledge in machine learning applications such as logistic regression with Least absolute shrinkage and selection operator, Ridge regression, Random forest, Elastic Net, k￾nearest Neighbour, Random Forest, Support Vector Machine, Gradient Boosting Machine, Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost), Bayesian Generalized Linear Model, and Light Gradient Boosting algorithms, Linear Support Vector Machines (without kernel extensions), Naïve Bayes, and multi-layer feedforward artificial neural networks, Support Vector Machines using Polynomial Basis Kernel. 

He has expertise in the mathematical modeling of infectious diseases using stochastic and deterministic models based on systems of differential equations. Prof. Dwomoh has supervised a post-graduate thesis on the design and use of complex surveys, Impact and Process Evaluation of Health Interventions, Public Health, Health Informatics, and Biostatistics. 

▪ Statistical Methods for Impact Evaluation of Interventions/Programs/ Policies, 
Process/Formative evaluations, Needs Assessment and Situational analysis
▪ Design, implementation, and analysis of complex surveys, quasi-experimental 
studies, and clinical trials, sample size estimation/power analysis, and power 
▪ Implementation Science and Research
▪ Design and evaluation of a framework for project monitoring and evaluation
▪ Mathematical Modeling of Infectious Disease: Deterministic-based Systems of 
  Differential Equations. 
▪ Development and validation of risk prediction models using machine learning 
  algorithms and traditional regression models
▪ Generalized Linear Models, Time series, and longitudinal data analysis
▪ Development and validation of risk prediction models
▪ Inferential statistics, data analysis, and software applications
▪ Economic evaluation

▪ HPPM 701: Monitoring and Evaluation (Ph.D. Level)
▪ MOEV 602: Process and Impact Evaluation (Monitoring and Evaluation 
  students-Masters Level)
▪ BSTT 701: Advance Data Analysis in Public Health (Ph.D. level)
▪ BSTT 704: Analysis of Repeated Binary Outcomes (Ph.D. Level)
▪ BSTT 705: Biostatistics (Ph.D. Level)
▪ BSTT 621: Data analysis and software application I & II (Masters Level)
▪ BSTT 601: Research methods in public health (All masters students)
▪ BSTT 601: Methods in Biostatistics (All masters students)
▪ BSTT 605: Design and Analysis of Complex Survey (Masters in Biostatistics 
▪ BSTT 606: Generalized Linear Models (Masters in Biostatistics students)
▪ BSTT 608: Survival Analysis (Masters in Biostatistics students)
▪ BSTT 604: Analysis of longitudinal data (Masters in Biostatistics students)
▪ BSTT 607: Robust Statistical Methods (Masters in Biostatistics students)
▪ BSTT 602: Advanced Biostatistics Courses (Epidemiology and Biostatistics 
▪ EPDC 602: Advanced Statistical Methods for Clinical Trials (Masters Level)
▪ EPDC 690: Data Management Information System
▪ GSPH 207: Introduction to Biostatistics (Bachelors Level)
▪ GSPH 401: Biostatistics for Public Health (Bachelors Level)
▪ GSPH 348: Data analysis and presentation (Bachelors Level)
▪ Stata courses for masters and Ph.D. students. 

▪ Research Designs and Project Management
▪ Stata and R programming languages
▪ Report writing
▪ Policy briefs and dissemination
▪ Training & Development
▪ Excellent communication and writing skills
▪ Excellent analytical and statistical skills
▪ Critical thinking
▪ Collaboration
▪ Organizational skills
▪ Project planning and management
▪ Data Science
▪ Database management
▪ Microsoft Office
▪ Project supervision

▪ Lead facilitator: Training on research methods and data analysis for officers 
at the National Health Insurance Authority: November-December 2023
▪ Lead facilitator: Impact Evaluation Retooling Workshop at African Economic 
Research Consortium, Nairobi, Kenya (7th July-21st July, 2023)
▪ Lead facilitator on workshop on capacity building on critical appraisal of 
survival analysis and meta-analysis organized by the WHO-Egypt in 
collaboration with Africa CDC (4th-5th June 2023)
▪ International Workshop on Quantitative Data Analysis Training, Hargeisa 
Somaliland, 2–12 November 2019 for Save the Children International, UK
▪ Global Evaluation and Monitoring Network for Health (GEMNetHealth) on 
impact evaluation of HIV/AIDS and Health Programs conducted in Addis 
Continental Institute of Public Health, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, October 24 –
November 4, 2018
▪ Technical Workshop on Impact Evaluation Methods funded by African 
Economic Research Consortium, UNICEF, University of North Carolina and 
The Transfer Project, Nairobi, Kenya. June 24 – July 4, 2019
▪ International Workshop on Impact Evaluation of Population, Health and 
Nutrition Programs in Malaysia, funded by the Malaysian Institute of Health, 
January 6-17. 
▪ Training on Advanced Impact Evaluation Research Method and Mentorship 
for Save the Children International Somalia Research and Evaluation Team,
Somalia, funded by Save the Children International, UK-26th June 2021-July 
15th, 2021
▪ Facilitator on statistical analysis on the WHO Collaborating Centre for 
Advocacy and Training in Pharmacovigilance (WHO-CC, Accra)-2017-date 
▪ Facilitator on Malaria and HIV monitoring and evaluation workshop at the 
University of Ghana, School of Public Health. 


1. Title: Artificial Intelligence and HCD-informed early warning system design for tracking the community effects of climate change on maternal and newborn health
Goal: Quantifying the impact of climate change on maternal, neonatal, and child health
Role: Co-Principal Investigator
Duration: July 2024-July-2026
Funder: Grand Challenges Africa 

2. Title: Maternal, Newborn and Child Health in large cities in sub-Saharan Africa: A Countdown to 2030 Multi-country Study: The Case of Ghana
Goal: Analysis of equity in slum areas of Ghana
Role: Principal Investigator
Duration: March 2021-Dec-2023
Funder: APHRC / “Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

3. Title: Standards for Official Statistics on Climate-Health Interactions
Role: Statistical Methodology Technical Support 
Duration: 2023-2026
Funder: Office of the National Statistics, UK

4. Title: Evaluation of the USAID/Ghana Strengthening the Care Continuum Project
Role: Evaluation consultant
Duration: 2018
Funder: USAID/Ghana through Measure Evaluation

5. Title: Impact evaluation of maternal and child health record book intervention on sexual and reproductive health services in the Ashanti region
Role: Lead consultant
Duration: August 2021-January 2022
Funder: Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

6. Title: Estimating closer-to-reality travel time to health facilities providing critical emergency maternal care services in sub-Saharan Africa”
Role: Consultant
Funder: London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine through the Google Research Award
Duration: 15th March 2024 and 31st July 2024
Funder: Africa-BRECcIA Research Projects with the Univ. of Southampton UK

7. Title: Primary Health Care Data Consultant for USAID Primary Impact Baseline Data Collection for Network of Practices across 120 Health Facilities
Role: Data Consultant
Funder: Avenir Health, Inc.
Duration: January 31, 2024 to May 31, 2024

8. Title: Impact of Value-Based Care on Health-Related Quality of Life, Improved Patients Clinical Outcomes, Patient Satisfaction, and Enhanced Financial Protection among NHIA-insured Hypertensive Patients: A Parallel Cluster-Randomized Control Trial
Role: Consultant
Funder: PharmAccess
Duration: October 2023-December 2024

9. Title: Impact of Free Senior High School on Academic Performance (Hewlett Foundation-Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA) and the Centre for Effective Global Action (CEGA) through Development Impact West Africa)
Goal: Quantify the impact of the free Senior High School policy and the 
double-track system and assess the challenges and mitigation strategies of 
the nationwide policy on academic performance
Role: Principal Investigator
Duration: 2021-2022
Funder: Hewlett Foundation through Development Impact West Africa

10. Title: Collection of data in 163 communities in the four northern regions (Upper East, Upper West, North East and Northern Region) of Ghana for the World Food Program (WFP) Ghana Farmer Support Activity (GFSA) impact evaluation. To prepare and undertake three follow-up data collection surveys (through electronic data collection in SurveyCTO) with high-quality data and related documentation to the WFP evaluation team to enable them to complete the impact evaluation of the GFSA.
Role: Survey Manager
Funder: USAID
Duration: July 2023-February, 2024

11. Title: Geographic Information System mapping of farmlands in the four northern regions of Ghana (Upper East, Upper West, North East and Northern Region). D&D led the training, logistics, mapping, and data collection of croplands for 375 farmers in some selected communities in the Upper East, Upper West, Northern Region, and North East in February 2024. This project was funded by the World Food Programme, and it was completed in February 2024
Role: Survey Manager for D&D
Funder: USAID and World Food Program
Duration: January 2024-February, 2024

12. Title: Trends and Determinants of household access to an improved water source and food security in the dryland Northern Regions of Ghana: A multivariate decomposition analysis and geospatial modelling of complex survey data
Role: Small Research Project Lead
Duration: 2020-2021

13. Title: Access to productive resources, participation in Agriculture and nutrition of women living in Rural Ghana: Evidence from complex surveys 2000-2020 Role: Principal Investigator Duration: 2020-2021 Funder: The Canadian Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholarships

14. Title: Facility-based survey: evaluating the quality of maternal health care in Ghana
Role: Consultant-Biostatistician-Supervision
Duration: October 2nd, 2020, December 15, 2020
Funder: Ghana College of nurses and midwives 

15.Title: Consumer’s Market for Family Planning Project(CM4FP)
Goal: Analysis of the CM4FP and writing of manuscripts for Publication
Role: Lead technical advisor for Global Evaluation & Monitoring Network for Health (GEMNet-Health)
Funder: GEMNet-Health through Population Services International (PSI)

16.Title: Epidemiological Modeling and Cost-effectiveness Analysis of COVID-19 Vaccination Strategies in Malawi, and Madagascar, for Global Evaluation & Monitoring Network for Health (GEMNet-Health) on the Country Health Information Systems and Data Use (CHISU) Project.
Role: Lead infectious disease modeler
Funder: USAID

17.Title: Cost-effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccination strategies in Ghana and Benin 
Role: Co-investigator
Duration: May 2022 - February 2023
Funder: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

18.Title: Monitoring and evaluation of hydroxyurea treatment for sickle cell disease; a facility-based study
Role: Co-Principal Investigator
Duration: 2020-2024
Funder: Ghana Sickle Cell Foundation with Novartis

19.Title: Assessing client satisfaction & perception of quality services through Exit Interviews at Marie Stopes International Ghana.
Goal: Assessing client satisfaction & perception of quality services 
Role: Consultant for the project
Funder: Maristopes International Ghana

20.Title: HIV and AIDS Integrated Bio-Behavioural Surveillance Survey (IBSS) and Population Size Estimation of Key Populations and Disabled Persons in Sierra Leon
Role: International Consultant-Biostatistician
Duration: 2021
Funder: Global Fund through National AIDs Secretariat Sierra Leone

21.Title: Deep Dive Methodology: Assessment of the COVID-19 response in Ghana
Goal: Understand strategies to improve future pandemic response
Role: Co-Principal Investigator
Duration: 2021-2022
Funder: Gates ventures 

22.Title: Feasibility and approaches of contraceptives and Sexual Reproductive Health Services in Ghana: a qualitative study Goal: Assessing the possibility of using telemedicine for medical abortion and Sayana Press contraceptives in Ghana
Role: Consultant for the project
Duration: March 2022-July 2022
Funder: Maristopes International Ghana

23.Title: Climate and Vulnerability Assessment for the Health Sector in Ghana (Lead by Prof. Mawuli Dzodzomenyo, Univ. of Ghana)
Goal: Impact of climate on Health
Funder: World Bank Ghana

24.Title: Coastal Community Resilience to Climate Change and Diarrhoea 
Goal: Assessing the impact of climate change and diarrhea
Role: Biostatistician
Duration: 2020-2021
Funder: University of Southampton UK

25.Title: Epidemiological Modelling of COVID-19 Scenarios in Ghana
Role: Team Lead
Duration: 13th -15th May 2021
Funder: Oxford Policy Management

26.Title: Developing Ghana’s care economy: case and potential 
Role: Biostatistician
Duration: 2020-2022
Funder: DANIDA

27.Title: Community-led Responsive and Effective Urban Health Systems (ChoRUS)” 
Role: Biostatistician
Duration: 2020-2025
Funder: Leeds University, UK.
28.Title: Identifying Quality Constraints of Inpatient Data in President Malaria Initiative in Priority Countries
Role: Statistical analysis consultant
Duration: September 10th, 2021, July 1st, 2022
Funder: ICF Macro, Inc. 9300 Lee Highway Fairfax, VA 22031-2021).

29.Title: Operationalizing Priority Setting for Universal Health Coverage in Ghana
Role: Biostatistician
Duration: 2021
Funder: CGD Europe

30.Title: Analyzing Routine Health Data video tutorials
Role: Statistical review of tutorials on Interrupted Time Series Analysis and Logistic Regression July 1-Sept 15, 2021
Duration: June 2021- July 202
Funder: The Administrators of the Tulane Educational Fund through Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, United States of America

31.Title: Modeling COVID-19 in Ghana
Role: Technical Lead
Funder: DFID and Oxford Policy Management

Global Evaluation and Monitoring Network for Health (GEMNet)
Statistical Reviewer for PLOS Journals
▪ BMC Medical Research Methodology
▪ BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth
▪ Sage Open Medicine
▪ The Lancet Regional Health
▪ Economics and Human Biology
▪ Journal of Sustainable Environment
▪ Journal of Infectious Disease Modeling
▪ Public Health Nutrition
▪ BMC Women’s Health
▪ Plos Global Public Health
▪ Journal of Waste Management
▪ The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine
▪ PloS One
▪ Journal of Infectious Diseases of Poverty
▪ BMJ Global Health
▪ Womens Health
▪ International Journal of Health Geographics
▪ Aging
▪ Pediatric Health, Medicine, and Therapeutics
▪ Dr. Sulaiman Al Habib Medical Journal
▪ BMJ open
▪ BMC Public Health

▪ Development Impact Summit: Gathering of Policymakers and researchers to share Evaluation Findings of Government Flagship Programmes between June 21-22, 2022 at the GIMPA Executive Conference Center (GECC) in Accra, Ghana
▪ 10th Annual Africa Evidence Summit in Kigali, Rwanda on June 29-30, 2022
▪ Track20’s Annual Training on Monitoring Family Planning in Dakar, Senegal

Experimental design and sample size estimation methods (September 7th, 2023)

1. Technical Team Member for the Ministry of Health Holistic Assessment Tool (2022-2023)
2. External Examiner at Catholic University, Fiapre, Sunyani
3. Resource Person for graduate thesis writing workshop-University of Ghana, 
School of Graduate Studies-2018-date.
4. Dissertation Supervision of Medical Students from the University of Ghana Medical School (2019-date)
5. Reviewer for National Accreditation Board (2016-date)
▪ KNUST-MSc Health Informatics
▪ Univ. of Development Studies-BSc. Health Information Management
▪ Yamfo College of Health Sciences-Health Information Management
▪ Catholic University-BSc Public Health, Health Informatics Option
▪ Baldwin College, Accra
▪ Pentecost University College
▪ Botho University College Ghana
▪ Ghana Christian University College, Accra, Ghana
▪ St. Williams Nursing and Allied Health Sciences, Wamfie, Ghana

Overall best Mathematics and Statistics Graduate, University of Cape Coast, 2008 (Vice-Chancellors Award)

1. Dwomoh, D., Agyabeng, K., Agbeshie, K., Incoom, G., Nortey, P., Yawson, A., & Bosomprah, S. (2020). Impact evaluation of the free maternal healthcare policy on the risk of neonatal and 
infant deaths in four sub-Saharan African countries: a quasi-experimental design with 
propensity score Kernel matching and difference in differences analysis. BMJ Open, 10(5), 
2. Dwomoh, D., Iddi, S., Afagbedzi, S.K. et al. Impact of Urban Slum Residence on Coverage of Maternal, Neonatal, and Child Health Service Indicators in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana: an Ecological Time-Series Analysis, 2018–2021. J Urban Health (2023).
3. Dwomoh, D., Iddi, S., Adu, B., Aheto, J. M., Sedzro, K. M., Fobil, J., & Bosomprah, S. (2021). Mathematical modeling of COVID-19 infection dynamics in Ghana: Impact evaluation of integrated government and individual level interventions. Infectious Disease Modelling, 6, 381-397.
4. Dwomoh, D., Sewor, C., Annim, S. K., Stranges, S., Kandala, N. B., & Amegah, A. K. (2023). Do dietary practices and household environmental quality mediate socio-economic inequalities in child undernutrition risk in West Africa?. Public Health Nutrition, 26(5), 1022-1033.
5. Dwomoh, D. Geospatial analysis of determinants of neonatal mortality in Ghana." BMC Public Health 21.1 (2021): 1-18
6. Dwomoh, D., Amuasi, S., Agyabeng, K., Incoom, G., Alhassan, Y., & Yawson, A. E. (2019). Understanding the determinants of infant and under-five mortality rates: a multivariate decomposition analysis of Demographic and Health Surveys in Ghana, 2003, 2008 and 2014. BMJ Global Health, 4(4), e001658.
7. Dwomoh, D., Amuasi, S.A., Amoah, E.M. et al. Exposure to family planning messages and contraceptive use among women of reproductive age in sub-Saharan Africa: a cross-sectional program impact evaluation study. Sci Rep 12, 18941 (2022).
8. Dwomoh D, Godi A, Tetteh J, Amoatey C, Otoo R, Tornyevah L & Hazlett C (2022) The Impact of the Free Senior High School Education Policy and Double-Track System on Quality Education Outcomes: A Quasi-Experimental Policy Evaluation Study in Ghana, Africa Education Review, 19:2, 1-24, DOI: 10.1080/18146627.2023.2225754
9. Dwomoh, D., Agyabeng, K., Tuffour, H.O. et al. Modeling inequality in access to agricultural productive resources and socioeconomic determinants of household food security in Ghana: a cross-sectional study. Agric Econ 11, 24 (2023).
10. Dwomoh D, Yeboah I, Ndejjo R, Kabwama SN, Aheto JM, Liu A, et al. (2023) COVID-19 outbreak control strategies and their impact on the provision of essential health services in Ghana: An exploratory-sequential study. PLoS ONE 18(11): e0279528.
11. Dwomoh, D., Wurie, I., Harding, Y. et al. Estimating prevalence and modelling correlates of HIV test positivity among female sex workers, men who have sex with men, people who inject drugs, transgender people and prison inmates in Sierra Leone, 2021. AIDS Res Ther 20, 70 (2023).
12. Dwomoh, D., Tambaa, C., Addo, S. A., Wiah, E., Abdulai, M., & Bosomprah, S. (2018). Effect of antiretroviral therapy on all-cause mortality among people living with HIV/AIDS in Ghana using Mahalanobis distant metric matching within propensity score caliper analysis: A retrospective cohort study. PloS one, 13(9), e0203461. 
13. Dwomoh, D., Essuman, E. E., & Afagbedzi, S. K. (2014). Determinant of factors associated with child health outcomes and service utilization in Ghana: multiple indicator cluster survey conducted in 2011. Archives of Public Health, 72(1), 42. 
14. Dwomoh, D., Sewor, C., Mohammed, S., Annim, S., Stranges, S., Kandala, N., & Amegah, A. (2022). Secular trends in low birth weight and child undernutrition in West Africa: Evidence from complex nationwide surveys, 1985-2019. Public Health Nutrition, 1-29. doi:10.1017/S1368980022000155
15. Dwomoh, D., Amuasi, S., Incoom:, G., Edwin Alfred, Y., Asampong, E., & Samuel Bosomprah. (2021). Assessing dominant correlate of depressive disorders and its effect on quality of life among older adults in six low and middle-income countries: Further analysis of WHO study on global ageing and adult health. Health Sciences Investigations (HSI) Journal, 2(1), 155-165.
16. Dwomoh, D., Adu, B., Dodoo, D., Theisen, M., Iddi, S., & Gerds, T. A. (2020). Evaluating the predictive performance of malaria antibodies and FCGR3B gene polymorphisms on Plasmodium falciparum infection outcome: a prospective cohort study. Malaria Journal, 19(1), 1-12
17. Yeboah, I., Dwomoh, D., Ndejjo, R., Kabwama, S. N., Ohemeng, F., Takyi, S. A., ... & Fobil, J. (2024). Maintaining essential health services during COVID-19 in Ghana: a qualitative study. BMJ Global Health, 8(Suppl 6), e013284.
18. Nuhu, A. G. K., Dwomoh, D., Amuasi, S. A., Dotse-Gborgbortsi, W., Kubio, C., Apraku, E. A., ... & Nonvignon, J. (2023). Impact of mobile health on maternal and child health service utilization and continuum of care in Northern Ghana. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 3004.
19. Adzakpah, G., & Dwomoh D. (2023). Impact of digital health technology on health insurance claims rejection rate in Ghana: a quasi-experimental study. BMC Digital Health, 1(1), 5.
20. Alhassan, Y., Dwomoh, D., Amuasi, S. A., Nonvignon, J., Bonful, H., Tetteh, M., ... & Bosomprah, S. (2022). Impact of insecticide-treated nets and indoor residual spraying on self￾reported malaria prevalence among women of reproductive age in Ghana: implication for malaria control and elimination. Malaria Journal, 21(1), 1-17.
21. Mohammed A, Dwomoh D, Nonvignon J (2022) The impact of maternal and child health and nutrition improvement project on maternal health service utilization in Ghana: An Interrupted time series analysis. PLOS Global Public Health 2(4): e0000372.
22. Takramah, W. K., Dwomoh, D., & Aheto, J. M. K. (2022). Spatio-temporal variations in neonatal mortality rates in Ghana: An application of hierarchical Bayesian methods. PLOS Global Public Health, 2(9).
23. Vanotoo, L., Dwomoh, D., Laar, A. et al. Modeling clinical and non-clinical determinants of intrapartum stillbirths in singletons in six public hospitals in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana: a case–control study. Sci Rep 13, 1013 (2023).
24. Ye, Y. and Dwomoh, D., 2019. The President’s Malaria Initiative contributed to reducing malaria burden in sub-Saharan Africa between 2004 and 2014: evidence from generalized estimating equation analysis. Plos one, 14(5), p.e0217103.
25. Fatunsin, O. T., Olayinka, K. O., Takyi, S. A., Bawua, S. A., Dwomoh, D., Arko-Mensah, J., & Fobil, J. N. (2024). Quality Assessment and Potentially Toxic Metals Related Human Health Risks of Groundwaters Close to Electrical Waste Dumpsites in Lagos, Nigeria. Chemistry Africa, 7(2), 977-990.
26. Azaare, J., Akweongo, P., Aryeetey, G. C., & Dwomoh, D. (2020). Impact of free maternal health care policy on maternal health care utilization and perinatal mortality in Ghana: protocol design for historical cohort study. Reproductive Health, 17(1), 1-17.
27. Kolekang A, Sarfo B, Danso-Appiah A, Dwomoh D, Akweongo P (2022) Contribution of child health interventions to under-five mortality decline in Ghana: A modeling study using lives saved and missed opportunity tools. PLoS ONE 17(8): e0267776. pone.0267776
28. Kolekang, A., Sarfo, B., Danso-Appiah, A., Dwomoh, D., & Akweongo, P. (2021). Are maternal and child health initiatives helping to reduce under-five mortality in Ghana? Results of a quasi-experimental study using coarsened exact matching. BMC pediatrics, 21(1), 1-17.
29. Tetteh, A., Adanu, R. M. K., Folson, G., Agyabeng, K., Dwomoh, D., & Aryeetey, R. (2023). Drivers of anaemia reduction among women of reproductive age in the Eastern and Upper West regions of Ghana: a secondary data analysis of the Ghana demographic and health surveys. African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development, 23(1), 22248-22274.
30. Dang, T.N.H., Le, D.D., Chuanwan, S., Dwomoh, D et al. What do outlet’s and provider’s characteristics mean for family planning consumers? A comparative study of Kenya, Nigeria and Uganda. BMC Women's Health 23, 537 (2023).
31. Adu J, Roemer M, Page G, Dekonor E, Akanlu G, Fofie C, Teye MD, Afriyie PO, Affram AA, Ohemeng F, Tabong PT, Dwomoh D. Expanding access to early medical abortion services in Ghana with telemedicine: findings from a pilot evaluation. Sex Reprod Health Matters. 2023 Dec;31(4):2250621. doi: 10.1080/26410397.2023.2250621. Epub 2023 Sep 20. PMID: 37728548.
32. Tetteh J, Nuertey BD, Dwomoh D, Udofia EA, Mohammed S, Adjei-Mensah E, et al. (2020) Teenage pregnancy and experience of physical violence among women aged 15-19 years in five African countries: Analysis of complex survey data. PLoS ONE 15(10): e0241348
33. Marfo, K., Dei-Adomakoh, Y., Segbefia, C., Dwomoh D. et al. Evaluation of treatment patterns, healthcare resource utilization and cost of illness for sickle cell disease in Ghana: a private medical insurance claims database study. BMC Health Serv Res 23, 1018 (2023).
34. Dotse-Gborgbortsi, W., Dwomoh, D., Asamoah, M. et al. Dam-mediated flooding impact on outpatient attendance and diarrhea cases in northern Ghana: a mixed methods study. BMC Public Health 22, 2108 (2022).
35. Mohammed, A.G., Dwomoh D., Kenu, E. et al. Factors influencing health workers’ compliance with the WHO intermittent preventive treatment for malaria in pregnancy recommendations in the Northern Region, Ghana. Malar J 21, 273 (2022).
36. Tetteh, M., Dwomoh, D., Asamoah, A. et al. Impact of malaria diagnostic refresher training programme on competencies and skills in malaria diagnosis among medical laboratory professionals: evidence from Ghana 2015–2019. Malar J 20, 255 (2021).
37. Kploanyi, E. E., Dwomoh, D., & Dzodzomenyo, M. (2020). The effect of occupational stress on depression and insomnia: A cross-sectional study among employees in a Ghanaian telecommunication company. BMC Public Health, 20(1), 1-10.
38. Dotse-Gborgbortsi, W., Dwomoh, D., Alegana, V., Hill, A., Tatem, A. J., & Wright, J. (2020). The influence of distance and quality on utilization of birthing services at health facilities in Eastern Region, Ghana. BMJ Global Health, 4(Suppl 5), e002020.
39. Owusu Donkor, I., Mensah, S. K., Dwomoh, D., Akorli, J., Abuaku, B., Ashong, Y., ... & Koram, K. A. (2023). Modeling SARS-CoV-2 antibody seroprevalence and its determinants in Ghana: A nationally representative cross-sectional survey. PLOS Global Public Health, 3(5), e0001851.
40. Takyi, S. A., Arko-Mensah, J., Basu, N., Bawuah, S., Dwomoh, D., & Fobil, J. N. (2023). Iron-and Protein Rich Diets may boost Hemoglobin Levels among Informal Electronic Waste Recyclers exposed to metals at Agbogbloshie, Ghana. Hygiene and Environmental Health Advances, 100073.
41. Tetteh, J., Ekem-Ferguson, G., Quarshie, E. N. B., Dwomoh, D., Swaray, S. M., Otchi, E., ... & Yawson, A. E. (2023). Food insecurity and its impact on substance use and suicidal behaviors among school-going adolescents in Africa: evidence from the Global School-Based Student Health Survey. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 1-14.
42. Owusu, D. N., Duah, H. O., Dwomoh, D., & Alhassan, Y. (2023). Prevalence and determinants of diarrhoea and acute respiratory infections among children aged under five years in West Africa: evidence from demographic and health surveys. International Health, ihad046.
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44. Issah, I., Arko-Mensah, J., Agyekum, T. P., Dwomoh, D., & Fobil, J. N. (2022). Health Risks Associated with Informal Electronic Waste Recycling in Africa: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(21), 14278.
45. Agnes Adom-Konadu, Ernest Yankson, Samuel M. Naandam, Dwomoh D, "A Mathematical Model for Effective Control and Possible Eradication of Malaria", Journal of Mathematics, vol. 2022, Article ID 6165581, 17 pages, 2022.
46. Agyekum, T. P., Arko-Mensah, J., Botwe, P. K., Hogarh, J. N., Issah, I., Dwomoh, D., ... & Fobil, J. N. (2022). Effects of Elevated Temperatures on the Growth and Development of Adult Anopheles gambiae (sl)(Diptera: Culicidae) Mosquitoes. Journal of Medical Entomology, 59(4), 1413-1420.
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48. Agyekum, T. P., Arko-Mensah, J., Botwe, P. K., Hogarh, J. N., Dwomoh D., ... & Fobil, J. N. (2022). Relationship between temperature and Anopheles gambiae sensu lato mosquitoes' susceptibility to pyrethroids and expression of metabolic enzymes. Parasites & Vectors, 15(1), 1-11.
49. Agyekum, T. P., Botwe, P. K., Arko-Mensah, J., Issah, I., Acquah, A. A., Hogarh, J. N., Dwomoh D... & Fobil, J. N. (2021). A Systematic Review of the Effects of Temperature on Anopheles Mosquito Development and Survival: Implications for Malaria Control in a Future Warmer Climate.
50. Amoani, B., Gyan, B., Sakyi, S.A. Dwomoh D et al. Effect of hookworm infection and anthelmintic treatment on naturally acquired antibody responses against the GMZ2 malaria vaccine candidate and constituent antigens. BMC Infect Dis 21, 332 (2021).
51. Kyei, Josephine M., Adom Manu, Dwomoh D, Agnes M. Kotoh, Kofi Agyabeng, and Augustine Ankomah. Ways of coping among women with infertility undergoing assisted reproductive technologies in Ghana." (2022). Pan-African Medical Journal
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53. Ibrahim Issah, John Arko-Mensah, Laura S. Rozek, Katie Rentschler, Thomas P. Agyekum, Dwomoh D, Stuart Batterman, Thomas G. Robins & Julius N. Fobil (2021) Association between global DNA methylation (LINE-1) and occupational particulate matter exposure among informal electronic-waste recyclers in Ghana, International Journal of Environmental Health Research, DOI: 10.1080/09603123.2021.1969007
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55. Acquah, A. A., D'Souza, C., Martin, B. J., Arko-Mensah, J., Botwe, P. K., Tettey, P., Dwomoh D ... & Fobil, J. N. (2021). A preliminary assessment of physical work exposures among electronic waste workers at Agbogbloshie, Accra Ghana. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 82, 103096.
56. Takyi, S. A., Basu, N., Arko-Mensah, J., Dwomoh, D., Houessionon, K. G., & Fobil, J. N. (2021). Biomonitoring of metals in blood and urine of electronic waste (E-waste) recyclers at Agbogbloshie, Ghana. Chemosphere, 280, 130677.
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69. Issah, I., Arko-Mensah, J., Rozek, L. S., Zarins, K. R., Agyekum, T. P., Dwomoh, D., ... & Fobil, J. N. (2021). Global DNA (LINE-1) methylation is associated with lead exposure and certain job tasks performed by electronic waste workers. International archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 94, 1931-1944.
70. Amoani, B., Gyan, B., Sakyi, S.A. Dwomoh, D et al. Effect of hookworm infection and anthelmintic treatment on naturally acquired antibody responses against the GMZ2 malaria vaccine candidate and constituent antigens. BMC Infect Dis 21, 332 (2021).
71. Issah, I., Arko-Mensah, J., Agyekum, T. P., Dwomoh, D., & Fobil, J. N. (2023). Electronic waste exposure and DNA damage: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Reviews on Environmental Health, 38(1), 15-31.

▪ Prof. Kena Frempong, Senior Lecturer, KNUST, Department of Statistics
▪ Prof. Samuel Iddi, Department of Statistics, University of Ghana
▪ Prof. Samuel Bosomprah, Department of Biostatistics, University of Ghana