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Prof. Patricia Akweongo

Associate Professor

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Education and Qualification


  • University of Cape Town, South Africa (2005)
  • University of Cape Town, South Africa (1999)
  • University of Ghana (1994)


  • PhD Public Health (Health Economics option)
  • Master of Health Economics 
  • Bachelor of Arts (Economics with French)

Working Experience

DatePosition Institution 
August 2018-DateHead of Department Health Policy Planning and ManagementUniversity of Ghana School of Public Health
August 2012-July 2016Head of Department Epidemiology and Disease ControlUniversity of Ghana School of Public Health
August 2009-DateSenior LecturerUniversity of Ghana School of Public Health
December 2008-July 2009LecturerUniversity of Ghana School of Public Health
February 2007- December 2009Adjunct LecturerSchool of Public Health, University of Witwatersrand South Africa.
April 2005 - September 2008Adjunct LecturerGeorgetown, University, USA
2005-2008Head of Social Science UnitNavrongo Health Research Centre. Ghana Health, Service
2004-2008Research ScientistNavrongo Health Research Centre. Ghana Health, Service
1999-2004Research OfficerNavrongo Health Research Centre. Ghana Health, Service
1995-1999Research AssistantNavrongo Health Research Centre. Ghana Health, Service


  1. Akweongo P.  Aikins A., Wyss Kaspar, Salari P. and Tediosi F. (2021). Insured Clients Out-of-pocket payments for health care under the National Health Insurance Scheme in Ghana. BMC Health Services Research; 21:440
  2. Dalaba MA, Welaga P, Dalinjong PA, Dalinjong PA, Chatio S., Immurana M., Alhassan RK, Klu D, Manyeh AK, Agorinya I, Oduro A. Adongo PB and Akweongo P. (2021)  Health- seeking behaviour and cost of fever treatment to households in a malaria-endemic setting of northern Ghana: a cross- sectional study. BMJ Open; 11 
  3. Akweongo P., Jackson E.F, Appiah-Yeboah S., Sakeah  E. and Phillips JF (2021) It’s a woman’s thing: gender roles sustaining the practice of female genital mutilation among the Kassena-Nankana of northern Ghana. Reprod. Health 18 (52)

  4. Akweongo P.,  Chatio S.T,  Owusu R., Salari P., Tediosi F. and Aikins M. (2021). How does it affect service delivery of under the National Health Insurance Scheme in Ghana? Health Providers and insurance managers perspectives on submission and reimbursement of claims. PLoS ONE 16(3)

  5. Aikins M, Tabong PT-N, Salari P, Tediosi F, Asenso-Boadi FM, Akweongo P (2021) Positioning the National Health Insurance for financial sustainability and Universal Health Coverage in Ghana: A qualitative study among key stakeholders. PLoS ONE 16(6)

  6. Akweongo P. E.  Tediosi F. Gadeka D.D., Salari P. and Aikins M. (2021). Community perceptions of enrolment of Indigents into the National Health Insurance Scheme in Ghana through the Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty Programme. Global Health Research and Policy 2021, 6:28.
  7. Erismann, S., Pesantes, M.A., Beran, D.  Leuenberger A. Farnham A, Gonzalez de White MB, Labhardt ND, Tediosi F, Akweongo P, Kuwawenaruwa A, Zinsstag J, Brugger F, Somerville C, Wyss Kaspar & Prytherch H (2021). How to bring research evidence into policy? Synthesizing strategies of five research projects in low-and middle-income countries. Health Res Policy Sys (1929 
  8. Nimako K, , Smith JM, Akweongo P (2021).Translating the Lancet Global Health Quality Commission report into action: can we implement a UHC4Survival agenda?, IJQHC Communications, Vol 1:1 
  9. Tabong P T-N, Akweongo P. & Adongo PB (2021). Community beliefs about tuberculosis in Ghana: Implications for the end tuberculosis global agenda, Cogent Medicine, 8:1
  10. Kruk M, Ataguba  JE and Akweongo  P (2020). The universal health coverage ambition faces a critical test. Lancet, Vol 396 (10258):1130-1131

  11. Azaare J, Akweongo P, Aryeetey, G.C. and   Duah D. (2020). Impact of free maternal health care policy on maternal health care utilization  and perinatal mortality in Ghana: protocol design for historical cohort study. Reprod Health 17, 169.

  12. Dako-Gyeke P, Asampong E., Afari E, Launois P, Ackumey M, Opoku-Mensah K., Dery S, Akweongo P, Nonvignon J and Aikins M (2020). Capacity building for implementation research: a methodology for advancing health research and practice. Health Res Policy Syst 18(1):53. doi:10.1186/s12962-020-00568-y.

  13. Klobodu C, Milliron BJ, Agyabeng K, Akweongo P and Adomah-Afari A. (2020) BMC Pregnancy Childbirth  20(1):566. Doi:10.1186/s12884-020-03263-6.

  14. Aku FY., Akweongo P, Nyarko KM, Mensah LG, Amegan-Aho K, Kumi L, Afari EA, Ameme DK and Kenu E (2020). Factors associated with culture proven neonatal sepsis in the Ho municipality, 2016. Pan Afri Med J. 36:281

  15.  Salari P.,   Akweongo P,   Aikins M. and    Tediosi F. (2019). Determinants of health insurance enrolment in Ghana: evidence from three national household surveys. Health Policy and Planning, Vol. 34, Issue 8, Pg. 582–594.  

  16.  Osei-Yeboah R. Adedze M., Bannor R., Opoku E. T and Akweongo P (2019). HIV prevalence variations in mining communities in Ghana. Journal of HIV/AIDS & Social Services. 18:2, 129-145 

  17. Chatio S, Welaga P, Tabong P T-N and Akweongo P (2019). Factors influencing performance of community-based health volunteers’ activities in the Kassena-Nankana districts of Northern Ghana. PLoS ONE 14(2): e0212166. pone.0212166 

  18. Nsiah-Boateng E, Nonvignon J, Aryeetey GC, Salari P, Tediosi F, Akweongo P, Aikins M. (2019). Sociodemographic determinants of health insurance enrolment and dropout in urban district of Ghana: a cross-sectional study. Health Economics Review, 9:23.

  19. Oduro AR, Chatio S, Beeri P, Anyorigiya T, Baiden R, Adongo P, Akweongo P (2019).  Adherence to Dihydroartemisinin-Piperaquine Treatment among Patients with Uncomplicated Malaria in Northern Ghana. Journal of Tropical Medicine, Volume 2019, Article ID 5198010.

  20. Rouamba T, Sondo P, Yerbanga IW, Compaore A, Traore-Coulibaly M, Hien FS, Diande NA, Valia D, Akweongo P, Baiden R, Binka F, Kirakoya-Samadoulougou F and Tinto H (2019). High Adherence level to artemisinin-based combination therapies in rural settlement 11 years after their introduction in the health system, Nanoro, Burkina Faso. Patient Preference and Adherence. 13; 371-380  Dovepress

  21. Heerdegen ACS, Boenberger M, Aikins M, Schandorf P, Akweongo P and Wyss K (2019). Health worker transfer processes within the public health sector in Ghana: a study of three districts in the Eastern Region. Human Resources for Health, 17:45 

  22. Asiedu KE, Bandoh AD, Ameme DK, Nortey P, Akweongo P, Sackey OS, Afari E., Nyarko MK, and Kenu E (2019). Obstetric determinants of preterm delivery in a regional hospital, Accra, Ghana 2016. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth; 19:248 

  23. Opare KLJ, Akweongo P, Afari  EA and Odoom JK (2019). Poliovirus neutralizing antibody levels among individuals in three regions of Ghana. Ghana Med J. 53(2):170-180 doi:

  24. Opare KLJ, Odoom JK, Akweongo P, Afari  EA and Pappoe M (2019) Poliovirus antibody levels and lameness among individuals in three regions of Ghana, Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, 15:9, 2050-2059, DOI: 10.1080/21645515.2019.1637235. 

  25. Meyer C, Evans D, Soucat A, Dkhimi F, Akweongo P,  Kessy F, Maurer, J, Ooms G and Stoermer M (2018) Leaving no one behind? Reaching the informal sector, poor people and marginalized groups with Social Health Protection, Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, 26(3) 459–65, DOI:10.1332/175982718X15361436867390 

  26. Aku FY,   Akweongo P, Nyarko K,  Sackey S,   Wurapa F, Afari EA, Ameme DK, Kenu E (2018). Bacteriological profile and antibiotic susceptibility pattern of common isolates of neonatal sepsis, Ho Municipality, Ghana-2016. Maternal Health, Neonatology and Perinatology 4:2.

  27. Lopes PH, Akweongo P, Wurapa F, Afari E, Sackey OS, Hansen ME, Nyarko MK (2018).  Canine Rabies Outbreaks, Vaccination Coverage, and Transmission in Humans: Greater Accra Region, Ghana- A Retrospective Study-2006- 2011. American Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine. Vol. 6, (2) 58-63.   doi: 10.11648/j.ajcem.20180602.14

  28. Chatio S, Akweongo P (2017). Retention and sustainability of community-based health volunteers’ activities: A qualitative study in rural Northern Ghana. PLoS One. 15;12(3)

  29.  Diallo N, Akweongo P, Maya E, Aikins M, Sarfo B. (2017). Burden of malaria in mobile populations in the Greater Accra region: a cross sectional study. Malar J 9;16(1) 

  30. Nsiah-Boateng E, Asenso-Boadi F, Dsane-Selby L, Andoh-Adjei FX, Otoo N, Akweongo P, Aikins M. (2017). Reducing medical claims costs to Ghana’s National Health Insurance Scheme: a cross-sectional comparative assessment of the paper-based and electronic-based claims reviews. BMC Health Serv Res: 6;17(1): 115.

  31. Chatio S, Aborigo R, Adongo PB, Anyorigiya T, Dalinjong PA, Akweongo P, Oduro A. (2016). Factors influencing adverse events reporting within the health care system: the case of artemisinin-based combination treatments in northern Ghana. Mala J. 27(15):125 doi; 10.1186/s12936-016-1172-2. 

  32. Lopes PH, Akweongo P, Wurapa F, Afari E, Sackey OS, Ocansey D, Nyarko MK (2016).  Bovine Tuberculosis Surveillance System Evaluation, Greater-Accra Region, Ghana, 2006-2011. The Pan African Medical Journal; 25(Supp 1):10 

  33. Boadu R, Darko G, Nortey P, Akweongo P and Sarfo B. (2016). Assessing the sensitivity and specificity of First Response HIV-1-2 test kit whole blood and serum samples: a cross sectional study. AIDS Res Ther 16(13):9. Doi:10.1186/s12981-016-0092-0. 

  34. Tawiah T, Asante KP, Dwommoh RA, Kwarteng A, Gyaase S, Mahama E, Abokyi L, Amenga-Etego S, Hansen K, Akweongo P, Owusu-Agyei S. (2016). Economic costs of fever to households in the middle belt of Ghana. Malar J. 6(5):68. 

  35.  Bonenberger M, Aikins M, Akweongo P, Wyss K. (2016). Factors influencing the work efficiency of district health managers in low-resource settings: a qualitative study in Ghana. BMC Health Serv Res. 14;16:12. 

  36. Vargas E, Becerril-Montekio V, Gonzalez-Block MÁ, Akweongo P., Hazel CN, Cuembelo Mde F, Limbani F, Bernardo W, Muñoz F. (2016). Mapping the use of research to support strategies tackling maternal and child health inequities: evidence from six countries in Africa and Latin America. Health Res Policy Syst. 7; 14:1. 

  37. Abokyi LN, Asante KP, Mahama E, Gyaase S, Sulemana A, Kwarteng A, Ayaam J, Dosoo D, Adu-Gyasi D, Amenga-Etego S, Ogutu B, Akweongo P., Owusu-Agyei S. (2015). Use of Antimalarial in the Management of Fever during a Community Survey in the Kintampo districts of Ghana. PLoS One. 18;10(11):

  38.  Kirigia JM, Masiye F, Kirigia DG, Akweongo P (2015). Indirect costs associated with deaths from the Ebola virus disease in West Africa. Infect Dis  Poverty 29(4):45. 

  39. Quaye AE, Amporful OE, Akweongo P and Aikins  KM (2015). Analysis of the Financial Cost of Diabetes Mellitus in Four Cocoa Clinics in Ghana. Value in Health Regional Issues 7C (2015) 49-53

  40. Addo PN, Nyarko KM, Sackey SO, Akweongo P, Sarfo B. (2015). Prevalence of Obesity and Overweight and associated factors among financial institution workers in Accra Metropolis, Ghana: a cross sectional study. BMC Res Notes 23(8):599. 

  41.  Kukula VA, Dodoo AA, Akpakli J, Narh-Bana SA, Clerk C, Adjei A, Awini E, Manye S, Nagai RA, Odonkor G, Nikoi C, Adjuik M, Akweongo P, Baiden R, Ogutu B, Binka F, Gyapong M (2015). Feasibility and cost of using mobile phones for capturing drug safety information in peri-urban settlement in Ghana: a prospective cohort study of patients with uncomplicated malaria. Malar J. 19(14):411. 

  42. Debpuur C, Dalaba MA, Chatio S, Adjuik M, Akweongo P (2015). An exploration of moral hazard behaviors under the National Health Insurance Scheme in Northern Ghana. BMC Serv Res. 15(15):469. 

  43. Raven J, Akweongo P, Baba M, Baine SO, Sall MG, Buzuzi S and Martineau T (2015). Using a human resource management approach to support community health workers: experiences from five African countries. Human Resources for Health 13:45 

  44. Punguyire D, Mahama E, Letsa T, Akweongo P and Sarfo B (2015). Factors associated with syphilis screening uptake among pregnant women in health facilities in Brong Ahafo region of Ghana. Maternal Health, Neonatology, and Perinatology; 1(1). 

  45.  Osei E, Akweongo P and Binka F (2015). Factors associated with DELAY in diagnosis among Tuberculosis patients in Hohoe Municipality, Ghana. BMC Public Health 15(1):721. 

  46. Bonenberger M, Aikins M, Akweongo P, Bosch-Capblanch X, Wyss K (2015).What Do District Health Managers in Ghana Use Their Working Time for? A case study of Three districts. PLoS ONE 10(6): e0130633. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0130633 

  47. Dalaba MA, Akweongo P, Aborigo RA, Saronga HP, Williams J, Blank A, Kaltschmidt J, Sauerborn R and Loukanova S (2015). Cost-Effectiveness of Clinical Decision Support System in Improving Maternal Health Care in Ghana. PLoS ONE; 10(5)

  48. Chatio S, Aborigo R, Adongo PB, Anyorigiya T, Akweongo P Oduro A (2015). Adherence and Uptake of Artemisinin-Based Combination Treatments for Uncomplicated Malaria: A qualitative Study in Northern Ghana. PLoS ONE 02/2015; 10(2).

  49. Dalaba M Akweongo P  Aborigo R Saronga H, Williams J, Aninanya G, Auaerborn R and  Louakanova S (2015). Cost to households in treating maternal complications in northern Ghana: a cross sectional study. BMC Health Services Research 15(1):34. 

  50. Mensah N, Sukums F, Awine T, Meid A, Williams J, Akweongo P, Kaltschmidt J, Haefeli WE and Baln A (2015). Impact of an electronic clinical decision support system on workflow in antenatal care: the QUALMAT eCDSS in rural health care facilities in Ghana and Tanzania.   Global Health Action Volume 8 01/2015; 8:25756.

  51. Agyepong IA, Anniah , Aikins M, Akweongo P, Esena R and Mirzoev T (2015).  Health Policy, Health Systems Research and Analysis Capacity Assessment of the School of Public Health, University of Ghana. Ghana Medical Journal, 49:3

  52. Quentin W,  Abosede OAka J,  Akweongo P, Dinard K,  Ezeh A,   Hamed R, Kayembe PK,  Mitike G,   Mtei  G,   Bonle MT and Sundmacher L (2014) Inequalities in child mortality in ten major African cities. BMC Medicine, 12:95

  53. Adongo PB, Tapsoba P, Phillips JF, Tabong PT, Stone A, Kuffour E, Esansti SF, Akweongo P (2014). “If you do vasectomy and come back here weak, I will divorce you”: A qualitative study of community perceptions about vasectomy in Southern Ghana.  BMC International Health and Human Rights, 14:16

  54. Awini E, Sarpong D, Adjei A, Manyeh KA, Amu A, Akweongo P, Adongo P, Kukula V, Odonkor G, Narh S and Gyapong M. (2014) Estimating cause of adult (15+ years) death using InterVA-4 in a rural district of southern Ghana, Global Health Action, 7:1, 25543, DOI: 10.3402/gha.v7.25543 

  55. Akweongo P, Dalaba MA, Hayden MH, Awine T, Nyaaba GN, Anaseba D, Hodgson A, Forgor AA, Pandya R. (2013). The economic burden of Meningitis to Households in the Kassena-Nankana District of Northern Ghana PLoS ONE 8 (11).

  56.  Anto F,  Asoala V, Adjuik M, Anyorigiya T, Oduro A, Akazili J, Akweongo P, Ayivor P, Bimi  L and Hodgson A(2013).  Water Contact Activities and Prevalence of Schistosomiasis Infection among School-age Children in Communities along an Irrigation Scheme in Rural Northern Ghana.   J Bacteriol Parasitol 2013, 4:4 

  57. Aborah S, Akweongo P, Adjuik M, Atinga RA, Welaga P, Adongo PB (2013). The use of non-prescribed anti-malaria drugs for the treatment of malaria in the Bolgatanga municipality, Northern Ghana. Malaria Journal. 12(1):266.

  58. Adongo PB, Tapsoba P, Phillips JF, Philip Tabong TN, Stone A, Kuffour E, Esantsi SF, Akweongo P (2013) The role of community-based health planning and services strategy in involving males in the provision of family planning services: a qualitative study in Southern Ghana. Reproductive Health, 10(1):36.

  59. Dalaba MA, Akweongo P, Savadogo G, Saronga P, Williams J, Sauerborn R, Dong H, Loukanova S (2013). Cost of maternal health services in selected primary care centres in Ghana: a step down allocation approach. BMC Health Services Research. 13(1): 287.

  60. Hayden MH, Dalaba MA, Awine T, Akweongo P, Nyaaba G, Anaseba D, Pelzman J, Hodgson A, Pandya R (2013). Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Related to Meningitis in Northern Ghana. The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene Vol. 12-0515

  61. Odame EA, Akweongo P, Yankah B, Asenso-Boadi F, Agyepong I (2013). Sustainability of recurrent expenditure on public social welfare programmes: expenditure analysis of the free maternal care programme of the Ghana National Health Insurance Scheme. Health Policy and Planning, 1-9.

  62. Dalaba MA, Akweongo P, Aborigo RA, Ataguba JE (2012). To insure or not to insure: The influence of insurance status on health seeking behaviour in the Kassena-Nankana district of Ghana. The African Journal of Health Sciences,  21:161-173.

  63. Duki, CV, Hayden M, Forgor AA, Hopson T, Akweongo P, Hodgson A, Monaghan A, Wiedinmyer C, Yoksas T, Thomson CM, Trazaska S, Pandya R. (2012). The Role of Weather in Meningitis Outbreaks in Navrongo, Ghana: A generalized Additive Modeling Approach. Journal of Agricultural Biological and Environmental Statistics 17:3; 526-544.

  64. Akweongo P, Agyei-Baffour P, Sudhakar M, Simwaka B. N., Konaté A.T., Adongo BP, Browne NLE, Tegegn A, Ali D, Traoré A, Amuyunzu-Nyamongo M, Pagnoni F, Barnis G. (2011). Feasibility and acceptability of ACT for the community case management of malaria in urban in settings in five African sites. Malaria Journal, 10:240.

  65. Anto F, Anyorigiya T, Oduro A, Adjuik M, Akweongo P, Aborigo R, Bimi L, Amankwa J, Hodgson A. (2011) Simultaneous administration of praziquantel, ivermectin and albendazole, in a community in rural Northern Ghana endemic for schistosomiasis, onchocerciasis and lymphatic filariasis.  Tropical Medicine and International Health,16(9) 1112-1119.

  66. Achana FS, Debpuur C, Akweongo P, Cleland J (2010). Postpartum abstinence and risk of HIV among young mothers in the Kassena-Nankana District of Northern Ghana. Culture, health and sexuality. 12(5):47-54.

  67. Aberese AM and Akweongo P (2009). The limited effectiveness of legislation against female genital mutilation and the role of community beliefs in Upper East Region, Ghana. Reproductive Health Matters. 17(34):47-54.

  68. Gysels MC, Mathanga DP, Adongo P, Odhiambo F, Gosling R, Akweongo P., Mwangi R, Okello G, Mangesho P, Slutsker L, Kremsner L, PG, Grobusch MP, Hamel MJ, Newman RD, Pool R (2009).  Community response to intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in infants (IPTi) delivered through the expanded programme of immunization in five African settings Malaria Journal, 8:191 

  69. Achana F, Akweongo P, Debpuur C and Cleland J (2008) “Coping Strategies of Young Mothers at Risk of HIV/AIDS in the Kassena-Nankana District of Northern Ghana”. African Journal of Reproductive Health. 13[1]:61-78

  70. Baiden F, Akanlu G, Hodgson A, Akweongo P, Debpuur C, Binka F (2007) Using lay counsellors to promote community-based voluntary counselling and HIV testing in rural northern Ghana: A baseline survey on community acceptance and stigma. Journal of Biosocial Science, 39(5). 

  71. Binka F and Akweongo P (2006) Prevention of malaria using ITNs: Potential for achieving the millennium development goals. Current Molecular Medicine; 6:261-267. 

  72. Tindana TO, Kass S, Akweongo P (2006) Informed Consent Process in a rural Africa Setting: A case study of the Kassena-Nankana District of Northern Ghana. Ethics and Human Research; 28 (3): 1-6.

  73. Baiden F, Baiden R, Williams J, Akweongo P, Clerk C, Debpuur C, Phillips JF, Hodgson A (2005) Review of antenatal-linked voluntary counseling and HIV testing in sub-Saharan Africa: Lessons and options for Ghana. Ghana Medical Journal 39(1): 8–13.

  74. Ngom P, Debpuur C, Akweongo P, Adongo P. and Binka FN.  (2003) Gate-keeping and women’s health seeking behaviour in Navrongo, northern Ghana. African Journal of Reproductive Health, 7 (1): 17-26.

  75. Jackson EF, Akweongo P, Hodgson A, Asuru R, Phillips JF. (2003) Inconsistent reporting of female genital cutting status in northern Ghana. Studies in Family Planning, 34(3): 200-210.

  76. Ngom P, Akweongo P, Bawah AA, Adongo PB, Binka FN. (1999). Maternal Mortality in Kassena-Nankana District, Northern Ghana. Studies in Family Planning; (2): 142-147.

  77. Bawah AA, Akweongo P, Simmons R, Phillips JF. (1999) Women’s Fears and Men’s Anxieties. The Impact of Family Planning on Gender Relations in Northern Ghana. Studies in Family Planning; 30(1): 54-66.

  78. Adongo BP, Akweongo P and Binka F.N. and Mbacke C. (1998) Female genital mutilation: Socio-cultural factors that influence the practice in the Kassena-Nankana District of Northern Ghana. African Journal of Reproductive Health, 2 (2): 25-36.

  79. Mbacke C, Adongo BP, Akweongo P, Binka FN. (1998) Prevalence and Correlates of Female Genital Mutilation in the Kassena- Nankana District of Northern Ghana. African Journal of Reproductive Health, 2 (2): 13-24.

Completed Projects

TitleRole on the ProjectDuration of the Project Funder
Health systems Governance for an inclusive and sustainable social health Protection in Ghana and TanzaniaCo-PI2016-2019R4D-SNSF
PERFORM (Supporting decentralized management to improve health workforce performance in Ghana, Uganda and Tanzania,Co-PI2011-2014EU Grant
Project: MASCOT ((Multilateral Association for Studying health inequalities and enhancing North-South and South-South COoperaTion)Co-PI2011-2015EU Grant
INESS Project: Indepth-Network Effectiveness and Safety Studies of Anti-malarials in AfricaCo-PI2009-2014Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF)
Improving health care delivery in urban communities in Africa using the community directed Intervention approachCo-PI



A Socio-economic study of the impact of Meningitis in the Kassena-Nankana District of Northern GhanaPI2010-2011Google through University of Colorado
QUALMAT- Quality of prenatal and maternal care: Bridging the know-do gapCo-PI2009-2013EU Grant
West Africa Malaria Initiative for EliminationCo-PI2010-2011Spanish Development Cooperation
IPTi Consortium: Exploring community acceptability of IPTi in Upper East RegionCo-PI2007-2009BMGF through University of Barcelona
Home Management of Malaria using RDTS in urban settings: A case study of the Bolgatanga MunicipalityPI2006-2009WHO/TDR
Reaching the poor with Exemptions Schemes in Ghana: An intervention to test Community. Identification Criteria for Implementing Exemptions in the Kassena-Nankana district of northern GhanaPI2006-2008Ghana-Dutch Award
Community acceptability of artesunate-amodiaquine for the treatment of uncomplicated malaria in GhanaPI2006-2007INDEPTH-Network
Exploratory research on inequality in access to Health information For management of malaria in Children: Role of Health Information Recipients Principal InvestigatorPI2005-2007WHO/TDR award
Averting preventable maternal mortality: Delays and barriers to the utilization of emergency obstetric care in Kassena-Nankana District, GhanaPI2005-2006The World Bank
Does the use of community lay counselors improve access to VCTCo-PI2004-2005INDEPTH Network
Research in Equity in Access to Health Care: A case study of Malaria control interventions in the Kassena-Nankana district of Northern GhanaPI2003-2004WHO/TDR   
Community intervention for the Eradication of Female Genital Mutilation in the Kassena-Nankana district of Northern Ghana   PI1999-2003                                                                                                               USAID/sub-grant-Population Council   

Community willingness and ability to pay for insecticide treated nets in the Bolgatanga district of northern Ghana

