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Dr. Leonard Baatiema

Senior Lecturer

Contact Info Email:

Education and Qualification


  • Australian Catholic University, Sydney, Australia 
  • London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK 
  • Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Kumasi, Ghana 
  • University of Melbourne & UNICEF, Melbourne, Australia 
  • Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp-Belgium 




  • PhD in Public Health
  • MSc in Health, Community and Development
  • BA in Geography and Rural Development
  • Certificate in Health Systems Strengthening 
  • Certificate in Non-Communicable Diseases

Working Experience

2020-Present     Lecturer, Department of Health Policy, Planning and Management, School of Public health,                             College of Health Sciences, University of Ghana

2018-2020         Postdoctoral Research Fellow, ACE-NCDs Hub, Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical                                   Research, University of Ghana, Legon

2017-2017         Sessional Lecturer/Lecturer in Charge (Coordinator) for Programs and Practices for Health                               Promotion Unit, Faculty of Health Sciences, Australian Catholic University, Sydney

2012-2014         Health Policy Analyst, ISODEC Northern Ghana Programs, Ghana 


  1. Ganle, J. K., Baatiema, L., Ayamah, P., Ofori, C. A. E., Ameyaw, E. K., Seidu, A. A., & Ankomah, A. (2021). Family planning for urban slums in low-and middle-income countries: a scoping review of interventions/service delivery models and their impact. International journal for equity in health, 20(1), 1-15.

  2. de-Graft Aikins, A; Sanuade, O; Baatiema, L; Asante, P.Y; Agyei, F; Asah-Ayeh, V; Okai, J; Osei- Tutu, A; Koram A.K. (2021) COVID-19, chronic conditions and multidimensional poverty: assessing the needs of a vulnerable community in Accra, Ghana". Journal of Social and Political Psychology 

  3. Sanuade, O. A., Baatiema, L., Adjaye-Gbewonyo, K., & de-Graft  Aikins, A. (2021). Improving stroke care in Ghana: a roundtable discussion with communities, healthcare providers, policymakers and civil society organisations. Ghana Medical Journal, 55(2), 147-151.

  4. Boatemaa, K.S., Sanuade, A.O., Baatiema, L., et al. (2021). Non-communicable disease comorbidities in the KwaZulu-Natal province of South Africa. South African Medical Journal 

  5. Sanuade, O. A., Baatiema, L., Christian, A. K., & Puplampu, P. (2021). Cardiovascular risk factors among patients with human immunodeficiency viral infection at a tertiary hospital in Ghana: a cross-sectional study. The Pan African Medical Journal, 38. 317. 

  6. Mirzoev, T., Koduah, A., de Chavez, A. C., Baatiema, L., Danso-Appiah, A., Ensor, T., ... & King, N. (2021). Implementation of medicines pricing policies in sub-Saharan Africa: protocol for a systematic review. BMJ open, 11(2), e044293.

  7. Peer., N., Baatiema., L., & Kengne., P.A. (2021) Cardiovascular disease burden in Africa: current challenges and outlook for the future Expert Review of Cardiovascular Therapy 

  8. Baatiema., L., Sanuade, O., Ganle., K.J., Sumah, A., Baatiema, L., Sumankuuro., L (2020). An ecological approach to understanding stroke experience and access to rehabilitation services in Ghana: a cross-sectional study. Health & Social Care in the Community

  9. Baatiema., L., de-Graft Aikins., A., Sarfo., F., Abimbola, S., Ganle., J.K., Somerset., S. (2020) Improving the quality of care for people who had a stroke in a low-middle-income country: a qualitative analysis of health care professionals’ perspectives. Health Expectations 

  10. Menyanu E, Baatiema L, Charlton K, et al. (2020). Towards Population Salt Reduction to Control High Blood Pressure in Ghana: A Policy Direction. Curr Dev Nutr. ;4(Suppl 3):naa084. Published 2020 

  11. Baatiema., L., Abimbola, S., de-Graft Aikins., A., Damasceno., A., Kengne., P.A., Sarfo., F., Charway., F.A., Somerset., S. (2019). Towards evidence-based policies to strengthen stroke care in low-middle-income countries, Journal of the Neurological Sciences

  12. Ganle, J. K., Boakye, P. P., & Baatiema, L. (2019). Childhood obesity in urban Ghana: evidence from a cross-sectional survey of in-school children aged 5–16 years. BMC public health, 19(1), 1-12.

  13. Abimbola S, Baatiema L, Bigdeli M. (2019) The impacts of decentralization on health system equity, efficiency and resilience: a realist synthesis of the evidence. Health Policy and Planning doi: 101093/heapol/czz055 

  14. Sumah A.M., Baatiema L. (2019). Decentralisation and management of human resource for health in the health system of Ghana: a decision space analysis. Int J Health Policy Manag.; doi:10.15171/ijhpm.2018.8 

  15. Baatiema, L., Otim, M. E., Mnatzaganian, G., Aikins, A. D. G., Coombes, J., & Somerset, S. (2017). Health professionals’ views on the barriers and enablers to evidence-based practice for acute stroke care: a systematic review. Implementation Science, 12(1),1-15.

  16. Baatiema, L., de-Graft Aikins, A., Sav, A., Mnatzaganian, G., Chan, C., Somerset, S. (2017). Barriers to evidence-based acute stroke care in Ghana: a qualitative study on the perspectives of stroke care professionals. BMJ Open, 7(4): e015385, 

  17. Baatiema, L., Otim, M., Mnatzaganian, G., de-Graft Aikins, A., Coombes, J., Somerset, S. (2017). Towards Best Practice in Acute Stroke Care in Ghana: A Survey of Hospital Services. BMC Health Services Research, 17: 108 doi 10.1186/s12913-017-2061-2 

  18. Baatiema, L., Chan, C., Sav, A., Somerset, S. (2017). Interventions for Acute Stroke Management in Africa: A Systematic Review of the Evidence. Systematic Reviews

  19. Baatiema L, Sumah AM, Tang PN, & Ganle JK (2016). Community health workers in Ghana: the need for greater policy attention. BMJ Global Health; 1:e000141. doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2016-000141. 

  20. Sumah, A., Baatiema, L., & Abimbola, S. (2016). The Impacts of Decentralisation on Health-Related Equity: A Systematic Review of the Evidence. Health Policy, 120(10), 

  21. Ganle JK, Obeng B, Segbefia YA, Mwinyuri V, Yeboah YJ, & Baatiema L (2015).  How intra- familial decision-making affects women’s access to, and use of maternal healthcare services in Ghana: a qualitative study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth15:173

  22. Baatiema, L., Skovdal, M., Campbell, C., & Rifkin, S. (2013). Assessing Participation in a Community-based Health Planning and Services Programme in Ghana. BMC Health Services Research, 13. doi: 10.1186/1472-6963-13-233 

Ongoing Projects

Title  Role on the ProjectDuration of the Project Funder
The Ghana Non-Communicable Diseases and Injury Poverty Commission ProjectPrincipal Investigator2021-2022Partners for Health/Harvard Medical School

Contextual Awareness, Response and Evaluation: Diabetes in Ghana


Co-Investigator2020-2022UKRI/Medical Research Council
Redesigning health systems for improved health outcomes among people living with NCDs during COVID-19 and future public health emergencies in GhanaPrincipal Investigator 2021-2022NIH

Completed Projects

TitleRole on the ProjectDuration of the Project Funder

Improving equitable access to essential medicines in Ghana through bridging the gaps in implementing

medicines pricing policy


Research Officer March 2020- May 2021NIHR Global Health, Policy and Systems Research Programme