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Prof. E. A. Afari

Associate Professor

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Specialised area of teaching 

Principles of Epidemiology Epidemiology of Malaria and Planning its Control, Disease Surveillance

Education and Qualification

  • FGCP (Fellow of Ghana College of Physicians – 2004).

  • F.W.A.C.P (Fellow of West African College of Physician – Community Health – 1982).

  • D.T.M. &H. (England) November – 1976).

  • Msc. (London) September – 1975).

  • D.I.H (England) July, - 1975).

  • D. P. H (Liverpool) July, 1974).

  • MD (ODESSA) June 1967).


  • Afari, E. A. “Malaria Chemoprophylaxis/Chemosuppression in the Ghana Armed Forces” Preventive Medicine Group Symposium. Science Organization in Australia paper – May 1982; pp 84-92
  • Afari, E. A., Nakano T., Owusu-Agyei S.   Some demographic characteristics of two rural communities in southern Ghana.  Ghana Med. J. 1988: 22(3); 59-62
  • Afari, E. A., Nakano T., Owusu-Agyei S.   Childhood diarrhoea morbidity and treatment survey in two rural communities in Ghana.  Bull of NMIMR 1988: 1(2); 5-10
  • Afari, E. A., Nakano T., Binka, F., Owusu-Agyei S., Fenteng, J., Aseidu B. K.  Major causes of morbidity among pre-school children in two rural communities in southern Ghana.  Bull of NMIMR 1989: 1(2); 7-16 
  • Afari, E. A. The role of Noguchi Memorial Institute for medical research in the control of communicable diseases and malnutrition in Ghana. Proceedings of Ghana-Japan Joint Scientific Conference in Commemoration of the 10th Anniversary of the NMIMR 1979-1989
  • Afari, E. A., Nakano T., Binka F., Owusu-Agyei S. and Asibgee J.  Seasonal characteristics of malaria infection in under-five children of rural community in southern Ghana.  West African J of Med.  1993: 12(1); 39-42
  • Afari, E. A., Akanmori B. D., Nakano T., Ofori-Adjei D., Owusu-Agyei S., Gyan B., and Adjei A.  In vivo and In vitro response sensitivity status of P. falciparum to chloroquine in three communities in Ghana.  Ghana Med J. 1989: 23(4); 233-237
  • Afari, E. A. et al.  Acute respiratory infections in children under five in two rural communities in southern Ghana.  Jpn. J. Trop. Med. 1991: 19(3); 275-280
  • Afari, E. A., Akamori B. D., Nakano T.  In vivo and In vitro P. falciparum sensitivity to chloroquine and In vitro response of P. falciparum to amodiaquine, quinine and sulfadoxine/pyrimethamine in three ecological zones in Ghana from June 1988 – December 1990.  A report to the Ministry of Health
  • Nakano T., Binka F. N., Afari, E. A., Agbodaze D., Aryeetey E. A., Mingle J. A. A., Kamiya H. and Sakurai M.  Survey of enteropathogenic agents in children with and without diarrhoea in Ghana.  Journal of Trop. Med. And Hyg. 1990, 93; 408-412
  • Afari, E. A., Akamori B. D., Nakano T. and Ofori-Adjei D.  P. falciparum sensitivity to chloroquine In vivo in three ecological zones in Ghana.  Trans. Roy. Soc. Of Trop. Med and Hygiene. 1992: 86; 231-232
  • Jakobson P. H., Hviid L., Theander T. G., Afari E. A., Ridley R. G., Heegaard P. M., Stuber D., Dalsgaard K. and Nkrumah F. K.  Specific T-cell recognition of Merozoite Proteins Rhoptry – Associated Protein 1 and Erythrocyte – binding Antigen 1 of Plasmodium falciparum.  Infection and Immunity Journal. 1993: 61(1); 268-273
  • Afari, E. A., Akamori B. D., Nakano T.  In vitro responses of P. falciparum parasite to chloroquine, amodiaquine and quinine in two ecological zones in Ghana.  Central African J. Med. 1993: 39(7); 136-140
  • Appawu M. A., Aba Baffoe-Wilmot, Afari, E. A., Nkrumah F. K.  Species composition and inversion polymorphism of the Anopheles gambiae complex in some sites of Ghana, West Africa.  Acta Tropica 1994: 16-23
  • Hori H., Afari, E. A., Akamori B. D., Kamiya Y., Sakatoku H., Nkrumah F. K., Kamiya H., Chazono M. and Fukai K.  A randomized controlled trial of two cellular pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus vaccines in primary immunization in Ghana.  Annals of tropical Pediatrics 1994: 14;    91-96
  • Osei-Kwasi, Afari, E. A., Mimura K., Sakatoku H., Obeng-Ansah I., Ampofo W.K. and Nkrumah F.K.  Randomized controlled trial of Trivalent Oral Poliomyelitis (Safin) vaccine starting at birth in Ghana.  Bull of WHO. 1995: 73(91); 41-46
  • Afari, E. A., Dunyo S., Appawu M. A and Nkrumah F. K.  In vivo assessment of plasmodium falciparum sensitivity to choloroquine in two different malaria endemic communities in southern Ghana.  15th African Health Sciences Congress in Nairobi, Kenya in February 1994.  Abstracts pp 38-39
  • Afari, E. A., et al.  Child survival activities in three rural communities in Gomoa District:  Overview and Trends in under five morbidity and mortality.  Bulletin of Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research, Special edition 1992: 50; 91-129
  • Afari, E. A., et al.  Child survival activities in three rural communities in Gomoa District:  Impact and lessons learnt.  Bulletin of Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research, Special edition 1992: 5; 130-158
  • Afari, E. A., et al.  Rural community based malaria control:  the Gomoa experience.  Bulletin of Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research, Special edition 1992: 5; 159-184
  • Afari, E. A., et al.  In vivo assessment of P. falciparum sensitivity to chloroquine in two different malaria endemic communities in southern Ghana.  African Journal of Health Sciences 1994: 3; 112-115
  • Abrahams, C. A., Agbodaze, D., Nakano, T., Afari, E. A., &Longmatey, H. E. K. (1990). Prevalence and antibiogram of campylobacter jejuni in domestic animals in rural Ghana. Archives of Environmental Health, 45(1), 59-62.
  • Afari, E. A., Kamiya, Y., Nkrumah, F. K., Dunyo, S. K., Akpedonu, P., Kamiya, H., &Fukai, F. (1996). Randomized controlled trial of acellular diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus vaccines in southern Ghana. Annals of Tropical Paediatrics, 16(1), 39-48
  • 24. Afari, E. A., Nkrumah, F. K., Nakana, T., Sakatoku, H., Hori, H., & Binka, F. (1995). Impact of primary health care on child morbidity and mortality in rural Ghana: The gomoa experience [corrected]. Central African Journal of Medicine, 41(5), 148-153.
  • Ahorlu, C. K., Dunyo, S. K., Afari, E. A., Koram, K. A., & Nkrumah, F. K. (1997). Malaria-related beliefs and behaviour in southern Ghana: Implications for treatment, prevention and control. Tropical Medicine and International Health, 2(5), 488-499.
  • Akanmori, B. D., Afari, E. A., Sakatoku, H., & Nkrumah, F. K. (1995). A longitudinal study of malaria infection, morbidity and antibody titres in infants of a rural community in Ghana. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 89(5), 560-561.
  • Appawu, M. A., Baffoe-Wilmot, A., Afari, E. A., Dunyo, S., Koram, K. A., & Nkrumah, F. K. (2001). Malaria vector studies in two ecological zones in southern Ghana. African Entomology, 9(1), 59-65
  • Dunyo, S. K., Afari, E. A., Koram, K. A., Ahorlu, C. K., Abubakar, I., & Nkrumah, F. K. (2000). Health centre versus home presumptive diagnosis of malaria in southern Ghana: Implications for home-based care policy. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 94(3), 285-288.
  • Hori, H., Afari, E. A., Akanmori, B. D., Kamiya, Y., Sakatoku, H., Nkrumah, F. K., . . . Fukai, K. (1994). A randomized controlled trial of two acellular pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus vaccines in primary immunization in Ghana: Antibody responses and adverse reactions. Annals of Tropical Paediatrics, 14(2), 91-96.
  • Hori, H., Afari, E. A., Akanmori, B. D., Kamiya, Y., Sakatoku, H., Nkrumah, F. K., . . . Fukai, K. (1995). Pertussis immunization with acellular vaccines in Ghanaian children. Annals of Tropical Paediatrics, 15(2), 141-146.
  • Nakano, T., Binka, F. N., Afari, E. A., Agbodaze, D., Aryeetey, M. E., Mingle, J. A. A., . . . Sakurai, M. (1990). Survey of enteropathogenic agents in children with and without diarrhoea in Ghana. Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 93(6), 408-412.
  • Nkrumah, F. K., Osei-Kwasi, M., Dunyo, S. K., Koram, K. A., & Afari, E. A. (1998). Comparison of AIK-C measles vaccine in infants at 6 months with schwarz vaccine at 9 months: A randomized controlled trial in Ghana. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 76(4), 353-359.
  • Osei-Kwasi, M., Dunyo, S. K., Koram, K. A., Afari, E. A., Odoom, J. K., & Nkrumah, F. K. (2001). Antibody response to 17D yellow fever vaccine in Ghanaian infants. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 79(11), 1056-1059.
  • Owusu-Agyei, S., Awini, E., Anto, F., Mensah-Afful, T., Adjuik, M., Hodgson, A., Afari E.A., . Binka, F. (2007). Assessing malaria control in the kassena-nankana district of northern Ghana through repeated surveys using the RBM tools. Malaria Journal, 6
  • Sakatoku, H., Nakano, T., Arai, S., & Afari, E. A. (1994). Antibody response to measles immunization in rural - Ghanaian infants. Journal of Tropical Pediatrics, 40(5), 291-293.
  • Theander, T. G., Hviid, L., Dodoo, D., Afari, E. A., Jensen, J. B., & Rzepczyk, C. M. (1997). Human T-cell recognition of synthetic peptides representing conserved and variant sequences from the merozoite surface protein 2 of plasmodium falciparum. Immunology Letters, 58(1), 1-8.
  • Joseph Opare, Edwin Afarwi, Fred Wurapa, Chima Ohuabunwo, Samuel Sackey, Donne Ameme (2013) Gastroenteritis Outbreak in a Senior High School, Akwapim North District, Eastern Region-Ghana, 2012. International Journal of TROPICAL DISEASE and Health 3(3), 2010-216