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Prof. Dako-Gyeke

Dr. Phyllis Dako-Gyeke

Associate Professor

Contact Info Email:



Post-Doctoral Fellowship, School of Public Health, University of Michigan, USA. 2011. Areas of focus: Gender and Health

Ph.D., School of Media and Communication, Bowling Green State University, USA, 2009. Areas of Specialization: Health Communication & Development Communication 

Master of Arts in International Affairs, Ohio University, 2004                                                            

Major: Communication and Development Studies                                                               

Postgraduate Diploma, School of Communication Studies, University of Ghana, 2000                                    Areas of Interest: Public Relations & Advertising                                                                                 

Bachelor of Arts, University of Cape Coast, 1998                                                                                  

Major: English Language   

Working Experience


  1. Head, Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, School of Public Health, University of Ghana

  2. Senior Lecturer, School of Public Health, University of Ghana, September 2014 - Date

  3. Lecturer, School of Public Health, University of Ghana, 2010- August, 2014                                                                 

  4. Teaching Assistant, School of Media and Communication, Bowling Green State University, 2007-2009                     

  5. Research Assistant, School of Media and Communication, Bowling Green State University, 2006-2007                                                                 

  6. Graduate Assistant, Partnerships for Community Action, Bowling Green State University, 2006-2007                                 

  7. Shadow Instructor, Strategic Communication Online Course, Ohio University, 2005- 2006.   

  8. Research Fellow, Research International, Ghana, 2000-2001             


Publications in Peer Reviewed Journals: 

  1. Ankrah K. A., and Dako-Gyeke, P. (2021). Factors influencing the delivery and uptake of early infant diagnosis of HIV services in Greater Accra, Ghana: A qualitative study. PLOS ONE
  2. Gyimah, F. T., & Dako-Gyeke, P. (2019). Perspectives on TB patients’ care and   support: a qualitative study conducted in Accra Metropolis, Ghana" Globalization and Health, 15 (19).
  3. Maya, E. T., Adu-Bonsaffoh, K., Dako-Gyeke, P., Badzi, C., Vogel, J. P., Bohren, M. A.,     & Adanu, R. (2018). Women’s perspectives of mistreatment during childbirth at        health facilities in Ghana: findings from a qualitative study. Reproductive health matters26(53), 70-87.
  4. Grindlay, K., Dako-Gyeke, P., Ngo, T. D., Eva, G., Gobah, L., Reiger, S. T., ... & Blanchard, K. (2018). Contraceptive use and unintended pregnancy among young women and men              in Accra, Ghana. PLoS ONE 13(8),  e0201663. 
  5. Lekettey, J. D. P., Dako-Gyeke, P., Agyemang, S. A., & Aikins, M. (2017). Alcohol consumption among pregnant women in James Town Community, Accra,   Ghana. Reproductive health14(1), 120.
  6. Brinkel, J., Dako-Gyeke, P., Kramer, A., & Fobil, J. N. (2017). An investigation of users’ attitudes, requirements, and willingness to use mobile phone-based interactive voice response systems for seeking healthcare in Ghana: a qualitative study. Public  Health,  144, 125-133.

  7. Brinkel. J., May, J., Krumkamp, R., Lamshoft, M., Kreuls, B., Owusu-Dabo, E., Mohammed, A., Bonacic Mrinovic, A., Dako-Gyeke, P., Kramer, A., & Fobil, J. N. (2017). Mobile        phone-based interactive voice response as a tool for improving access to healthcare in remote areas in Ghana- an evaluation of user experiences. Tropical Medicine and International Health, 22 (5), 622-630. 

  8. De-Gaule, V. F., & Dako-Gyeke, P. (2016). Glaucoma awareness, knowledge and perception of risk and eye screening behaviour among residents of Abokobi, Ghana. BMC Opthalmology, 16 (204).

  9. Dako-Gyeke, P., Dornoo, B., Addo, A., Atuahene, M., &, Yawson, A.E. (2016).    Towards elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV in Ghana: an analysis of national programme data. International Journal of Equity in Health, 15(5).

  10. Yawson, AE., Dako-Gyeke, P., Hewlett, S., Calys-Tagoe BNL, Malm, KL., Hagan- Seneadza, NA, Agyei-Baffour, P., Baddoo NA., Martey, P., Mensah, G., Minicusi, N., Chatterji S., Kowal, P., & Biritwum, R.B. (2015). Sex and rural-urban disparities in self-reported chronic non-communicable diseases and health risks among older adults in Ghana: Implications for the National Aging Policy. Postgraduate Journal of   Ghana 4(2).

  11. Aryeetey, R., Aikins, M., Dako-Gyeke, P., & Adongo, P B. (2015). Pathways utilized for antenatal health seeking among women in the Ga East District, Ghana. Ghana Medical Journal 49(1).

  12. Vogel, J., Bohren, M., Tuncalp, O., Oladapo, O., Adanu, R., Balde, M.D., Maung, T.M., Fawole, B., Adu-Bonsaffoh, Dako-Gyeke, P., …(2015). How women are treated during facility-based childbirth: development and validation of measurement tools in four counties - phase 1 formative research study protocol. Reproductive Health   12(60).

  13. Dako-Gyeke, M., Dako-Gyeke, P. Asampong Emmanuel (2015). Experiences of  stigmatization and discrimination in accessing health services: Voices of Persons Living with HIV in Ghana. Social Work in Health Care. DOI: 10.1080/00981389.2015.1005268.

  14. Aikins, M., Aryeetey, R., Dako-Gyeke, P. Adongo, B. P. & McGough, L. (2014). Socio-economic differences in cost of pregnancy-related health services in peri-urban     Accra, Ghana. Journal of Public Health. DOI 10.1093/pubmed/fdu072.

  15. Hewlett, S., Calys-Tagoe, B., Yawson, A., Dako-Gyeke, P., Nakua, E., Folson, G., Baddo, A., Mensah, G., Naidoo, N., Kowal, P., & Biritwum, R. (2014). Prevalence and geographic distribution of edentulism among older Ghanaians. Journal of Public Health Dentistry. DOI:10.1111/jphd.12075.

  16. Dako-Gyeke P., & Agyapong, B. Esther (2014). Utilization of HIV Counseling and Testing Services in Urban and Rural Communities in Eastern Region of Ghana:  Implications for Achieving Universal HCT Coverage. Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 3(4), 239-246.
  17. Dako-Gyeke, P. (2013). “Safe sex talk:” Negotiating safe sex practices in heterosexual relationships. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences 4 (2).     

  18. Moyer, C., Dako-Gyeke, P., & Adanu, R. (2013). Facility-based delivery and maternal and early neonatal mortality in sub-Saharan Africa: A regional review of the literature. African Journal of Reproductive Health, 17(3): 30-43. 

  19. Gajjala, R., Zhang, Y., & Dako-Gyeke, P. (2010). “Lexicons of Women’s Empowerment  Online: Appropriating the Other.” Feminist Media Studies,10 (1), pp. 69-86.

  20. Adda, L., Opoku-Mensah, K., and Dako-Gyeke, P. (2020). Once the child is delivered, he is no more your baby,” Exclusive breastfeeding experiences of first-time mothers in Kassena-Nankana Municiplaity, Ghana- a qualitative study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth.
  21. Dako-Gyeke, P., Amazigo, U. V., Halpaap, B., and Manderson, L. (2020). Social innovation for health: engaging communities to address infectious diseases. Infectious Diseases   of Poverty 9 (1). 
  22. Dako-Gyeke P., Asampong E., Afari, E.,  Launois, P., Ackumey, M., Opoku-Mensah, K.,  Dery, S., Akweongo, P., Nonvignon, J., Aikins, M. (2020). Capacity building for implementation research: a methodology for advancing health research and practice.               Health Research Policy and Systems.

  23. Sikweyiya, Y., Addo-Lartey, A.A., Alangea, D.O., Dako-Gyeke, P. ,Chirwa, E. D., Coker-Appiah, D., Adanu, R.M.K., Jewkes, R., (2020). Patriarchy and gender-inequitable attitudes as drivers of intimate partner violence against women in the Central region of Ghana. BMC Public Health, 20(682).

  24. Dako-Gyeke P., Addo-Lartey, A., Alangea, D. O., Sikweyiya, Y., Chirwa, E. D., Coker-Appiah, D., Jewkes, R., and Adanu, R. M. (2019). “Small, small quarrels bring about happiness or love in the relationship:” Exploring community perceptions and gendered norms contributing to male perpetrated intimate partner violence in the Central Region of Ghana. PLOS ONE. 

  25. Alonge, O., Rao, A., Kalbarczyk, A., Maher, D., Marulanda, E. R. G., Sarker, M., Ibisomi, L., Dako-Gyeke, P., Mahendradhata, Y., Launois, P., and Vahedi, M. (2019). Developing a framework of core competencies in implementation research for low/middle-income countries. BMJ Global Health, 4 (5)

  26. Yawson, E A., & Dako-Gyeke, P., Addo, S, A., Dornoo, B. T., & Akwei Addo, N. (2014). Utilization of HIV counseling and testing in Ghana: Implications for universal coverage. African Journal of Reproductive Health, 18 (8), 145-155.
  27. Calys-Tagoe, B., Hewlett, S., Dako-Gyeke, P., Yawson, A., Baddoo, N., Mensah.,G., Minicucui, N., Naidoo, N., Chatterji, S., Kowal., P., & Biritwum, R. B.(2014).  Predictors of subjective wellbeing among older Ghanaians. Ghana Medical Journal, 8(4), 178-184. DOI:
  28. Dako-Gyeke, P., Aryeetey, R., Aikins, M., Mccough, L., & Adongo, B.P., (2013). The influence of socio-cultural interpretations of pregnancy threats on health-seeking      behavior among pregnant women in urban Accra, Ghana. BMC Pregnancy & Childbirth, 13(211).
  29. Yawson, A. E., Baddoo, A., Hagan-Seneadza, N A., Calys-Tagoe, B., Hewlett, S., Dako-   Gyeke, P., Mensah, G., Minicuci, N., Naidoo, N., Chatterji, S., Kowal, P., & Biritwum, R. (2013). Tobacco use in older adults in Ghana: socio-demographic characteristics, health risks and subjective wellbeing. BMC Public Health 13 (979).

  30. Dako-Gyeke,P., Snow, R & Yawson, A.E. (2012). Who is Utilizing Anti-retroviral  Therapy in Ghana: An Analysis of ART Service Utilization. International Journal for Equity in Health, 11.
  31. Yawson, Dako-Gyeke, P., & Snow, R.C. (2012). Are there gender differences in HIV testing in Ghana? A review of two national HIV testing data sources. AIDS Care, 24(9)

Ongoing Projects

Title  Role on the ProjectDuration of the Project Funder

Improving the effectiveness of mass long lasting insecticide treated net distribution campaigns through community-based health planning and services programme in Ghana: Implementation Research 



Principal Investigator

2021-2022Task Force for Global Health
Development of Mini MOOC for Vaccine implementation in LMICsPrincipal Investigator2021WHO-TDR
Regional Training Centre in Afro Region, supported by WHO-TDRPrincipal Investigator2014- DateWHO-TDR

Gender-Based Analysis for Vector Borne diseases using Global Classroom Approaches. WHO/TDR  


Principal Investigator2015-DateWHO-TDR

Participatory surveillance using prediction markets to forecast COVID-19 related outcomes in Ghana (2021)




SESH Global, LLC

Piloting of Gender Competency Tool Among Family Planning Providers


Principal Investigator2020-2021USAID
TDR GlobalPrincipal Investigator 2018 – DateWHO-TDR
Social Innovation in Health InitiativePrincipal Investigator2020-2023WHO-TDR