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Prof. Mawuli Dzodzomenyo

Associate Professor

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My research focuses on genetic basis of infectious diseases particularly polymorphisms in genes encoding for molecules and enzymes and their association with severity of diseases with emphasis on malaria and other vector-borne diseases. I also work on assessing morbidity and mortality due to common parasites such as malaria, schistosomiasis, lymphatic filariasis and other geohelminths in endemic populations in developing countries and also the design of appropriate interventions to promote health with particular focus on children. Part of my work also includes genotyping using genetic markers to reveal the presence mutations for assessing resistance to drugs. More recently, my work has also focused on determining occupational health risks among waste handlers and community members with a focus on helminth infections and other bacterial infections in peri-urban environments. I also work currently on climate change adaptation to health issues and assessing health workforce capacity in delivering healthcare in developing countries.


• GSPH 209 Introduction to Microbiology- 3 Credits
• GSPH 311 Environmental Health and Sanitation- 2 Credits
• GSPH 429 Health Aspects of Housing – 2 Credits
• GSPH 326 Global Climate Change and Health Effects-2 credits
• GSPH 328 Control of Emerging and Reemerging Diseases
• Coordination of Undergraduate Seminars – 2 credits

• BEOH 602 Environmental Health – 2 Credits
• BEOH 660 (Special Elective) Emerging and Re-emerging Diseases of Global Health Significance – 2 credits


Adeladza K Amegah, Jouni JK Jaakkola, Reginald Quansah, Gameli K Norgbe and Mawuli Dzodzomenyo. Cooking fuel choices and garbage burning practices as determinants of birth weight: a cross-sectional study in Accra, Ghana; Environmental Health 2012, 11 (1):78

2. Kotha SR, Johnson JC, Galea S, Agyei-Baffour P, Nakua E, Asabir K, Kwansah J, Gyakobo M, Dzodzomenyo M, Kruk ME, 2012. Lifecourse factors and likelihood of rural practice and emigration: a survey of Ghanaian medical students Rural and Remote Health 12: 1898

3. Janet Kwansah, Mawuli Dzodzomenyo, Massy Mutumba, Kwesi Asabir, Elizabeth Koomson, Mawuli Gyakobo, Peter Agyei-Baffour, Margaret Kruk and Rachel C Snow. 2012. Policy Talk: Incentives for rural service among nurses in Ghana. Health Policy and Planning. 1-8

4. N. Takahashi, K. Tanabe, T. Tsukahara, M. Dzodzomenyo, L. Dysoley, B. Khamlome, J. Sattabongkot, M. Nakamura, M. Sakurai, J. Kobayashi, A. Kaneko, H. Endo, F. Hombhanje, T. Tsuboi and T. Mita. 2012. Large-scale survey of novel genotypes of Plasmodium falciparum chloroquine-resistance gene pfcrt. Malaria Journal. 11: 92

5. Margaret E Kruk, Jennifer C Johnson, Mawuli Gyakobo, Peter Agyei-Baffour, Kwesi Asabir, S Rani Kotha, Janet Kwansah, Emmanuel Nakua, Rachel C Snow & Mawuli Dzodzomenyo. 2010. Rural practice preferences among medical students in Ghana: a discrete choice experiment. Bulletin of World Health Organisation, 88 (5), 321-400.

6. Toshihiro Mita, Kazuyuki Tanabe, Nobuyuki Takahashi, Richard Culleton, Mathieu Ndounga, Mawuli Dzodzomenyo, Willis S. Akhwale, Akira Kaneko, and Takatoshi Kobayakawa. 2009. Indigenous evolution of Plasmodium falciparum pyrimethamine resistance multiple times in Africa. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 63, 252-255.

7. Mawuli Dzodzomenyo, Samuel K. Dunyo, Collins K. Ahorlu, William Z. Coker, Maxwell A. Appawu, Erling M. Pedersen and Paul E. Simonsen, 1999. Bacroftian filariasis in an irrigation project community in Southern Ghana, Tropical Medicine & International Health, 4, (1) 13- 18.